# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Arachni::HTTP::Response do it_should_behave_like 'Arachni::HTTP::Message' before( :all ) do @http = Arachni::HTTP::Client @url = web_server_url_for( :client ) @subject = @http.get( @url, mode: :sync ) end let(:url) { 'http://test.com' } subject { @subject } it "supports #{Arachni::RPC::Serializer}" do expect(subject).to eq(Arachni::RPC::Serializer.deep_clone( subject )) end describe '#to_rpc_data' do let(:data) { subject.to_rpc_data } %w(url code ip_address headers body time app_time total_time return_code return_message).each do |attribute| it "includes '#{attribute}'" do expect(data[attribute]).to eq(subject.send( attribute )) end end it "includes 'request'" do expect(data['request']).to eq(subject.request.to_rpc_data) end it "does not include 'scope" do expect(data).not_to include 'scope' end end describe '.from_rpc_data' do let(:restored) { described_class.from_rpc_data data } let(:data) { Arachni::RPC::Serializer.rpc_data( subject ) } %w(url code ip_address headers body time app_time total_time return_code return_message request).each do |attribute| it "restores '#{attribute}'" do expect(restored.send( attribute )).to eq(subject.send( attribute )) end end end describe '#status_line' do it 'returns the first line of the response' do expect(@http.get( @url, mode: :sync ).status_line).to eq('HTTP/1.1 200 OK') end end describe '#modified?' do context 'when the #code is' do describe '200' do it 'returns false' do expect(described_class.new( url: @url, code: 200 )).to be_modified end end describe '304' do it 'returns true' do expect(described_class.new( url: @url, code: 304 )).not_to be_modified end end end end describe '#redirection?' do context 'when the response is a redirection' do it 'returns true' do 300.upto( 399 ) do |c| expect(described_class.new( url: 'http://test.com', code: c, headers: { location: '/test' }).redirection?).to be_truthy end end end context 'when the response is not a redirection' do it 'returns false' do expect(described_class.new( url: 'http://test.com', code: 200 ).redirection?).to be_falsey end end end describe '#to_s' do it 'returns the HTTP response as a string' do expect(subject.to_s).to eq("#{subject.headers_string}#{subject.body}") end end describe '#platforms' do it 'returns the platform manager for the resource' do expect(Factory[:response].platforms).to be_kind_of Arachni::Platform::Manager end end describe '#app_time' do it 'returns the approximated webap pprocessing time' do response = @http.get( @url, mode: :sync ) expect(response.app_time).to be > 0 expect(response.app_time).to be < 0.01 response = @http.get( "#{@url}/sleep", mode: :sync ) expect(response.app_time).to be > 5 expect(response.app_time).to be < 5.01 end end describe '#ok?' do before do subject.return_code = return_code end context 'when #return_code is' do context ':ok' do let(:return_code) { :ok } expect_it { to be_ok } end context 'not :ok' do let(:return_code) { :blah } expect_it { to_not be_ok } end context 'missing' do let(:return_code) { nil } expect_it { to be_ok } end end end describe '#html?' do context 'when it starts with an HTML doctype' do subject do described_class.new( url: 'http://test.com', code: 200, body: body ) end let(:body) { ' content_type } ) end ['text/html', 'text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1', 'text/html ; charset=ISO-8859-1', 'application/xhtml+xml', 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=ISO-8859-1', 'application/xhtml+xml ; charset=ISO-8859-1'].each do |content_type| context content_type.downcase do let(:content_type) { content_type.downcase } expect_it { to be_html } end context content_type.upcase do let(:content_type) { content_type.upcase } expect_it { to be_html } end end context 'other' do let(:content_type) { 'text/plain' } expect_it { to_not be_html } end context 'missing' do context 'and X-Content-Type-Options is' do context 'missing' do context 'and the body includes HTML identifier' do subject do described_class.new( url: 'http://test.com', code: 200, body: body ) end described_class::HTML_IDENTIFIERS.each do |id| context id.downcase do let(:body) { id.downcase } expect_it { to be_html } end context id.upcase do let(:body) { id.upcase } expect_it { to be_html } end end context 'other' do let(:body) { 'Stuff here' } expect_it { to_not be_html } end end end context 'nosniff' do context 'and the body includes HTML identifier' do subject do described_class.new( url: 'http://test.com', code: 200, body: body, headers: { 'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff' } ) end described_class::HTML_IDENTIFIERS.each do |id| context id.downcase do let(:body) { id.downcase } expect_it { to_not be_html } end context id.upcase do let(:body) { id.upcase } expect_it { to_not be_html } end end context 'other' do let(:body) { 'Stuff here' } expect_it { to_not be_html } end end end end end end end describe '#partial?' do context 'when the response body does not match the content-lenth' do it 'returns true' do response = @http.get( "#{@url}/partial", mode: :sync ) expect(response).to be_partial end end context 'when the response body matches the content-length' do it 'returns false' do response = @http.get( @url, mode: :sync ) expect(response).to_not be_partial end end context 'when dealing with a stream' do context 'that does not complete' do it 'returns true' do response = @http.get( "#{@url}/partial_stream", mode: :sync ) expect(response.return_code).to eq :partial_file expect(response).to be_partial end end context 'that closes abruptly' do it 'returns true' do response = @http.get( "#{@url}/fail_stream", mode: :sync ) expect(response.return_code).to eq :recv_error expect(response).to be_partial end end context 'that completes' do it 'returns false' do response = @http.get( "#{@url}/stream", mode: :sync ) expect(response).to_not be_partial end end end end describe '#text?' do context 'when the content-type is' do context 'text/*' do it 'returns true' do h = { url: 'http://test.com', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/stuff' }, body: 'stuff' } expect(described_class.new( h ).text?).to be_truthy end end context 'application/*' do context 'and the response body is' do context 'binary' do it 'returns false' do h = { url: 'http://test.com', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/stuff' }, body: "\00\00\00" } expect(described_class.new( h ).text?).to be_falsey end end context 'text' do it 'returns true' do h = { url: 'http://test.com', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/stuff' }, body: 'stuff' } expect(described_class.new( h ).text?).to be_truthy end end end end context 'other' do it 'returns false' do h = { url: 'http://test.com', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'blah/stuff' }, body: 'stuff' } expect(described_class.new( h ).text?).to be_falsey end end context 'nil' do context 'and the response body is' do context 'binary' do it 'returns false' do h = { url: 'http://test.com', body: "\00\00\00" } expect(described_class.new( h ).text?).to eq(false) end end context 'text' do it 'returns true' do h = { url: 'http://test.com', body: 'stuff' } expect(described_class.new( h ).text?).to eq(true) end end context 'inconclusive' do it 'returns nil' do r = described_class.new( url: 'http://test.com', body: "abc\u3042\x81" ) expect(r.text?).to be_nil end end end end end end describe '#to_page' do it 'returns an Arachni::Page based on the response data' do body = <<-EOHTML 1 2 3 EOHTML response = described_class.new( request: Arachni::HTTP::Request.new( url: 'http://a-url.com/', method: :get, headers: { 'req-header-name' => 'req header value' } ), code: 200, url: 'http://a-url.com/?myvar=my%20value', body: body, headers: { 'res-header-name' => 'res header value', 'Set-Cookie' => 'cookiename=cokie+value' } ) parser = Arachni::Parser.new( response ) page = parser.page expect(page.url).to eq(parser.url) expect(page.method).to eq(parser.response.request.method) expect(page.response).to eq(parser.response) expect(page.body).to eq(parser.response.body) expect(page.query_vars).to eq(parser.link_vars) expect(page.paths).to eq(parser.paths) expect(page.links).to eq(parser.links) expect(page.forms).to eq(parser.forms) expect(page.cookies).to eq(parser.cookies_to_be_audited) expect(page.headers).to eq(parser.headers) expect(page.cookie_jar).to eq(parser.cookie_jar) expect(page.text?).to eq(parser.text?) end end describe '#time=' do it 'sets the #time' do r = described_class.new( url: url ) r.time = 1.2 expect(r.time).to eq(1.2) end it 'casts to Float' do r = described_class.new( url: url ) r.time = '1.2' expect(r.time).to eq(1.2) end end describe '#time' do it 'defaults to 0.0' do expect(described_class.new( url: url ).time).to eq(0.0) end end describe '#body=' do it 'sets the #body' do body = 'Stuff...' r = described_class.new( url: url ) r.body = body expect(r.body).to eq(body) end it 'forces it to a string' do r = described_class.new( url: url ) r.body = nil expect(r.body).to eq('') end context 'when content-length is' do let(:body) { "abc\u3042\x81" } context 'text-based' do it 'removes invalid characters' do r = described_class.new( url: 'http://test.com', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/stuff' }, body: 'stuff' ) r.body = body expect(r.body).to eq("abcあ�") end end context 'not text-based' do it 'preserves invalid characters' do r = described_class.new( url: 'http://test.com', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'binary/stuff' }, body: 'stuff' ) r.body = body expect(r.body).to eq(body) end end context 'not available' do it 'removes invalid characters' do r = described_class.new( url: 'http://test.com' ) r.body = body expect(r.body).to eq("abcあ�") end end end end describe '#==' do context 'when responses are identical' do it 'returns true' do h = { url: 'http://test.com', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/stuff' }, body: 'stuff' } expect(described_class.new( h.dup )).to eq(described_class.new( h.dup )) end end context 'when responses are not identical' do it 'returns false' do expect(described_class.new( url: 'http://test.com', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/stuff' }, body: 'stuff' )).not_to eq( described_class.new( url: 'http://test.com', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/stuff1' }, body: 'stuff' ) ) end end end describe '#to_h' do it 'returns a hash representation of self' do h = { url: 'http://stuff.com/', code: 200, ip_address: '', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'test/html' }, headers_string: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', body: 'stuff', time: 1.2, total_time: 2.2, return_code: :ok, return_message: 'No error' } expect(described_class.new( h ).to_h).to eq(h) end end end