module Coupler module Models class Transformation < Sequel::Model include CommonModel many_to_one :resource many_to_one :source_field, :class => Field many_to_one :result_field, :class => Field many_to_one :transformer plugin :nested_attributes nested_attributes :result_field nested_attributes :transformer, :destroy => false def transform(data) transformer.transform(data, { :in =>, :out => }) end def field_changes transformer.field_changes(source_field) end # NOTE: The fact that the aliased name doesn't have an = at the end is # important. Ruby methods with names that have = at the end always # return the RHS value, regardless of what the method actually returns. # The only way to grab the associated object that gets created from the # nested attributes methods is by fetching the return value. # alias :original_result_field_attributes :result_field_attributes= def result_field_attributes=(h) @staged_result_field = self.original_result_field_attributes(h.merge({ :is_generated => true })) end def deletable? position == self.class.max(:position) && (result_field.nil? || !result_field.is_generated || result_field.scenarios_dataset.count == 0) end private def before_validation super if source_field_id && !result_field_id && !@staged_result_field self.result_field_id = source_field_id end if @staged_result_field && transformer && source_field && resource_id hash = transformer.field_changes(source_field).values[0] if hash.empty? hash.update({ :type => source_field[:type], :db_type => source_field[:db_type] }) end hash[:resource_id] = resource_id @staged_result_field.set(hash) end end def validate super validates_presence [:resource_id, :source_field_id] if transformer.nil? errors.add(:transformer_id, "is not present") end if errors.empty? source_field = resource.fields_dataset[:id => source_field_id] if source_field.nil? errors.add(:source_field_id, "is invalid") else if transformer.allowed_types.is_a?(Array) && !transformer.allowed_types.include?(source_field.final_type) errors.add(:base, "#{} cannot transform type '#{source_field.final_type}'") end end if !@staged_result_field result_field = result_field_id ? resource.fields_dataset[:id => result_field_id] : nil if result_field.nil? errors.add(:result_field_id, "is invalid") end end end end def before_create super self.position ||= self.class.filter(:resource_id => resource_id).count + 1 end def after_save super resource.refresh_fields! end def before_destroy # Prevent all but the last transformation from being destroyed # # TODO: I'm putting off programming the complex logic required to # enable deletion from the middle of a transformation stack. # super deletable? end def after_destroy super if result_field && result_field.is_generated && self.class.filter(:result_field_id => == 0 result_field.destroy end resource.refresh_fields! if resource end end end end