require 'devise/strategies/token_authenticatable' module Devise module Models # Token Authenticatable Module, responsible for generate authentication token and validating # authenticity of a user while signing in using an authentication token (say follows an URL). # # == Configuration: # # You can overwrite configuration values by setting in globally in Devise (+Devise.setup+), # using devise method, or overwriting the respective instance method. # # +token_authentication_key+ - Defines name of the authentication token params key. E.g. /users/sign_in?some_key=... # # == Examples: # # User.authenticate_with_token(:auth_token => '123456789') # returns authenticated user or nil # User.find(1).valid_authentication_token?('rI1t6PKQ8yP7VetgwdybB') # returns true/false # module TokenAuthenticatable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do before_save :ensure_authentication_token end # Generate new authentication token (a.k.a. "single access token"). def reset_authentication_token self.authentication_token = self.class.authentication_token end # Generate new authentication token and save the record. def reset_authentication_token! reset_authentication_token end # Generate authentication token unless already exists. def ensure_authentication_token self.reset_authentication_token if self.authentication_token.blank? end # Generate authentication token unless already exists and save the record. def ensure_authentication_token! self.reset_authentication_token! if self.authentication_token.blank? end # Verifies whether an +incoming_authentication_token+ (i.e. from single access URL) # is the user authentication token. def valid_authentication_token?(incoming_auth_token) incoming_auth_token.present? && incoming_auth_token == self.authentication_token end module ClassMethods ::Devise::Models.config(self, :token_authentication_key) # Authenticate a user based on authentication token. def authenticate_with_token(attributes) token = attributes[self.token_authentication_key] resource = self.find_for_token_authentication(token) resource if resource.try(:valid_authentication_token?, token) end def authentication_token ::Devise.friendly_token end protected # Find first record based on conditions given (ie by the sign in form). # Overwrite to add customized conditions, create a join, or maybe use a # namedscope to filter records while authenticating. # # == Example: # # def self.find_for_token_authentication(token, conditions = {}) # conditions = {:active => true} # self.find_by_authentication_token(token, :conditions => conditions) # end # def find_for_token_authentication(token) self.find(:first, :conditions => { :authentication_token => token}) end end end end end