Z" !62Ri.&! 4 "U 2x ( 7  * A M W Fi  ' 6 & C F ZX      # 4 S s  $      < ] p 6 k b2 ! -133eb'($M mTx0-^ ~"$ /<O$_#,QPT 7 Xb;~N/ 9Vi%#%F 9FVi p|9$HNjmN}%+B#n* # @az4jmF( "$G+K0wd# '1!Y{S !% )6:F ! !#6 I Vc*s-Y k  1V?K7" 3)+T(H$ 4U*BX'M-DAS.5/,RZ2CG;8=>0JQ#Y<F&EI@L9%NWP:O 6 !%s: %s%{param} was deleted successfully.'%s' is not a valid date, or Add a default parameter to configAdded %{key_val} default-option with value %{val_val}.Added %{key_val} default-option with value that will be generated from the server.Any combination (comma separated list) of '%s'At least one of options %s is requiredCan be specified multiple times. Character to separate the valuesComma-separated list of key=value.Could not load the API description from the serverCouldn't find the requested param in %s.Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 formatDefault: Defaults managementDelete a default paramDescriptionError: %sError: %{message}Error: Some of the required modules are disabled in configuration: %s Exit interactive shellExplicitly turn interactive mode on/offFile %s not writeable, won't log anything to the file!Get list of possible endingsIdInteractive shellLegacy configuration of modules detected. Check section about configuration in user manualList all the default parametersList all the providersMessageMissing arguments for %sNameNo permissions to create log dir %sNo such sub-command '%s'One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.Option %s is requiredOptions %s are requiredOutput as CSV (same as --output=csv)ParameterPossible value(s): %sPrint help for commandsProviderSee: '%{path} --help'Set output format. One of [%s]Show ids of associated resourcesSupported defaultsThe name of the default optionThe name of the default option (e.g. organization_id).The name of the provider providing the value. For list available providers see `hammer defaults providers`.The param name is not supported by provider. See `hammer defaults providers` for supported params.The value for the default optionType 'help' for usage informationUnable to parse JSON inputUnknown option name '%s'Unrecognised option '%s'ValueWarning: An error occured while loading module %sWarning: Option %{option} is deprecated. %{message}Warning: location hammer.modules.d is deprecated, move your module configurations to cli.modules.dWelcome to the hammer interactive shellYou can't set all options %s at one timeYou can't set any of options %sbe verbosecan't replace subcommand %s (%s) with %s (%s)force reload of Apipie cacheis the server down?nono value providednumeric value is requiredoption '%