en: active_record: models: feedback: 'Feedback' attributes: feedback: name: 'Your Name' email: 'Your Email' message: 'Your Message' views: pagination: first: '« First' last: 'Last »' previous: '« Previous' next: 'Next »' truncate: '…' pagination_compact: previous: '« Previous' next: 'Next »' blacklight: application_name: 'Blacklight' header_links: login: 'Login' logout: 'Log Out' bookmarks: 'Bookmarks' saved_searches: 'Saved Searches' search_history: 'History' welcome: 'Welcome!' and: 'and' or: 'or' bookmarks: collection: add: button: 'Add to Bookmarks' title: 'Bookmarks' no_bookmarks: 'You have no bookmarks' add: button: 'Bookmark' success: one: 'Successfully added bookmark.' other: 'Successfully added bookmarks.' failure: 'Sorry, there was a problem saving the bookmarks.' remove: button: 'Remove bookmark' success: 'Successfully removed bookmark.' failure: 'Sorry, there was a problem removing the bookmarks.' action_confirm: 'Remove this bookmark?' clear: action_title: 'Clear Bookmarks' action_confirm: 'Clear your bookmarks?' success: 'Cleared your bookmarks.' failure: 'Sorry, there was a problem clearing your bookmarks.' need_login: 'Please log in to manage and view your bookmarks.' list_title: 'Your Bookmarks' delete: 'Remove' feedback: valid_name: 'A valid name is required' valid_email: 'A valid email address is required' need_message: 'A message is required' submit: 'Send!' errors: title: 'Please fix the following form errors:' complete: title: 'Thank-you for your feedback' saved_searches: add: success: 'Successfully saved your search.' failure: 'There was a problem saving your search.' remove: success: 'Successfully removed that saved search.' failure: 'There was a problem removing your search.' clear: action_title: 'Clear Saved Searches' action_confirm: 'Clear your saved searches?' success: 'Cleared your saved searches.' failure: 'There was a problem clearing your searches.' title: 'Saved Searches' need_login: 'Please log in to manage and view your saved searches.' no_searches: 'You have no saved searches' list_title: 'Your saved searches' delete: 'delete' search_history: clear: action_title: 'Clear Search History' action_confirm: 'Clear your search history?' success: 'Cleared your search history.' failure: 'There was a problem clearing your search history.' title: 'Search History' no_history: 'You have no search history' recent: 'Your recent searches' forget: 'forget' save: 'save' tools: title: 'Tools' cite: 'Cite' endnote: 'Export to EndNote' refworks: 'Export to Refworks' email: 'Email' sms: 'SMS This' librarian_view: 'Librarian View' clear: 'Clear' citation: mla: 'MLA' apa: 'APA' chicago: 'Chicago' email: form: title: 'Email This' to: 'Email:' message: 'Message:' submit: 'Send' text: title: 'Title: %{value}' author: 'Author: %{value}' format: 'Format: %{value}' language: 'Language: %{value}' subject: one: 'Item Record: %{title}' other: 'Item records' url: 'URL: %{url}' message: 'Message: %{message}' errors: to: invalid: 'You must enter a valid email address' blank: 'You must enter a recipient in order to send this message' sms: form: title: 'SMS This' to: 'Phone Number:' carrier: 'Carrier' carrier_prompt: 'Please select your carrier' submit: 'Send' text: title: '%{value}' author: ' by %{value}' url: 'Link: %{url}' errors: to: invalid: 'You must enter a valid 10 digit phone number' blank: "You must enter a recipient's phone number in order to send this message" carrier: blank: 'You must select a carrier' back_to_search: 'Back to Search' back_to_bookmarks: 'Back to Bookmarks' search: title: '%{application_name} Search Results' search_results_header: 'Search' search_results: 'Search Results' errors: request_error: "Sorry, I don't understand your search." invalid_solr_id: "Sorry, you have requested a record that doesn't exist." per_page: label: '%{count} per page' button_label: '%{count} per page' title: 'Number of results to display per page' submit: 'Update' sort: label: 'Sort by %{field}' submit: 'sort results' form: search_field: label: 'Search in' title: 'Targeted search options' post_label: 'for' q: 'Search...' submit: 'Search' pagination: title: 'Results navigation' pagination_info: no_items_found: 'No %{entry_name} found' single_item_found: '1 to 1 of 1' pages: one: '%{start_num} - %{end_num} of %{total_num}' other: '%{start_num} - %{end_num} of %{total_num}' entry_pagination_info: one: '1 of 1' other: '%{current} of %{total}' documents: counter: '%{counter}. ' facets: title: 'Limit your search' sort: count: 'Numerical Sort' index: 'A-Z Sort' count: '%{number}' more: 'more »' selected: remove: '[remove]' filters: title: 'You searched for:' label: '%{label}:' remove: value: 'Remove constraint %{value}' label_value: 'Remove constraint %{label}: %{value}' librarian_view: title: 'Librarian View' leader: 'LEADER %{leader}' start_over: 'Start Over' show: title: '%{document_title} - %{application_name}' rss_feed: 'RSS for results' atom_feed: 'Atom for results' fields: default: 'Keyword' entry_name: default: 'entry' did_you_mean: 'Did you mean to type: %{options}?'