# RefineryCMS Generators ## Dependencies This version is targeted at RefineryCMS versions 1.0.0 and higher. Before that, these were built in but we've extracted them to provide greater flexibility for all future versions. ## Engine Generator The Refinery generator is a standard Rails generator that functions just like the scaffold generator. It allows you to quickly add new managed sections to the Refinery backend and get the front end views for free. To see how to use the generator run rails generate refinery_engine Usage instructions should appear. ### Engine Generator Example Let's say you have a client who has a range of products they want to show on their website. You've considered using a few pages to manage the products but you've decided it would be much nicer if there was a separate place that had forms dedicated to managing products. First decide what fields they need to manage. In our case, the client is going to want to edit the title and description of each product. They would also like a little "facts panel" to show on the right of the page. So go to the root of your project and run rails generate refinery_engine This will output the help on how to use the generator. To generate the new section we want to manage products we run: rails generate refinery_engine product title:string description:text image:image brochure:resource The generator will output a list of files it generated. You'll notice there is a new engine that has been added in `vendor/engines/products`. This is where both the backend and front end files are held for this new products area. Engines are treated like gems. When you generate a new engine it adds the gem dependency for this engine to the end of your `Gemfile`. Because your `Gemfile` has changed you now need to run: bundle install When the products engine was generated a products generator was also created. This installs any migrations and seeds into your Rails app. Here's how to finish off the install: rails generate refinerycms_products rake db:migrate Start up your app by running ``ruby script/server`` go to [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) and you'll see instantly a new menu item called "products". Click on that and you'll see there are no products yet. Now go to the backend of your site by visiting [http://localhost:3000/refinery](http://localhost:3000/refinery) and logging in. You'll see a new tab called "Products", click on that and then click "Add a new product", fill the form and add an example product. Now go back to the front end and you'll see your product is showing up in the products part of your site. Now you have a fully managed products section in Refinery, nice. If you want to modify your generated engine you need to understand the basic structure of how they work. See: [The Structure of an Engine](https://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/doc/engines.md) ## Nesting Engines: Generating Engines Inside Engines Say you have an existing Products engine and you wanted to add a Categories engine inside it so the projects can be sorted in categories. rails generate refinery_engine category title:string product:engine