#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path('../test_helper', __FILE__) # Test data # A # / \ # B C # \ # B class STPT def a 100.times{b} 300.times{c} c;c;c end def b sleep 0 end def c 5.times{b} end end class StackPrinterTest < TestCase def setup # Need to use wall time for this test due to the sleep calls RubyProf::measure_mode = RubyProf::WALL_TIME end def test_stack_can_be_printed start_time = Time.now RubyProf.start 5.times{STPT.new.a} result = RubyProf.stop end_time = Time.now expected_time = end_time - start_time file_contents = nil assert_nothing_raised { file_contents = print(result) } re = /Thread: (\d+)(, Fiber: (\d+))? \([\.0-9]+.[\.0-9]+% ~ ([\.0-9]+)\)/ assert_match(re, file_contents) file_contents =~ re actual_time = $4.to_f assert_in_delta(expected_time, actual_time, 0.1) end def test_method_elimination RubyProf.start 5.times{STPT.new.a} result = RubyProf.stop assert_nothing_raised { # result.dump result.eliminate_methods!([/Integer#times/]) # $stderr.puts "================================" # result.dump print(result) } end private def print(result) test = caller.first =~ /in `(.*)'/ ? $1 : "test" testfile_name = "#{RubyProf.tmpdir}/ruby_prof_#{test}.html" # puts "printing to #{testfile_name}" printer = RubyProf::CallStackPrinter.new(result) File.open(testfile_name, "w") {|f| printer.print(f, :threshold => 0, :min_percent => 0, :title => "ruby_prof #{test}")} system("open '#{testfile_name}'") if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ && ENV['SHOW_RUBY_PROF_PRINTER_OUTPUT']=="1" assert File.exist?(testfile_name), "#{testfile_name} does not exist" assert File.readable?(testfile_name), "#{testfile_name} is no readable" File.read(testfile_name) end end