jQuery(window).bind("load", function() { RecordSelect.document_loaded = true }); jQuery.fn.afterActivity = function(callback, delay, _this) { var element = jQuery(this); if (!delay) delay = 0.35; var elem; jQuery(this).bind(("keyup"), function(event) { // TODO 用中文输入法输英文时(输入asdf,回车),有问题 var keyCode = event.keyCode; switch( event.keyCode ) { case 0://Event.KEY_SPACE: case 13://keyCode.ENTER _this.clearActivityTimer(); _this.abortRequestXhr("ajaxGetSearh"); _this.abortRequestXhr("ajaxGetOpen"); case 16://keyCode.SHIFT: case 17://keyCode.CTRL: case 18://keyCode.ALT: case 20://keyCode.CAPSLOCK: case 27://Event.KEY_ESC: case 33://keyCode.PAGEUP: case 34://keyCode.PAGEDOWN: case 35://keyCode.END: case 36://keyCode.HOME: case 37://Event.KEY_LEFT: case 38://keyCode.UP: case 39://Event.KEY_RIGHT: case 40://keyCode.DOWN: return; } if(event.isDefaultPrevented()) return; _this.clearActivityTimer(); _this.abortRequestXhr("ajaxGetSearh"); _this.abortRequestXhr("ajaxGetOpen"); _this.activity_timer = setTimeout(function() { if(!_this.is_open()) _this.open(); form = element.nextAll('div.record-select-container').find('form'); callback = function(){form[0] && form[0].onsubmit(_this)}; // TODO is close auto open callback(element.value); }, delay * 1000 + 50); }); jQuery(this).bind(("keydown"), function(event) { var keyCode = event.keyCode; // hot keys if(event.shiftKey && event.altKey && keyCode == 78){ _this.clearActivityTimer(); _this.abortRequestXhr("ajaxGetSearh"); _this.abortRequestXhr("ajaxGetOpen"); _this.close(); return; } switch( event.keyCode ) { case 38://keyCode.UP: elem = _this.has_current() && _this.current.parent('.record-select') && _this.current.prev(":not(.found)"); if (elem && elem.length == 0) elem = _this.container.find("ol li:not(.found):last"); _this.highlight(elem); event.preventDefault(); return; case 40://keyCode.DOWN: if(!_this.is_open()) _this.open(); if (_this.has_current() && _this.current.parent('.record-select')) elem = _this.current.next(":not(.found)"); if (elem && elem.length == 0) elem = _this.container.find("ol li:not(.found):first"); 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var e = item.parents(".record-select-handler"); var my_onselect = e.my_onselect || e.attr('my_onselect') || e.prop('my_onselect'); if (typeof my_onselect != 'function') my_onselect = eval(my_onselect); if (my_onselect) { try { par = item.parent(); my_onselect(par.attr("id").substring(2), item.find('label').text() || item.text(), e); } catch(e) { alert(e); } return false; } else return true; return false; } jQuery.fn.recordSelectSingle = function(url, options) { var obj = $(this); var _this = {}; if(!options.openEvents) options.openEvents = "focus click"; var initialize = function(obj, url, options) { _this.obj = obj; _this.url = url; _this.options = options; _this.js_params = _this.options && _this.options.js_params; _this.container; if (RecordSelect.document_loaded) { _this.my_onload(); } else { jQuery(window).bind('load', _this.my_onload); } jQuery(document.body).bind('mousedown', _this.onbodyclick); }; _this.my_onload = function() { // initialize the container _this.container = _this.create_container(); 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_this.my_onselect = function(id, value, e) { if (_this.options.onchange) _this.options.onchange(_this.obj, id, value); _this.set(id, value); _this.obj.focus(); _this.close(); }; _this.open = function(ev) { var elem; if (_this.is_open()) return; if (_this.ajaxGetOpen) return; var _params = {search: _this.obj.val()}; if (_this.js_params) _params = $.extend(_params, _this.js_params()); _this.ajaxGetOpen = jQuery.get(_this.url, _params, function(data, b) { _this.ajaxGetOpen = null; _this.container.html(data); _this.show(); _this.highlightFirst(); // needs to be mousedown so the event doesn't get canceled by other code (see issue #26) }); }; _this.highlightFirst = function() { var elem = _this.container.find('ol li.record:first'); // prevent moving cursor to end of text field in some browsers _this.highlight(elem); }; _this.abortRequestXhr = function(reqXhrName) { if (_this[reqXhrName]) { _this[reqXhrName].abort(); _this[reqXhrName] = null; } }; _this.clearActivityTimer = function() { if (_this.activity_timer) clearTimeout(_this.activity_timer); 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