module Liquid class Block < Tag def parse(tokens) @nodelist ||= [] @nodelist.clear while token = tokens.shift case token when /^#{TagStart}/ if token =~ /^#{TagStart}\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)?#{TagEnd}$/ # if we found the proper block delimitor just end parsing here and let the outer block # proceed if block_delimiter == $1 end_tag return end # fetch the tag from registered blocks if tag = Template.tags[$1] @nodelist <<$1, $2, tokens) else # this tag is not registered with the system # pass it to the current block for special handling or error reporting unknown_tag($1, $2, tokens) end else raise SyntaxError, "Tag '#{token}' was not properly terminated with regexp: #{TagEnd.inspect} " end when /^#{VariableStart}/ @nodelist << create_variable(token) when '' # pass else @nodelist << token end end # Make sure that its ok to end parsing in the current block. # Effectively this method will throw and exception unless the current block is # of type Document assert_missing_delimitation! end def end_tag end def unknown_tag(tag, params, tokens) case tag when 'else' raise SyntaxError, "#{block_name} tag does not expect else tag" when 'end' raise SyntaxError, "'end' is not a valid delimiter for #{block_name} tags. use #{block_delimiter}" else raise SyntaxError, "Unknown tag '#{tag}'" end end def block_delimiter "end#{block_name}" end def block_name @tag_name end def create_variable(token) token.scan(/^#{VariableStart}(.*)#{VariableEnd}$/) do |content| return end raise"Variable '#{token}' was not properly terminated with regexp: #{VariableEnd.inspect} ") end def render(context) render_all(@nodelist, context) end protected def assert_missing_delimitation! raise"#{block_name} tag was never closed") end def render_all(list, context) list.collect do |token| begin token.respond_to?(:render) ? token.render(context) : token rescue Exception => e context.handle_error(e) end end end end end