module Perennial class Application class CommandEnv include Loggable # Executes a given block with given # arguments in a specified environment. # Used to provide the logger functionality # as well as the ability to do things # such as easily write generators. def self.execute(blk, arguments) klass = klass.class_eval { define_method(:apply, &blk) }*arguments) end end attr_accessor :options, :banner, :command_env def initialize(opts = {}) @options = opts @commands = {} @descriptions = {} @option_parsers = {} @option_parser = nil @command_options = {} @command_env = (opts[:command_env] || CommandEnv) @banners = {} end def option(name, description = nil) option_parser.add(name, description) { |v| @command_options[name] = v } end def add_default_options! option_parser.add_defaults! end def generator! if defined?(Generator) self.command_env = Generator::CommandEnv end end def controller!(controller, description) return unless defined?(Loader) add_default_options! option :kill, "Kill any runninng instances" controller_name = controller.to_s.underscore controller = controller.to_sym command_name = controller_name.gsub("_", "-") add("#{command_name} [PATH]", description) do |*args| options = args.extract_options! path = File.expand_path(args[0] || ".") Settings.root = path if options[:kill] puts "Attempting to kill processess..." Daemon.kill_all(controller) else!(controller) end end end def add(raw_command, description = nil, &blk) raise ArgumentError, "You must provide a block with an #{}#add" if blk.nil? raise ArgumentError, "Your block must accept atleast one argument (a hash of options)" if blk.arity == 0 command, _ = raw_command.split(" ", 2) @banners[command] = raw_command @commands[command] = blk @descriptions[command] = description if description.present? # Add the default help message for a command option_parser.add(:help, "Show this message") { help_for(command) } @option_parsers[command] = option_parser @option_parser = nil end def execute(arguments) return usage if arguments.empty? arguments = arguments.dup command = arguments.shift if @commands.has_key?(command) execute_command(command, arguments) else puts "Unknown command '#{command}', please try again." return usage end end def usage if banner.present? puts banner puts "" end puts "Usage:" max_width = { |b| b.length }.max @commands.keys.sort.each do |command| next unless @descriptions.has_key?(command) formatted_command = "#{@banners[command]} [OPTIONS]".ljust(max_width + 10) command = "%s - %s" % [formatted_command, @descriptions[command]] puts command end end def help_for(command) if banner.present? puts banner puts "" end puts @descriptions[command] puts "Usage: #{$0} #{@banners[command]} [options]" puts "Options:" puts @option_parsers[command].summary exit end def self.processing(args, &blk) application = if blk.arity == 1 else application.instance_eval(&blk) end application.execute args end protected def execute_command(command, arguments) command_proc = @commands[command] args, opts = extract_arguments(command, arguments) if valid_arity?(command_proc, args) args << opts @command_env.execute(command_proc, args) else usage end end def extract_arguments(command, arguments) option_parser = @option_parsers[command] if option_parser.present? option_parser.parse(arguments) return option_parser.arguments, @command_options else return arguments, {} end end def option_parser(reset = false) @option_parser = nil if reset @option_parser ||= end def valid_arity?(blk, arguments) needed_count = blk.arity - 1 provided_count = arguments.size if needed_count > 0 && needed_count != provided_count puts "You didn't provide the correct number of arguments (needed #{needed_count}, provided #{provided_count})" elsif needed_count < 0 && (-needed_count - 2) > provided_count puts "You didn't provide enough arguments - a minimum of #{-needed_count} are needed." else return true end end end end