# frozen_string_literal: true module BeakerPuppetHelpers # The DSL methods for beaker. These are included in Beaker. module DSL # @!macro [new] common_opts # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options to alter execution. # @option opts [Boolean] :silent (false) Do not produce log output # @option opts [Array] :acceptable_exit_codes ([0]) An array # (or range) of integer exit codes that should be considered # acceptable. An error will be thrown if the exit code does not # match one of the values in this list. # @option opts [Boolean] :accept_all_exit_codes (false) Consider all # exit codes as passing. # @option opts [Boolean] :dry_run (false) Do not actually execute any # commands on the SUT # @option opts [String] :stdin (nil) Input to be provided during command # execution on the SUT. # @option opts [Boolean] :pty (false) Execute this command in a pseudoterminal. # @option opts [Boolean] :expect_connection_failure (false) Expect this command # to result in a connection failure, reconnect and continue execution. # @option opts [Hash{String=>String}] :environment ({}) These will be # treated as extra environment variables that should be set before # running the command. # # Runs 'puppet apply' on a remote host, piping manifest through stdin # # @param [Beaker::Host] hosts # The host that this command should be run on # # @param [String] manifest The puppet manifest to apply # # @!macro common_opts # @option opts [Boolean] :parseonly (false) If this key is true, the # "--parseonly" command line parameter will # be passed to the 'puppet apply' command. # # @option opts [Boolean] :trace (false) If this key exists in the Hash, # the "--trace" command line parameter will be # passed to the 'puppet apply' command. # # @option opts [Array] :acceptable_exit_codes ([0]) The list of exit # codes that will NOT raise an error when found upon # command completion. If provided, these values will # be combined with those used in :catch_failures and # :expect_failures to create the full list of # passing exit codes. # # @option opts [Hash] :environment Additional environment variables to be # passed to the 'puppet apply' command # # @option opts [Boolean] :catch_failures (false) By default `puppet # --apply` will exit with 0, which does not count # as a test failure, even if there were errors or # changes when applying the manifest. This option # enables detailed exit codes and causes a test # failure if `puppet --apply` indicates there was # a failure during its execution. # # @option opts [Boolean] :catch_changes (false) This option enables # detailed exit codes and causes a test failure # if `puppet --apply` indicates that there were # changes or failures during its execution. # # @option opts [Boolean] :expect_changes (false) This option enables # detailed exit codes and causes a test failure # if `puppet --apply` indicates that there were # no resource changes during its execution. # # @option opts [Boolean] :expect_failures (false) This option enables # detailed exit codes and causes a test failure # if `puppet --apply` indicates there were no # failure during its execution. # # @option opts [Boolean] :future_parser (false) This option enables # the future parser option that is available # from Puppet verion 3.2 # By default it will use the 'current' parser. # # @option opts [Boolean] :noop (false) If this option exists, the # the "--noop" command line parameter will be # passed to the 'puppet apply' command. # # @option opts [String] :modulepath The search path for modules, as # a list of directories separated by the system # path separator character. (The POSIX path separator # is ‘:’, and the Windows path separator is ‘;’.) # # @option opts [String] :hiera_config The path of the hiera.yaml configuration. # # @option opts [Boolean] :debug (false) If this option exists, # the "--debug" command line parameter # will be passed to the 'puppet apply' command. # # @option opts [Boolean] :run_in_parallel Whether to run on each host in parallel. # # @option opts [Boolean] :show_diff (false) If this option exists, # the "--show_diff=true" command line parameter # will be passed to the 'puppet apply' command. # # @param [Block] block This method will yield to a block of code passed # by the caller; this can be used for additional # validation, etc. # # @return [Array, Result, nil] An array of results, a result # object, or nil. Check {Beaker::Shared::HostManager#run_block_on} for # more details on this. def apply_manifest_on(hosts, manifest, opts = {}, &block) block_on hosts, opts do |host| on_options = {} on_options[:acceptable_exit_codes] = Array(opts[:acceptable_exit_codes]) puppet_apply_opts = {} if opts[:debug] puppet_apply_opts[:debug] = nil else puppet_apply_opts[:verbose] = nil end puppet_apply_opts[:parseonly] = nil if opts[:parseonly] puppet_apply_opts[:trace] = nil if opts[:trace] puppet_apply_opts[:parser] = 'future' if opts[:future_parser] puppet_apply_opts[:modulepath] = opts[:modulepath] if opts[:modulepath] puppet_apply_opts[:hiera_config] = opts[:hiera_config] if opts[:hiera_config] puppet_apply_opts[:noop] = nil if opts[:noop] puppet_apply_opts[:show_diff] = nil if opts[:show_diff] # From puppet help: # "... an exit code of '2' means there were changes, an exit code of # '4' means there were failures during the transaction, and an exit # code of '6' means there were both changes and failures." if [opts[:catch_changes], opts[:catch_failures], opts[:expect_failures], opts[:expect_changes]].compact.length > 1 raise(ArgumentError, 'Cannot specify more than one of `catch_failures`, ' \ '`catch_changes`, `expect_failures`, or `expect_changes` ' \ 'for a single manifest') end if opts[:catch_changes] puppet_apply_opts['detailed-exitcodes'] = nil # We're after idempotency so allow exit code 0 only. on_options[:acceptable_exit_codes] |= [0] elsif opts[:catch_failures] puppet_apply_opts['detailed-exitcodes'] = nil # We're after only complete success so allow exit codes 0 and 2 only. on_options[:acceptable_exit_codes] |= [0, 2] elsif opts[:expect_failures] puppet_apply_opts['detailed-exitcodes'] = nil # We're after failures specifically so allow exit codes 1, 4, and 6 only. on_options[:acceptable_exit_codes] |= [1, 4, 6] elsif opts[:expect_changes] puppet_apply_opts['detailed-exitcodes'] = nil # We're after changes specifically so allow exit code 2 only. on_options[:acceptable_exit_codes] |= [2] else # Either use the provided acceptable_exit_codes or default to [0] on_options[:acceptable_exit_codes] |= [0] end # Not really thrilled with this implementation, might want to improve it # later. Basically, there is a magic trick in the constructor of # PuppetCommand which allows you to pass in a Hash for the last value in # the *args Array; if you do so, it will be treated specially. So, here # we check to see if our caller passed us a hash of environment variables # that they want to set for the puppet command. If so, we set the final # value of *args to a new hash with just one entry (the value of which # is our environment variables hash) puppet_apply_opts['ENV'] = opts[:environment] if opts.key?(:environment) puppet_apply_opts = host[:default_apply_opts].merge(puppet_apply_opts) if host[:default_apply_opts].respond_to? :merge file_path = host.tmpfile(%(apply_manifest_#{Time.now.strftime('%H%M%S%L')}), '.pp') begin create_remote_file(host, file_path, "#{manifest}\n") on(host, Beaker::PuppetCommand.new('apply', file_path, puppet_apply_opts), **on_options, &block) ensure host.rm_rf(file_path) end end end # Runs 'puppet apply' on default host # @see #apply_manifest_on # @return [Array, Result, nil] An array of results, a result # object, or nil. Check {Beaker::Shared::HostManager#run_block_on} for # more details on this. def apply_manifest(manifest, opts = {}, &block) apply_manifest_on(default, manifest, opts, &block) end # Get a facter fact from a provided host # # @param [Beaker::Host, Array, String, Symbol] host # One or more hosts to act upon, or a role (String or Symbol) that # identifies one or more hosts. # @param [String] name The name of the fact to query for # @!macro common_opts # @return String The value of the fact 'name' on the provided host # @raise [FailTest] Raises an exception if call to facter fails def fact_on(host, name, opts = {}) raise(ArgumentError, "fact_on's `name` option must be a String. You provided a #{name.class}: '#{name}'") unless name.is_a?(String) result = on host, Beaker::Command.new('puppet facts show', [name], opts) if result.is_a?(Array) result.map { |res| JSON.parse(res.stdout)[name] } else JSON.parse(result.stdout)[name] end end # Get a facter fact from the default host # @see #fact_on def fact(name, opts = {}) fact_on(default, name, opts) end # Show if bolt package is available # # @param [Beaker::Host] host # @return True if package is available. # def bolt_supported?(host = default) # # Supported platforms # https://github.com/puppetlabs/bolt/blob/main/documentation/bolt_installing.md # https://github.com/puppetlabs/bolt-vanagon/tree/main/configs/platforms case host['packaging_platform'].split('-', 3)[0, 1] when %w[el 7], %w[el 8], %w[el 9], %w[debian 10], %w[debian 11], ['ubuntu', '20.04'], ['ubuntu', '22.04'], %w[osx 11], %w[osx 12], %w[sles 12], %w[sles 15], %w[fedora 36], %w[windows 2012r2] true else false end end end end