# = client.rb - Sphinx Client API # # Author:: Dmytro Shteflyuk <mailto:kpumuk@kpumuk.info>. # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008 Dmytro Shteflyuk # License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby # Version:: 0.9.9-r1299 # Website:: http://kpumuk.info/projects/ror-plugins/sphinx # # This library is distributed under the terms of the Ruby license. # You can freely distribute/modify this library. # ==Sphinx Client API # # The Sphinx Client API is used to communicate with <tt>searchd</tt> # daemon and get search results from Sphinx. # # ===Usage # # sphinx = Sphinx::Client.new # result = sphinx.Query('test') # ids = result['matches'].map { |match| match['id'] }.join(',') # posts = Post.find :all, :conditions => "id IN (#{ids})" # # docs = posts.map(&:body) # excerpts = sphinx.BuildExcerpts(docs, 'index', 'test') require 'socket' module Sphinx # :stopdoc: class SphinxError < StandardError; end class SphinxArgumentError < SphinxError; end class SphinxConnectError < SphinxError; end class SphinxResponseError < SphinxError; end class SphinxInternalError < SphinxError; end class SphinxTemporaryError < SphinxError; end class SphinxUnknownError < SphinxError; end # :startdoc: class Client # :stopdoc: # Known searchd commands # search command SEARCHD_COMMAND_SEARCH = 0 # excerpt command SEARCHD_COMMAND_EXCERPT = 1 # update command SEARCHD_COMMAND_UPDATE = 2 # keywords command SEARCHD_COMMAND_KEYWORDS = 3 # Current client-side command implementation versions # search command version VER_COMMAND_SEARCH = 0x119 # excerpt command version VER_COMMAND_EXCERPT = 0x102 # update command version VER_COMMAND_UPDATE = 0x102 # keywords command version VER_COMMAND_KEYWORDS = 0x100 # Known searchd status codes # general success, command-specific reply follows SEARCHD_OK = 0 # general failure, command-specific reply may follow SEARCHD_ERROR = 1 # temporaty failure, client should retry later SEARCHD_RETRY = 2 # general success, warning message and command-specific reply follow SEARCHD_WARNING = 3 # :startdoc: # Known match modes # match all query words SPH_MATCH_ALL = 0 # match any query word SPH_MATCH_ANY = 1 # match this exact phrase SPH_MATCH_PHRASE = 2 # match this boolean query SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN = 3 # match this extended query SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED = 4 # match all document IDs w/o fulltext query, apply filters SPH_MATCH_FULLSCAN = 5 # extended engine V2 (TEMPORARY, WILL BE REMOVED IN 0.9.8-RELEASE) SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 = 6 # Known ranking modes (ext2 only) # default mode, phrase proximity major factor and BM25 minor one SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25 = 0 # statistical mode, BM25 ranking only (faster but worse quality) SPH_RANK_BM25 = 1 # no ranking, all matches get a weight of 1 SPH_RANK_NONE = 2 # simple word-count weighting, rank is a weighted sum of per-field keyword occurence counts SPH_RANK_WORDCOUNT = 3 # phrase proximity SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY = 4 # Known sort modes # sort by document relevance desc, then by date SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE = 0 # sort by document date desc, then by relevance desc SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC = 1 # sort by document date asc, then by relevance desc SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC = 2 # sort by time segments (hour/day/week/etc) desc, then by relevance desc SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS = 3 # sort by SQL-like expression (eg. "@relevance DESC, price ASC, @id DESC") SPH_SORT_EXTENDED = 4 # sort by arithmetic expression in descending order (eg. "@id + max(@weight,1000)*boost + log(price)") SPH_SORT_EXPR = 5 # Known filter types # filter by integer values set SPH_FILTER_VALUES = 0 # filter by integer range SPH_FILTER_RANGE = 1 # filter by float range SPH_FILTER_FLOATRANGE = 2 # Known attribute types # this attr is just an integer SPH_ATTR_INTEGER = 1 # this attr is a timestamp SPH_ATTR_TIMESTAMP = 2 # this attr is an ordinal string number (integer at search time, # specially handled at indexing time) SPH_ATTR_ORDINAL = 3 # this attr is a boolean bit field SPH_ATTR_BOOL = 4 # this attr is a float SPH_ATTR_FLOAT = 5 # signed 64-bit integer SPH_ATTR_BIGINT = 6 # string SPH_ATTR_STRING = 7 # this attr has multiple values (0 or more) SPH_ATTR_MULTI = 0x40000001 SPH_ATTR_MULTI64 = 0x40000002 # Known grouping functions # group by day SPH_GROUPBY_DAY = 0 # group by week SPH_GROUPBY_WEEK = 1 # group by month SPH_GROUPBY_MONTH = 2 # group by year SPH_GROUPBY_YEAR = 3 # group by attribute value SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR = 4 # group by sequential attrs pair SPH_GROUPBY_ATTRPAIR = 5 # Constructs the <tt>Sphinx::Client</tt> object and sets options to their default values. def initialize # per-client-object settings @host = 'localhost' # searchd host (default is "localhost") @port = 9312 # searchd port (default is 9312) # per-query settings @offset = 0 # how many records to seek from result-set start (default is 0) @limit = 20 # how many records to return from result-set starting at offset (default is 20) @mode = SPH_MATCH_ALL # query matching mode (default is SPH_MATCH_ALL) @weights = [] # per-field weights (default is 1 for all fields) @sort = SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE # match sorting mode (default is SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE) @sortby = '' # attribute to sort by (defualt is "") @min_id = 0 # min ID to match (default is 0, which means no limit) @max_id = 0 # max ID to match (default is 0, which means no limit) @filters = [] # search filters @groupby = '' # group-by attribute name @groupfunc = SPH_GROUPBY_DAY # function to pre-process group-by attribute value with @groupsort = '@group desc' # group-by sorting clause (to sort groups in result set with) @groupdistinct = '' # group-by count-distinct attribute @maxmatches = 1000 # max matches to retrieve @cutoff = 0 # cutoff to stop searching at (default is 0) @retrycount = 0 # distributed retries count @retrydelay = 0 # distributed retries delay @anchor = [] # geographical anchor point @indexweights = [] # per-index weights @ranker = SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25 # ranking mode (default is SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25) @maxquerytime = 0 # max query time, milliseconds (default is 0, do not limit) @fieldweights = {} # per-field-name weights @overrides = [] # per-query attribute values overrides @select = '*' # select-list (attributes or expressions, with optional aliases) # per-reply fields (for single-query case) @error = '' # last error message @warning = '' # last warning message @reqs = [] # requests storage (for multi-query case) @mbenc = '' # stored mbstring encoding end # Get last error message. def GetLastError @error end # Get last warning message. def GetLastWarning @warning end # Set searchd host name (string) and port (integer). def SetServer(host, port) assert { host.instance_of? String } assert { port.instance_of? Fixnum } @host = host @port = port end # Set offset and count into result set, # and optionally set max-matches and cutoff limits. def SetLimits(offset, limit, max = 0, cutoff = 0) assert { offset.instance_of? Fixnum } assert { limit.instance_of? Fixnum } assert { max.instance_of? Fixnum } assert { offset >= 0 } assert { limit > 0 } assert { max >= 0 } @offset = offset @limit = limit @maxmatches = max if max > 0 @cutoff = cutoff if cutoff > 0 end # Set maximum query time, in milliseconds, per-index, # integer, 0 means "do not limit" def SetMaxQueryTime(max) assert { max.instance_of? Fixnum } assert { max >= 0 } @maxquerytime = max end # Set matching mode. def SetMatchMode(mode) assert { mode == SPH_MATCH_ALL \ || mode == SPH_MATCH_ANY \ || mode == SPH_MATCH_PHRASE \ || mode == SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN \ || mode == SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED \ || mode == SPH_MATCH_FULLSCAN \ || mode == SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 } @mode = mode end # Set ranking mode. def SetRankingMode(ranker) assert { ranker == SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25 \ || ranker == SPH_RANK_BM25 \ || ranker == SPH_RANK_NONE \ || ranker == SPH_RANK_WORDCOUNT \ || ranker == SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY } @ranker = ranker end # Set matches sorting mode. def SetSortMode(mode, sortby = '') assert { mode == SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE \ || mode == SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC \ || mode == SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC \ || mode == SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS \ || mode == SPH_SORT_EXTENDED \ || mode == SPH_SORT_EXPR } assert { sortby.instance_of? String } assert { mode == SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE || !sortby.empty? } @sort = mode @sortby = sortby end # Bind per-field weights by order. # # DEPRECATED; use SetFieldWeights() instead. def SetWeights(weights) assert { weights.instance_of? Array } weights.each do |weight| assert { weight.instance_of? Fixnum } end @weights = weights end # Bind per-field weights by name. # # Takes string (field name) to integer name (field weight) hash as an argument. # * Takes precedence over SetWeights(). # * Unknown names will be silently ignored. # * Unbound fields will be silently given a weight of 1. def SetFieldWeights(weights) assert { weights.instance_of? Hash } weights.each do |name, weight| assert { name.instance_of? String } assert { weight.instance_of? Fixnum } end @fieldweights = weights end # Bind per-index weights by name. def SetIndexWeights(weights) assert { weights.instance_of? Hash } weights.each do |index, weight| assert { index.instance_of? String } assert { weight.instance_of? Fixnum } end @indexweights = weights end # Set IDs range to match. # # Only match records if document ID is beetwen <tt>min_id</tt> and <tt>max_id</tt> (inclusive). def SetIDRange(min, max) assert { min.instance_of?(Fixnum) or min.instance_of?(Bignum) } assert { max.instance_of?(Fixnum) or max.instance_of?(Bignum) } assert { min <= max } @min_id = min @max_id = max end # Set values filter. # # Only match those records where <tt>attribute</tt> column values # are in specified set. def SetFilter(attribute, values, exclude = false) assert { attribute.instance_of? String } assert { values.instance_of? Array } assert { !values.empty? } if values.instance_of?(Array) && values.size > 0 values.each do |value| assert { value.instance_of? Fixnum } end @filters << { 'type' => SPH_FILTER_VALUES, 'attr' => attribute, 'exclude' => exclude, 'values' => values } end end # Set range filter. # # Only match those records where <tt>attribute</tt> column value # is beetwen <tt>min</tt> and <tt>max</tt> (including <tt>min</tt> and <tt>max</tt>). def SetFilterRange(attribute, min, max, exclude = false) assert { attribute.instance_of? String } assert { min.instance_of? Fixnum or min.instance_of? Bignum } assert { max.instance_of? Fixnum or max.instance_of? Bignum } assert { min <= max } @filters << { 'type' => SPH_FILTER_RANGE, 'attr' => attribute, 'exclude' => exclude, 'min' => min, 'max' => max } end # Set float range filter. # # Only match those records where <tt>attribute</tt> column value # is beetwen <tt>min</tt> and <tt>max</tt> (including <tt>min</tt> and <tt>max</tt>). def SetFilterFloatRange(attribute, min, max, exclude = false) assert { attribute.instance_of? String } assert { min.instance_of? Float } assert { max.instance_of? Float } assert { min <= max } @filters << { 'type' => SPH_FILTER_FLOATRANGE, 'attr' => attribute, 'exclude' => exclude, 'min' => min, 'max' => max } end # Setup anchor point for geosphere distance calculations. # # Required to use <tt>@geodist</tt> in filters and sorting # distance will be computed to this point. Latitude and longitude # must be in radians. # # * <tt>attrlat</tt> -- is the name of latitude attribute # * <tt>attrlong</tt> -- is the name of longitude attribute # * <tt>lat</tt> -- is anchor point latitude, in radians # * <tt>long</tt> -- is anchor point longitude, in radians def SetGeoAnchor(attrlat, attrlong, lat, long) assert { attrlat.instance_of? String } assert { attrlong.instance_of? String } assert { lat.instance_of? Float } assert { long.instance_of? Float } @anchor = { 'attrlat' => attrlat, 'attrlong' => attrlong, 'lat' => lat, 'long' => long } end # Set grouping attribute and function. # # In grouping mode, all matches are assigned to different groups # based on grouping function value. # # Each group keeps track of the total match count, and the best match # (in this group) according to current sorting function. # # The final result set contains one best match per group, with # grouping function value and matches count attached. # # Groups in result set could be sorted by any sorting clause, # including both document attributes and the following special # internal Sphinx attributes: # # * @id - match document ID; # * @weight, @rank, @relevance - match weight; # * @group - groupby function value; # * @count - amount of matches in group. # # the default mode is to sort by groupby value in descending order, # ie. by '@group desc'. # # 'total_found' would contain total amount of matching groups over # the whole index. # # WARNING: grouping is done in fixed memory and thus its results # are only approximate; so there might be more groups reported # in total_found than actually present. @count might also # be underestimated. # # For example, if sorting by relevance and grouping by "published" # attribute with SPH_GROUPBY_DAY function, then the result set will # contain one most relevant match per each day when there were any # matches published, with day number and per-day match count attached, # and sorted by day number in descending order (ie. recent days first). def SetGroupBy(attribute, func, groupsort = '@group desc') assert { attribute.instance_of? String } assert { groupsort.instance_of? String } assert { func == SPH_GROUPBY_DAY \ || func == SPH_GROUPBY_WEEK \ || func == SPH_GROUPBY_MONTH \ || func == SPH_GROUPBY_YEAR \ || func == SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR \ || func == SPH_GROUPBY_ATTRPAIR } @groupby = attribute @groupfunc = func @groupsort = groupsort end # Set count-distinct attribute for group-by queries. def SetGroupDistinct(attribute) assert { attribute.instance_of? String } @groupdistinct = attribute end # Set distributed retries count and delay. def SetRetries(count, delay = 0) assert { count.instance_of? Fixnum } assert { delay.instance_of? Fixnum } @retrycount = count @retrydelay = delay end # Set attribute values override # # There can be only one override per attribute. # +values+ must be a hash that maps document IDs to attribute values. def SetOverride(attrname, attrtype, values) assert { attrname.instance_of? String } assert { [SPH_ATTR_INTEGER, SPH_ATTR_TIMESTAMP, SPH_ATTR_BOOL, SPH_ATTR_FLOAT, SPH_ATTR_BIGINT].include?(attrtype) } assert { values.instance_of? Hash } @overrides << { 'attr' => attrname, 'type' => attrtype, 'values' => values } end # Set select-list (attributes or expressions), SQL-like syntax. def SetSelect(select) assert { select.instance_of? String } @select = select end # Clear all filters (for multi-queries). def ResetFilters @filters = [] @anchor = [] end # Clear groupby settings (for multi-queries). def ResetGroupBy @groupby = '' @groupfunc = SPH_GROUPBY_DAY @groupsort = '@group desc' @groupdistinct = '' end # Clear all attribute value overrides (for multi-queries). def ResetOverrides @overrides = [] end # Connect to searchd server and run given search query. # # <tt>query</tt> is query string # <tt>index</tt> is index name (or names) to query. default value is "*" which means # to query all indexes. Accepted characters for index names are letters, numbers, # dash, and underscore; everything else is considered a separator. Therefore, # all the following calls are valid and will search two indexes: # # sphinx.Query('test query', 'main delta') # sphinx.Query('test query', 'main;delta') # sphinx.Query('test query', 'main, delta') # # Index order matters. If identical IDs are found in two or more indexes, # weight and attribute values from the very last matching index will be used # for sorting and returning to client. Therefore, in the example above, # matches from "delta" index will always "win" over matches from "main". # # Returns false on failure. # Returns hash which has the following keys on success: # # * <tt>'matches'</tt> -- array of hashes {'weight', 'group', 'id'}, where 'id' is document_id. # * <tt>'total'</tt> -- total amount of matches retrieved (upto SPH_MAX_MATCHES, see sphinx.h) # * <tt>'total_found'</tt> -- total amount of matching documents in index # * <tt>'time'</tt> -- search time # * <tt>'words'</tt> -- hash which maps query terms (stemmed!) to ('docs', 'hits') hash def Query(query, index = '*', comment = '') assert { @reqs.empty? } @reqs = [] self.AddQuery(query, index, comment) results = self.RunQueries # probably network error; error message should be already filled return false unless results.instance_of?(Array) @error = results[0]['error'] @warning = results[0]['warning'] return false if results[0]['status'] == SEARCHD_ERROR return results[0] end # Add query to batch. # # Batch queries enable searchd to perform internal optimizations, # if possible; and reduce network connection overheads in all cases. # # For instance, running exactly the same query with different # groupby settings will enable searched to perform expensive # full-text search and ranking operation only once, but compute # multiple groupby results from its output. # # Parameters are exactly the same as in <tt>Query</tt> call. # Returns index to results array returned by <tt>RunQueries</tt> call. def AddQuery(query, index = '*', comment = '') # build request # mode and limits request = Request.new request.put_int @offset, @limit, @mode, @ranker, @sort request.put_string @sortby # query itself request.put_string query # weights request.put_int_array @weights # indexes request.put_string index # id64 range marker request.put_int 1 # id64 range request.put_int64 @min_id.to_i, @max_id.to_i # filters request.put_int @filters.length @filters.each do |filter| request.put_string filter['attr'] request.put_int filter['type'] case filter['type'] when SPH_FILTER_VALUES request.put_int64_array filter['values'] when SPH_FILTER_RANGE request.put_int64 filter['min'], filter['max'] when SPH_FILTER_FLOATRANGE request.put_float filter['min'], filter['max'] else raise SphinxInternalError, 'Internal error: unhandled filter type' end request.put_int filter['exclude'] ? 1 : 0 end # group-by clause, max-matches count, group-sort clause, cutoff count request.put_int @groupfunc request.put_string @groupby request.put_int @maxmatches request.put_string @groupsort request.put_int @cutoff, @retrycount, @retrydelay request.put_string @groupdistinct # anchor point if @anchor.empty? request.put_int 0 else request.put_int 1 request.put_string @anchor['attrlat'], @anchor['attrlong'] request.put_float @anchor['lat'], @anchor['long'] end # per-index weights request.put_int @indexweights.length @indexweights.each do |idx, weight| request.put_string idx request.put_int weight end # max query time request.put_int @maxquerytime # per-field weights request.put_int @fieldweights.length @fieldweights.each do |field, weight| request.put_string field request.put_int weight end # comment request.put_string comment # attribute overrides request.put_int @overrides.length for entry in @overrides do request.put_string entry['attr'] request.put_int entry['type'], entry['values'].size entry['values'].each do |id, val| assert { id.instance_of?(Fixnum) || id.instance_of?(Bignum) } assert { val.instance_of?(Fixnum) || val.instance_of?(Bignum) || val.instance_of?(Float) } request.put_int64 id case entry['type'] when SPH_ATTR_FLOAT request.put_float val when SPH_ATTR_BIGINT request.put_int64 val else request.put_int val end end end # select-list request.put_string @select # store request to requests array @reqs << request.to_s; return @reqs.length - 1 end # Run queries batch. # # Returns an array of result sets on success. # Returns false on network IO failure. # # Each result set in returned array is a hash which containts # the same keys as the hash returned by <tt>Query</tt>, plus: # # * <tt>'error'</tt> -- search error for this query # * <tt>'words'</tt> -- hash which maps query terms (stemmed!) to ( "docs", "hits" ) hash def RunQueries if @reqs.empty? @error = 'No queries defined, issue AddQuery() first' return false end req = @reqs.join('') nreqs = @reqs.length @reqs = [] response = PerformRequest(:search, req, nreqs) # parse response begin results = [] ires = 0 while ires < nreqs ires += 1 result = {} result['error'] = '' result['warning'] = '' # extract status status = result['status'] = response.get_int if status != SEARCHD_OK message = response.get_string if status == SEARCHD_WARNING result['warning'] = message else result['error'] = message results << result next end end # read schema fields = [] attrs = {} attrs_names_in_order = [] nfields = response.get_int while nfields > 0 nfields -= 1 fields << response.get_string end result['fields'] = fields nattrs = response.get_int while nattrs > 0 nattrs -= 1 attr = response.get_string type = response.get_int attrs[attr] = type attrs_names_in_order << attr end result['attrs'] = attrs # read match count count = response.get_int id64 = response.get_int # read matches result['matches'] = [] while count > 0 count -= 1 if id64 != 0 doc = response.get_int64 weight = response.get_int else doc, weight = response.get_ints(2) end r = {} # This is a single result put in the result['matches'] array r['id'] = doc r['weight'] = weight attrs_names_in_order.each do |a| r['attrs'] ||= {} case attrs[a] when SPH_ATTR_BIGINT # handle 64-bit ints r['attrs'][a] = response.get_int64 when SPH_ATTR_FLOAT # handle floats r['attrs'][a] = response.get_float when SPH_ATTR_STRING # handle string r['attrs'][a] = response.get_string else # handle everything else as unsigned ints val = response.get_int if attrs[a]==SPH_ATTR_MULTI r['attrs'][a] = [] 1.upto(val) do r['attrs'][a] << response.get_int end elsif attrs[a]==SPH_ATTR_MULTI64 r['attrs'][a] = [] val = val/2 1.upto(val) do r['attrs'][a] << response.get_int64 end else r['attrs'][a] = val end end end result['matches'] << r end result['total'], result['total_found'], msecs, words = response.get_ints(4) result['time'] = '%.3f' % (msecs / 1000.0) result['words'] = {} while words > 0 words -= 1 word = response.get_string docs, hits = response.get_ints(2) result['words'][word] = { 'docs' => docs, 'hits' => hits } end results << result end #rescue EOFError # @error = 'incomplete reply' # raise SphinxResponseError, @error end return results end # Connect to searchd server and generate exceprts from given documents. # # * <tt>docs</tt> -- an array of strings which represent the documents' contents # * <tt>index</tt> -- a string specifiying the index which settings will be used # for stemming, lexing and case folding # * <tt>words</tt> -- a string which contains the words to highlight # * <tt>opts</tt> is a hash which contains additional optional highlighting parameters. # # You can use following parameters: # * <tt>'before_match'</tt> -- a string to insert before a set of matching words, default is "<b>" # * <tt>'after_match'</tt> -- a string to insert after a set of matching words, default is "<b>" # * <tt>'chunk_separator'</tt> -- a string to insert between excerpts chunks, default is " ... " # * <tt>'limit'</tt> -- max excerpt size in symbols (codepoints), default is 256 # * <tt>'around'</tt> -- how much words to highlight around each match, default is 5 # * <tt>'exact_phrase'</tt> -- whether to highlight exact phrase matches only, default is <tt>false</tt> # * <tt>'single_passage'</tt> -- whether to extract single best passage only, default is false # * <tt>'use_boundaries'</tt> -- whether to extract passages by phrase boundaries setup in tokenizer # * <tt>'weight_order'</tt> -- whether to order best passages in document (default) or weight order # # Returns false on failure. # Returns an array of string excerpts on success. def BuildExcerpts(docs, index, words, opts = {}) assert { docs.instance_of? Array } assert { index.instance_of? String } assert { words.instance_of? String } assert { opts.instance_of? Hash } # fixup options opts['before_match'] ||= '<b>'; opts['after_match'] ||= '</b>'; opts['chunk_separator'] ||= ' ... '; opts['html_strip_mode'] ||= 'index'; opts['limit'] ||= 256; opts['limit_passages'] ||= 0; opts['limit_words'] ||= 0; opts['around'] ||= 5; opts['start_passage_id'] ||= 1; opts['exact_phrase'] ||= false opts['single_passage'] ||= false opts['use_boundaries'] ||= false opts['weight_order'] ||= false opts['load_files'] ||= false opts['allow_empty'] ||= false # build request # v.1.0 req flags = 1 flags |= 2 if opts['exact_phrase'] flags |= 4 if opts['single_passage'] flags |= 8 if opts['use_boundaries'] flags |= 16 if opts['weight_order'] flags |= 32 if opts['query_mode'] flags |= 64 if opts['force_all_words'] flags |= 128 if opts['load_files'] flags |= 256 if opts['allow_empty'] request = Request.new request.put_int 0, flags # mode=0, flags=1 (remove spaces) # req index request.put_string index # req words request.put_string words # options request.put_string opts['before_match'] request.put_string opts['after_match'] request.put_string opts['chunk_separator'] request.put_int opts['limit'].to_i, opts['around'].to_i # options v1.2 request.put_int opts['limit_passages'].to_i request.put_int opts['limit_words'].to_i request.put_int opts['start_passage_id'].to_i request.put_string opts['html_strip_mode'] # documents request.put_int docs.size docs.each do |doc| assert { doc.instance_of? String } request.put_string doc end response = PerformRequest(:excerpt, request) # parse response begin res = [] docs.each do |doc| res << response.get_string end rescue EOFError @error = 'incomplete reply' raise SphinxResponseError, @error end return res end # Connect to searchd server, and generate keyword list for a given query. # # Returns an array of words on success. def BuildKeywords(query, index, hits) assert { query.instance_of? String } assert { index.instance_of? String } assert { hits.instance_of?(TrueClass) || hits.instance_of?(FalseClass) } # build request request = Request.new # v.1.0 req request.put_string query # req query request.put_string index # req index request.put_int hits ? 1 : 0 response = PerformRequest(:keywords, request) # parse response begin res = [] nwords = response.get_int 0.upto(nwords - 1) do |i| tokenized = response.get_string normalized = response.get_string entry = { 'tokenized' => tokenized, 'normalized' => normalized } entry['docs'], entry['hits'] = response.get_ints(2) if hits res << entry end rescue EOFError @error = 'incomplete reply' raise SphinxResponseError, @error end return res end # Batch update given attributes in given rows in given indexes. # # * +index+ is a name of the index to be updated # * +attrs+ is an array of attribute name strings. # * +values+ is a hash where key is document id, and value is an array of # * +mva+ identifies whether update MVA # new attribute values # # Returns number of actually updated documents (0 or more) on success. # Returns -1 on failure. # # Usage example: # sphinx.UpdateAttributes('test1', ['group_id'], { 1 => [456] }) def UpdateAttributes(index, attrs, values, mva = false) # verify everything assert { index.instance_of? String } assert { mva.instance_of?(TrueClass) || mva.instance_of?(FalseClass) } assert { attrs.instance_of? Array } attrs.each do |attr| assert { attr.instance_of? String } end assert { values.instance_of? Hash } values.each do |id, entry| assert { id.instance_of? Fixnum } assert { entry.instance_of? Array } assert { entry.length == attrs.length } entry.each do |v| if mva assert { v.instance_of? Array } v.each { |vv| assert { vv.instance_of? Fixnum } } else assert { v.instance_of? Fixnum } end end end # build request request = Request.new request.put_string index request.put_int attrs.length for attr in attrs request.put_string attr request.put_int mva ? 1 : 0 end request.put_int values.length values.each do |id, entry| request.put_int64 id if mva entry.each { |v| request.put_int_array v } else request.put_int(*entry) end end response = PerformRequest(:update, request) # parse response begin return response.get_int rescue EOFError @error = 'incomplete reply' raise SphinxResponseError, @error end end protected # Connect to searchd server. def Connect begin if @host[0,1]=='/' sock = UNIXSocket.new(@host) else sock = TCPSocket.new(@host, @port) end rescue => err @error = "connection to #{@host}:#{@port} failed (error=#{err})" raise SphinxConnectError, @error end v = sock.recv(4).unpack('N*').first if v < 1 sock.close @error = "expected searchd protocol version 1+, got version '#{v}'" raise SphinxConnectError, @error end sock.send([1].pack('N'), 0) sock end # Get and check response packet from searchd server. def GetResponse(sock, client_version) response = '' len = 0 header = sock.recv(8) if header.length == 8 status, ver, len = header.unpack('n2N') left = len.to_i while left > 0 do begin chunk = sock.recv(left) if chunk response << chunk left -= chunk.length end rescue EOFError break end end end sock.close # check response read = response.length if response.empty? or read != len.to_i @error = response.empty? \ ? 'received zero-sized searchd response' \ : "failed to read searchd response (status=#{status}, ver=#{ver}, len=#{len}, read=#{read})" raise SphinxResponseError, @error end # check status if (status == SEARCHD_WARNING) wlen = response[0, 4].unpack('N*').first @warning = response[4, wlen] return response[4 + wlen, response.length - 4 - wlen] end if status == SEARCHD_ERROR @error = 'searchd error: ' + response[4, response.length - 4] raise SphinxInternalError, @error end if status == SEARCHD_RETRY @error = 'temporary searchd error: ' + response[4, response.length - 4] raise SphinxTemporaryError, @error end unless status == SEARCHD_OK @error = "unknown status code: '#{status}'" raise SphinxUnknownError, @error end # check version if ver < client_version @warning = "searchd command v.#{ver >> 8}.#{ver & 0xff} older than client's " + "v.#{client_version >> 8}.#{client_version & 0xff}, some options might not work" end return response end # Connect, send query, get response. def PerformRequest(command, request, additional = nil) cmd = command.to_s.upcase command_id = Sphinx::Client.const_get('SEARCHD_COMMAND_' + cmd) command_ver = Sphinx::Client.const_get('VER_COMMAND_' + cmd) sock = self.Connect len = request.to_s.length + (additional != nil ? 8 : 0) header = [command_id, command_ver, len].pack('nnN') header << [0, additional].pack('NN') if additional != nil sock.send(header + request.to_s, 0) response = self.GetResponse(sock, command_ver) return Response.new(response) end # :stopdoc: def assert raise 'Assertion failed!' unless yield if $DEBUG end # :startdoc: end end