require_relative "spec_helper" class TestError < Exception; end describe Retriable do subject do Retriable end describe "with sleep disabled" do before do Retriable.configure do |c| c.sleep_disabled = true end end it "stops at first attempt if the block does not raise an exception" do attempts = 0 subject.retriable do attempts += 1 end attempts.must_equal 1 end it "raises a LocalJumpError if #retriable is not given a block" do -> do subject.retriable on: EOFError end.must_raise LocalJumpError -> do subject.retriable on: EOFError, timeout: 2 end.must_raise LocalJumpError end describe "#retriable block of code raising EOFError with no arguments" do before do @attempts = 0 subject.retriable do @attempts += 1 raise if @attempts < 3 end end it "uses exponential backoff" do @attempts.must_equal 3 end end it "#retriable on custom exception and re-raises the exception" do -> do subject.retriable on: TestError do raise end end.must_raise TestError end it "#retriable tries 10 times" do attempts = 0 subject.retriable( tries: 10 ) do attempts += 1 raise if attempts < 10 end attempts.must_equal 10 end it "#retriable will timeout after 1 second" do -> do subject.retriable timeout: 1 do sleep 2 end end.must_raise Timeout::Error end it "applies a randomized exponential backoff to each attempt" do @attempts = 0 @time_table = {} handler = ->(exception, attempt, elapsed_time, next_interval) do exception.class.must_equal ArgumentError @time_table[attempt] = next_interval end -> do Retriable.retriable( on: [EOFError, ArgumentError], on_retry: handler, rand_factor: 0.0, tries: 9 ) do @attempts += 1 raise end end.must_raise ArgumentError @time_table[1].between?(0.25, 0.75).must_equal true @time_table[2].between?(0.375, 1.125).must_equal true @time_table[3].between?(0.562, 1.687).must_equal true @time_table[4].between?(0.8435, 2.53).must_equal true @time_table[5].between?(1.265, 3.795).must_equal true @time_table[6].between?(1.897, 5.692).must_equal true @time_table[7].between?(2.846, 8.538).must_equal true @time_table[8].between?(4.269, 12.807).must_equal true @time_table[9].between?(6.403, 19.210).must_equal true end describe "retries with an on_#retriable handler, 6 max retries, and a 0.0 rand_factor" do before do tries = 6 @attempts = 0 @time_table = {} handler = ->(exception, attempt, elapsed_time, next_interval) do exception.class.must_equal ArgumentError @time_table[attempt] = next_interval end Retriable.retriable( on: [EOFError, ArgumentError], on_retry: handler, rand_factor: 0.0, tries: tries ) do @attempts += 1 raise if @attempts < tries end end it "makes 6 attempts" do @attempts.must_equal 6 end it "applies a non-randomized exponential backoff to each attempt" do @time_table.must_equal({ 1 => 0.5, 2 => 0.75, 3 => 1.125, 4 => 1.6875, 5 => 2.53125 }) end end it "#retriable has a max interval of 1.5 seconds" do tries = 6 attempts = 0 time_table = {} handler = ->(exception, attempt, elapsed_time, next_interval) do time_table[attempt] = next_interval end subject.retriable( on: EOFError, on_retry: handler, rand_factor: 0.0, tries: tries, max_interval: 1.5 ) do attempts += 1 raise if attempts < tries end time_table.must_equal({ 1 => 0.5, 2 => 0.75, 3 => 1.125, 4 => 1.5, 5 => 1.5 }) end it "#retriable with defined intervals" do intervals = [ 0.5, 0.75, 1.125, 1.5, 1.5 ] time_table = {} handler = ->(exception, attempt, elapsed_time, next_interval) do time_table[attempt] = next_interval end -> do subject.retriable( on: EOFError, on_retry: handler, intervals: intervals ) do raise end end.must_raise EOFError time_table.must_equal({ 1 => 0.5, 2 => 0.75, 3 => 1.125, 4 => 1.5, 5 => 1.5 }) end it "#retriable with a hash exception where the value is an exception message pattern" do e = -> do subject.retriable on: { TestError => /something went wrong/ } do raise'something went wrong') end end.must_raise TestError e.message.must_equal "something went wrong" end it "#retriable with a hash exception list where the values are exception message patterns" do attempts = 0 tries = [] handler = ->(exception, attempt, elapsed_time, next_interval) do tries[attempt] = exception end e = -> do subject.retriable tries: 4, on: { EOFError => nil, TestError => [/foo/, /bar/] }, on_retry: handler do attempts += 1 case attempts when 1 raise'foo') when 2 raise'bar') when 3 raise else raise'crash') end end end.must_raise TestError e.message.must_equal "crash" tries[1].class.must_equal TestError tries[1].message.must_equal "foo" tries[2].class.must_equal TestError tries[2].message.must_equal "bar" tries[3].class.must_equal EOFError end it "#retriable can be called in the global scope" do -> do retriable do puts "should raise NoMethodError" end end.must_raise NoMethodError require_relative "../lib/retriable/core_ext/kernel" attempts = 0 retriable do attempts += 1 raise if attempts < 3 end attempts.must_equal 3 end end it "#retriable runs for a max elapsed time of 2 seconds" do subject.configure do |c| c.sleep_disabled = false end subject.config.sleep_disabled.must_equal false attempts = 0 time_table = {} handler = ->(exception, attempt, elapsed_time, next_interval) do time_table[attempt] = elapsed_time end -> do subject.retriable( base_interval: 1.0, multiplier: 1.0, rand_factor: 0.0, max_elapsed_time: 2.0, on_retry: handler ) do attempts += 1 raise end end.must_raise EOFError attempts.must_equal 2 end end