/*! \file pabstract.h \brief description of callbacks. In order to interact with core library a wrapper should provide some callback functions. This file specifies which callbacks can be provided. \author Igor Vlasenko <vlasenko@imath.kiev.ua> \warning This header file should never be included directly. Include <tmplpro.h> instead. */ #ifndef _PROABSTRACT_H #define _PROABSTRACT_H 1 #include "pstring.h" #include "pabidecl.h" struct tmplpro_param; struct exprval; typedef void ABSTRACT_WRITER; typedef void ABSTRACT_FINDFILE; typedef void ABSTRACT_FILTER; typedef void ABSTRACT_CALLER; typedef void ABSTRACT_DATASTATE; typedef void ABSTRACT_ARRAY; typedef void ABSTRACT_MAP; typedef void ABSTRACT_VALUE; typedef void ABSTRACT_FUNCMAP; typedef void ABSTRACT_ARGLIST; typedef void ABSTRACT_USERFUNC; typedef struct exprval ABSTRACT_EXPRVAL; typedef void BACKCALL (*writer_functype) (ABSTRACT_WRITER*,const char* begin, const char* endnext); typedef ABSTRACT_VALUE* BACKCALL (*get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype) (ABSTRACT_DATASTATE*, ABSTRACT_MAP*, PSTRING name); typedef PSTRING BACKCALL (*ABSTRACT_VALUE2PSTRING_functype) (ABSTRACT_DATASTATE*, ABSTRACT_VALUE*); /* optional */ typedef int BACKCALL (*is_ABSTRACT_VALUE_true_functype) (ABSTRACT_DATASTATE*, ABSTRACT_VALUE*); typedef ABSTRACT_ARRAY* BACKCALL (*ABSTRACT_VALUE2ABSTRACT_ARRAY_functype) (ABSTRACT_DATASTATE*, ABSTRACT_VALUE*); typedef int BACKCALL (*get_ABSTRACT_ARRAY_length_functype) (ABSTRACT_DATASTATE*, ABSTRACT_ARRAY*); typedef ABSTRACT_MAP* BACKCALL (*get_ABSTRACT_MAP_functype) (ABSTRACT_DATASTATE*, ABSTRACT_ARRAY*,int); /* optional notifier */ typedef void BACKCALL (*exit_loop_scope_functype) (ABSTRACT_DATASTATE*, ABSTRACT_ARRAY*); typedef const char* BACKCALL (*find_file_functype) (ABSTRACT_FINDFILE*, const char* filename, const char* prevfilename); /* optional; we can use wrapper to load file and apply its filters before running itself */ /* note that this function should allocate region 1 byte nore than the file size */ typedef PSTRING BACKCALL (*load_file_functype) (ABSTRACT_FILTER*, const char* filename); typedef int BACKCALL (*unload_file_functype) (ABSTRACT_FILTER*, PSTRING memarea); #define HTML_TEMPLATE_OPT_ESCAPE_NO 0 #define HTML_TEMPLATE_OPT_ESCAPE_HTML 1 #define HTML_TEMPLATE_OPT_ESCAPE_URL 2 #define HTML_TEMPLATE_OPT_ESCAPE_JS 3 /* -------- Expr extension------------ */ /* those are needed for EXPR= extension */ typedef ABSTRACT_USERFUNC* BACKCALL (*is_expr_userfnc_functype) (ABSTRACT_FUNCMAP*, PSTRING name); typedef ABSTRACT_ARGLIST* BACKCALL (*init_expr_arglist_functype) (ABSTRACT_CALLER*); typedef void BACKCALL (*push_expr_arglist_functype) (ABSTRACT_ARGLIST*, ABSTRACT_EXPRVAL*); typedef void BACKCALL (*free_expr_arglist_functype) (ABSTRACT_ARGLIST*); typedef void BACKCALL (*call_expr_userfnc_functype) (ABSTRACT_CALLER*, ABSTRACT_ARGLIST*, ABSTRACT_USERFUNC*, ABSTRACT_EXPRVAL*); /* ------- end Expr extension -------- */ #endif /* _PROABSTRACT_H */ /** \typedef typedef void (*writer_functype) (ABSTRACT_WRITER*,const char* begin, const char* endnext); \brief optional callback for writing or accumulating a piece of generated text. \param begin, endnext - pointers to memory area containing the output string. \param ABSTRACT_WRITER* - pointer stored by tmplpro_set_option_ext_writer_state() or NULL if nothing was stored. Note that outpot string is NOT 0-terminated. Instead, 2 pointers are used, as in PSTRING. This callback is called multiple times. This callback is optional: if not provided, a built-in stub will output to STDOUT. @see tmplpro_set_option_WriterFuncPtr @see tmplpro_set_option_ext_writer_state */ /** \typedef typedef ABSTRACT_VALUE* (*get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype) (ABSTRACT_MAP*, PSTRING name); \brief required callback to get a variable value. \param PSTRING name - a name as in <TMPL_VAR NAME="var1"> \param ABSTRACT_MAP* pointer returned by callback of get_ABSTRACT_MAP_functype. \return NULL if NAME not found or a non-null pointer to be passed to callback of ABSTRACT_VALUE2PSTRING_functype or ABSTRACT_VALUE2ABSTRACT_ARRAY_functype. @see tmplpro_set_option_GetAbstractValFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef PSTRING (*ABSTRACT_VALUE2PSTRING_functype) (ABSTRACT_VALUE*); \brief required callback to transform into PSTRING a variable name passed to callback of get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype. \param ABSTRACT_VALUE* optional pointer returned by callback of get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype. \return PSTRING to a memory area. The memery area can be safely freed in the next call to ABSTRACT_VALUE2PSTRING_functype. @see tmplpro_set_option_AbstractVal2pstringFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef int (*is_ABSTRACT_VALUE_true_functype) (ABSTRACT_VALUE*); \brief optional callback to fine-tune is ABSTRACT_VALUE* is true or false. \param ABSTRACT_VALUE* optional pointer returned by callback of get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype. \return 0(false) or 1(true). By default a stub is used that guesses true or false according to PSTRING form of ABSTRACT_VALUE. @see tmplpro_set_option_IsAbstractValTrueFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef ABSTRACT_ARRAY* (*ABSTRACT_VALUE2ABSTRACT_ARRAY_functype) (ABSTRACT_VALUE*); \brief required callback to transform into ABSTRACT_ARRAY a variable name passed to callback of get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype. \param ABSTRACT_VALUE* optional pointer returned by callback of get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype. \return NULL if NAME can not be converted to ABSTRACT_ARRAY or a non-null pointer that will be passed then to callbacks of get_ABSTRACT_ARRAY_length_functype and get_ABSTRACT_MAP_functype. @see tmplpro_set_option_AbstractVal2abstractArrayFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef int (*get_ABSTRACT_ARRAY_length_functype) (ABSTRACT_ARRAY*); \brief optional callback to specify a length of the loop. \param ABSTRACT_ARRAY* optional pointer returned by callback of ABSTRACT_VALUE2ABSTRACT_ARRAY_functype. \return the length of the loop or a special value of -1 that indicates that loop has an undefined length (useful when one need to iterate over large number of records in database or lines in a file). By default a stub is used that returns -1. @see tmplpro_set_option_GetAbstractArrayLengthFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef ABSTRACT_MAP* (*get_ABSTRACT_MAP_functype) (ABSTRACT_ARRAY*,int n); \brief required callback to transform into ABSTRACT_ARRAY a variable name passed to callback of get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype. \param ABSTRACT_ARRAY* optional pointer returned by callback of ABSTRACT_VALUE2ABSTRACT_ARRAY_functype. \param n - number of current loop iteration. \return NULL if loop can no nore be iterated or a non-null pointer that will be passed to callback of get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype. @see tmplpro_set_option_GetAbstractMapFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef void (*end_loop_functype) (ABSTRACT_MAP* root_param_map, int newlevel); \brief optional callback to notify a front-end that the current loop is exited. \param ABSTRACT_MAP* optional pointer stored by tmplpro_set_option_root_param_map(). \param newlevel current depth of nested loops (0 means a root scope). This callback is useful for front-end implementations which does not return pointers to real objects. In that case the corresponding ABSTRACT_MAP*, ABSTRACT_ARRAY*, and ABSTRACT_VALUE* pointers are fake non-null values, so instead of those pointers this callback can be used. @see tmplpro_set_option_EndLoopFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef void (*select_loop_scope_functype) (ABSTRACT_MAP* root_param_map, int level); \brief optional callback to select a loop. \param ABSTRACT_MAP* optional pointer stored by tmplpro_set_option_root_param_map(). \param int level level at which a loop will be selected. This callback is useful for front-end implementations which does not return pointers to real objects. In that case the corresponding ABSTRACT_MAP*, ABSTRACT_ARRAY*, and ABSTRACT_VALUE* pointers are fake non-null values, so instead of those pointers this callback can be used. @see tmplpro_set_option_SelectLoopScopeFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef const char* (*find_file_functype) (ABSTRACT_FINDFILE*, const char* filename, const char* prevfilename); \brief optional callback to fine-tune the algorythm of finding template file by name. \param ABSTRACT_FINDFILE* optional pointer stored by tmplpro_set_option_ext_writer_state(). \param filename file to be found. \param prevfilename fully qualified path to containing file, if any. \return fully qualified path to a file to be loaded. By default a stub is used (as of 0.82, with limited functionality). @see tmplpro_set_option_FindFileFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef PSTRING (*load_file_functype) (ABSTRACT_FILTER*, const char* filename); \brief optional callback to load and preprocess (filter) files. Only called if filters option is true (set by tmplpro_set_option_filters() ). \param ABSTRACT_FILTER* optional pointer stored by tmplpro_set_option_ext_filter_state(). \param filename fully qualified path to a file to be loaded (as returned by callback of find_file_functype). \return PSTRING of memory area loaded. @see tmplpro_set_option_filters @see tmplpro_set_option_LoadFileFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef int (*unload_file_functype) (ABSTRACT_FILTER*, PSTRING memarea); \brief optional callback to free memory accuired by a callback of load_file_functype. Only called if filters option is true (set by tmplpro_set_option_filters() ). \param ABSTRACT_FILTER* optional pointer stored by tmplpro_set_option_ext_filter_state(). \param memarea pointers to loaded area (as returned by callback of load_file_functype). \return 0 on success, non-zero otherwise. @see tmplpro_set_option_filters @see tmplpro_set_option_UnloadFileFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef ABSTRACT_USERFUNC* (*is_expr_userfnc_functype) (ABSTRACT_FUNCMAP*, PSTRING name); \brief optional callback for support of user-provided functions. \param ABSTRACT_FUNCMAP* optional pointer stored by tmplpro_set_option_expr_func_map(). \param name name of function \return NULL if there is no user function with such a name or non-null value to be passed to callback of call_expr_userfnc_functype. \warning if is_expr_userfnc_functype callback is set, then callbacks of init_expr_arglist_functype, push_expr_arglist_functype, free_expr_arglist_functype and call_expr_userfnc_functype also should be set. @see tmplpro_set_option_IsExprUserfncFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef ABSTRACT_ARGLIST* (*init_expr_arglist_functype) (ABSTRACT_CALLER*); \brief optional callback to initialize the list of arguments for a user-provided function. Note that if function calls are nested, then the calls to a callbacks of ::init_expr_arglist_functype, ::push_expr_arglist_functype, ::free_expr_arglist_functype will also be nested. \param ABSTRACT_CALLER* optional pointer stored by tmplpro_set_option_ext_calluserfunc_state(). \return value to be passed to callbacks of push_expr_arglist_functype, free_expr_arglist_functype and call_expr_userfnc_functype. @see tmplpro_set_option_InitExprArglistFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef void (*free_expr_arglist_functype) (ABSTRACT_ARGLIST*); \brief optional callback to release the list of arguments for a user-provided function. Note that if function calls are nested, then the calls to a callbacks of ::init_expr_arglist_functype, ::push_expr_arglist_functype, ::free_expr_arglist_functype will also be nested. \param ABSTRACT_ARGLIST* optional pointer returned by callback of init_expr_arglist_functype. @see tmplpro_set_option_FreeExprArglistFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef void (*push_expr_arglist_functype) (ABSTRACT_ARGLIST*, ABSTRACT_EXPRVAL*); \brief optional callback to add new value to the list of arguments for a user-provided function. Note that if function calls are nested, then the calls to a callbacks of ::init_expr_arglist_functype, ::push_expr_arglist_functype, ::free_expr_arglist_functype will also be nested. \param ABSTRACT_ARGLIST* optional pointer returned by callback of init_expr_arglist_functype. \param ABSTRACT_EXPRVAL* pointer required by tmplpro_get_expr_* functions to retrieve the value (a place the pushed value is stored). A value to be added to the list of arguments for a user-provided function is not passed as argument to a callback of push_expr_arglist_functype. Instead, a pointer to struct tmplpro_param is passed, and the callback function should discover the value's type using tmplpro_get_expr_type() function, and then should retrieve the value using one of the functions \li tmplpro_get_expr_as_int64() \li tmplpro_get_expr_as_double() \li tmplpro_get_expr_as_pstring() @see tmplpro_set_option_PushExprArglistFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef void (*call_expr_userfnc_functype) (ABSTRACT_CALLER*, ABSTRACT_ARGLIST*, ABSTRACT_USERFUNC*, ABSTRACT_EXPRVAL*); \brief optional callback to call a user-provided function with a current list of arguments. \param ABSTRACT_CALLER* optional pointer stored by tmplpro_set_option_ext_calluserfunc_state(). \param ABSTRACT_ARGLIST* optional pointer returned by callback of init_expr_arglist_functype. \param ABSTRACT_USERFUNC* optional pointer returned by callback of is_expr_userfnc_functype. \param ABSTRACT_EXPRVAL* pointer required by tmplpro_set_expr_as_* functions (a place the return value will be stored). To return the result user function returned the callback of call_expr_userfnc_functype should call one of the functions \li tmplpro_set_expr_as_null() \li tmplpro_set_expr_as_int64() \li tmplpro_set_expr_as_double() \li tmplpro_set_expr_as_string() \li tmplpro_set_expr_as_pstring() passing them the ABSTRACT_EXPRVAL* as argument. @see tmplpro_set_option_CallExprUserfncFuncPtr */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_WRITER \brief optional pointer to be passed to a callback of ::writer_functype. Optional pointer to store internal state for a callback of ::writer_functype. If used, it should be stored beforehand with tmplpro_set_option_ext_writer_state(). @see tmplpro_set_option_ext_writer_state */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_FINDFILE \brief optional pointer to be passed to a callback of ::find_file_functype. Optional pointer to store internal state for a callback of ::find_file_functype. If used, it should be stored beforehand with tmplpro_set_option_ext_findfile_state(). @see tmplpro_set_option_ext_findfile_state */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_FILTER \brief optional pointer to be passed to a callback of ::load_file_functype / ::unload_file_functype. Optional pointer to store internal state for a callback of ::load_file_functype / ::unload_file_functype. If used, it should be stored beforehand with tmplpro_set_option_ext_filter_state(). @see tmplpro_set_option_ext_filter_state */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_CALLER \brief optional pointer to be passed to a callback of ::call_expr_userfnc_functype. Optional pointer to store internal state for a callback of ::call_expr_userfnc_functype. If used, it should be stored beforehand with tmplpro_set_option_ext_calluserfunc_state(). @see tmplpro_set_option_ext_calluserfunc_state */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_DATASTATE \brief optional pointer to be passed to data manipulation callbacks of ::get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype, ::ABSTRACT_VALUE2ABSTRACT_ARRAY_functype, ::get_ABSTRACT_ARRAY_length_functype, ::is_ABSTRACT_VALUE_true_functype, ::get_ABSTRACT_MAP_functype, exit_loop_scope_functype. Optional pointer to store internal state for a callback of ::get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype, ::ABSTRACT_VALUE2ABSTRACT_ARRAY_functype, ::get_ABSTRACT_ARRAY_length_functype, ::is_ABSTRACT_VALUE_true_functype, ::get_ABSTRACT_MAP_functype, exit_loop_scope_functype. If used, it should be stored beforehand with tmplpro_set_option_ext_data_state(). @see tmplpro_set_option_ext_data_state */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_ARRAY \brief optional pointer representing a loop. It is returned from a callback of ::ABSTRACT_VALUE2ABSTRACT_ARRAY_functype and is passed to callbacks of ::get_ABSTRACT_ARRAY_length_functype and ::get_ABSTRACT_MAP_functype. */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_MAP \brief optional pointer representing a root scope or a loop scope. Pointer for the loop scope is returned from a callback of ::get_ABSTRACT_MAP_functype. Pointer of the root scope should be stored beforehead using tmplpro_set_option_root_param_map(). Both types of pointers are passed to callback of ::get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype. Also, root scope pointer is passed to callbacks of ::end_loop_functype and ::select_loop_scope_functype. @see tmplpro_set_option_root_param_map */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_VALUE \brief optional pointer representing an abstract value that can be converted to a sting or loop. It is returned from callback of ::get_ABSTRACT_VALUE_functype and passed to callbacks of ::ABSTRACT_VALUE2ABSTRACT_ARRAY_functype and ::ABSTRACT_VALUE2PSTRING_functype. */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_FUNCMAP \brief optional pointer to be passed to a callback of ::is_expr_userfnc_functype. If used, it should be stored beforehand with tmplpro_set_option_expr_func_map(). @see tmplpro_set_option_expr_func_map */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_ARGLIST \brief optional pointer representing a list accumulating arguments to user function call. It is returned from a callback of ::init_expr_arglist_functype and is passed to callbacks of ::push_expr_arglist_functype, ::call_expr_userfnc_functype and ::free_expr_arglist_functype. */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_USERFUNC \brief optional pointer representing user function. It is returned from a callback of ::is_expr_userfnc_functype and is passed to callback of ::call_expr_userfnc_functype. */ /** \typedef typedef void ABSTRACT_EXPRVAL \brief optional pointer representing user function argument or return value. It is passed to callbacks of ::push_expr_arglist_functype and ::call_expr_userfnc_functype. */ /* * Local Variables: * mode: c * End: */