module Rails def self.public_path File.dirname(__FILE__) end def self.env 'test' end end class Application < ActionController::Base def runtime_error raise "This is a runtime error that we should be emailed about" end def ar_record_not_found #From SuperExceptionNotifier::CustomExceptionMethods record_not_found end def name_error raise NameError end def unknown_controller raise ActionController::UnknownController end def local_request? false end end class SpecialErrorThing < RuntimeError end class BasicController < Application include ExceptionNotifiable end class CustomSilentExceptions < Application include ExceptionNotifiable self.exception_notifiable_verbose = false self.exception_notifiable_silent_exceptions = [RuntimeError] end class EmptySilentExceptions < Application include ExceptionNotifiable self.exception_notifiable_verbose = false self.exception_notifiable_silent_exceptions = [] end class NilSilentExceptions < Application include ExceptionNotifiable self.exception_notifiable_verbose = false self.exception_notifiable_silent_exceptions = nil end class DefaultSilentExceptions < Application include ExceptionNotifiable self.exception_notifiable_verbose = false end class OldStyle < Application include ExceptionNotifiable self.exception_notifiable_verbose = false end class NewStyle < Application include ExceptionNotifiable self.exception_notifiable_verbose = false rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |exception| render :text => "404", :status => 404 end rescue_from RuntimeError do |exception| render :text => "500", :status => 500 end end