module Tinder # == Usage # # campfire = 'mysubdomain' # campfire.login '', 'mypassword' # room = campfire.create_room 'New Room', 'My new campfire room to test tinder' # room.speak 'Hello world!' # room.destroy class Campfire attr_reader :subdomain, :uri # Create a new connection to the campfire account with the given +subdomain+. # There's an +:ssl+ option to use SSL for the connection. # # c ="mysubdomain", :ssl => true) def initialize(subdomain, options = {}) options = { :ssl => false }.merge(options) @cookie = nil @subdomain = subdomain @uri = URI.parse("#{options[:ssl] ? 'https' : 'http' }://#{subdomain}") end # Log in to campfire using your +email+ and +password+ def login(email, password) unless verify_response(post("login", :email_address => email, :password => password), :redirect_to => url_for(:only_path => false)) raise Error, "Campfire login failed" end @logged_in = true end # Returns true when successfully logged in def logged_in? @logged_in === true end def logout returning verify_response(get("logout"), :redirect) do |result| @logged_in = !result end end # Get an array of all the available rooms # TODO: detect rooms that are full (no link) def rooms Hpricot(get.body).search("//h2/a").collect do |a|, room_id_from_url(a.attributes['href']), a.inner_html) end end # Find a campfire room by name def find_room_by_name(name) rooms.detect {|room| == name } end # Creates and returns a new Room with the given +name+ and optionally a +topic+ def create_room(name, topic = nil) find_room_by_name(name) if verify_response(post("account/create/room?from=lobby", {:room => {:name => name, :topic => topic}}, :ajax => true), :success) end def find_or_create_room_by_name(name) find_room_by_name(name) || create_room(name) end # List the users that are currently chatting in any room def users(*room_names) users = Hpricot(get.body).search("").collect do |room| if room_names.empty? || room_names.include?((room/"h2/a").inner_html)"//li.user").collect { |user| user.inner_html } end end users.flatten.compact.uniq.sort end # Get the dates of the available transcripts by room # # campfire.available_transcripts # #=> {"15840" => [#, #]} # def available_transcripts(room = nil) url = "files%2Btranscripts" url += "?room_id#{room}" if room transcripts = (Hpricot(get(url).body) / ".transcript").inject({}) do |result,transcript| link = (transcript / "a").first.attributes['href'] (result[room_id_from_url(link)] ||= []) << Date.parse(link.scan(/\/transcript\/(\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2})/).to_s) result end room ? transcripts[room.to_s] : transcripts end # Deprecated: only included for backwards compatability def host #:nodoc: end # Is the connection to campfire using ssl? def ssl? uri.scheme == 'https' end private def room_id_from_url(url) url.scan(/room\/(\d*)/).to_s end def url_for(*args) options = {:only_path => true}.merge(args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}) path = args.shift "#{options[:only_path] ? '' : uri}/#{path}" end def post(path, data = {}, options = {}) perform_request(options) do returning do |request| request.add_field 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' request.set_form_data flatten(data) end end end def get(path = nil, options = {}) perform_request(options) { } end def prepare_request(request, options = {}) returning request do request.add_field 'User-Agent', "Tinder/#{Tinder::VERSION::STRING} (" request.add_field 'Cookie', @cookie if @cookie if options[:ajax] request.add_field 'X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest' request.add_field 'X-Prototype-Version', '1.5.0_rc1' end end end def perform_request(options = {}, &block) @request = prepare_request(yield, options) http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = ssl? http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if ssl? @response = returning http.request(@request) do |response| @cookie = response['set-cookie'] if response['set-cookie'] end end # flatten a nested hash (:room => {:name => 'foobar'} to 'user[name]' => 'foobar') def flatten(params) params = params.dup params.stringify_keys!.each do |k,v| if v.is_a? Hash params.delete(k) v.each {|subk,v| params["#{k}[#{subk}]"] = v } end end end def verify_response(response, options = {}) if options.is_a?(Symbol) codes = case options when :success then [200] when :redirect then 300..399 else raise"Unknown response #{options}") end codes.include?(response.code.to_i) elsif options[:redirect_to] verify_response(response, :redirect) && response['location'] == options[:redirect_to] else false end end end end