module Vanity # Vanity.playground.configuration class Configuration end # Playground catalogs all your experiments, holds the Vanity configuration. # For example: # Vanity.playground.logger = my_logger # puts class Playground # Created new Playground. Unless you need to, use the global Vanity.playground. def initialize @experiments = {} @host, @port, @db = "", 6379, 0 @namespace = "vanity:#{Vanity::Version::MAJOR}" @load_path = "experiments" end # Redis host name. Default is attr_accessor :host # Redis port number. Default is 6379. attr_accessor :port # Redis database number. Default is 0. attr_accessor :db # Redis database password. attr_accessor :password # Namespace for database keys. Default is vanity:n, where n is the major release number, e.g. vanity:1 for 1.0.3. attr_accessor :namespace # Path to load experiment files from. attr_accessor :load_path # Logger. attr_accessor :logger # Defines a new experiment. Generally, do not call this directly, # use #experiment instead. def define(name, options = nil, &block) id = name.to_s.downcase.gsub(/\W/, "_") raise "Experiment #{id} already defined once" if @experiments[id] options ||= {} type = options[:type] || :ab_test klass = Experiment.const_get(type.to_s.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::#{$1.upcase}" }.gsub(/(?:^|_)(.)/) { $1.upcase }) experiment =, id, name) experiment.instance_eval &block @experiments[id] = experiment end # Returns the named experiment. You may not have guessed, but this method # raises an exception if it cannot load the experiment's definition. # # Experiment names are always mapped by downcasing them and replacing # non-word characters with underscores, so "Green call to action" becomes # "green_call_to_action". You can also use a symbol if you feel like it. def experiment(name) id = name.to_s.downcase.gsub(/\W/, "_") unless @experiments.has_key?(id) require File.join(load_path, id) end @experiments[id] or fail LoadError, "Expected experiments/#{id}.rb to define experiment #{name}" end # Returns list of all loaded experiments. def experiments Dir[File.join(load_path, "*.rb")].each do |file| require file end @experiments.values end # Use this instance to access the Redis database. def redis redis =, port: self.port, db: self.db, password: self.password, logger: self.logger) class << self ; self ; end.send(:define_method, :redis) { redis } redis end end @playground = class << self # Returns the playground instance. def playground @playground end # Returns the Vanity context. For example, when using Rails this would be # the current controller, which can be used to get/set the vanity identity. def context Thread.current[:vanity_context] end # Sets the Vanity context. For example, when using Rails this would be # set by the set_vanity_context before filter (via use_vanity). def context=(context) Thread.current[:vanity_context] = context end # Path to template. def template(name) path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates/#{name}") path << ".erb" unless name["."] path end end end class Object # Use this method to define or access an experiment. # # To define an experiment, call with a name, options and a block. For # example: # experiment "Text size" do # alternatives :small, :medium, :large # end # # puts experiment(:text_size).alternatives def experiment(name, options = nil, &block) if block Vanity.playground.define(name, options, &block) else Vanity.playground.experiment(name) end end end