/** @module @ember/engine */ import { guidFor } from '@ember/-internals/utils'; import { Object as EmberObject, ContainerProxyMixin, RegistryProxyMixin, RSVP, } from '@ember/-internals/runtime'; import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; import EmberError from '@ember/error'; import { Registry, privatize as P } from '@ember/-internals/container'; import { getEngineParent, setEngineParent } from './lib/engine-parent'; /** The `EngineInstance` encapsulates all of the stateful aspects of a running `Engine`. @public @class EngineInstance @extends EmberObject @uses RegistryProxyMixin @uses ContainerProxyMixin */ const EngineInstance = EmberObject.extend(RegistryProxyMixin, ContainerProxyMixin, { /** The base `Engine` for which this is an instance. @property {Engine} engine @private */ base: null, init() { this._super(...arguments); guidFor(this); let base = this.base; if (!base) { base = this.application; this.base = base; } // Create a per-instance registry that will use the application's registry // as a fallback for resolving registrations. let registry = (this.__registry__ = new Registry({ fallback: base.__registry__, })); // Create a per-instance container from the instance's registry this.__container__ = registry.container({ owner: this }); this._booted = false; }, /** Initialize the `EngineInstance` and return a promise that resolves with the instance itself when the boot process is complete. The primary task here is to run any registered instance initializers. See the documentation on `BootOptions` for the options it takes. @public @method boot @param options {Object} @return {Promise} */ boot(options) { if (this._bootPromise) { return this._bootPromise; } this._bootPromise = new RSVP.Promise(resolve => resolve(this._bootSync(options))); return this._bootPromise; }, /** Unfortunately, a lot of existing code assumes booting an instance is synchronous – specifically, a lot of tests assume the last call to `app.advanceReadiness()` or `app.reset()` will result in a new instance being fully-booted when the current runloop completes. We would like new code (like the `visit` API) to stop making this assumption, so we created the asynchronous version above that returns a promise. But until we have migrated all the code, we would have to expose this method for use *internally* in places where we need to boot an instance synchronously. @private */ _bootSync(options) { if (this._booted) { return this; } assert( "An engine instance's parent must be set via `setEngineParent(engine, parent)` prior to calling `engine.boot()`.", getEngineParent(this) ); this.cloneParentDependencies(); this.setupRegistry(options); this.base.runInstanceInitializers(this); this._booted = true; return this; }, setupRegistry(options = this.__container__.lookup('-environment:main')) { this.constructor.setupRegistry(this.__registry__, options); }, /** Unregister a factory. Overrides `RegistryProxy#unregister` in order to clear any cached instances of the unregistered factory. @public @method unregister @param {String} fullName */ unregister(fullName) { this.__container__.reset(fullName); this._super(...arguments); }, /** Build a new `EngineInstance` that's a child of this instance. Engines must be registered by name with their parent engine (or application). @private @method buildChildEngineInstance @param name {String} the registered name of the engine. @param options {Object} options provided to the engine instance. @return {EngineInstance,Error} */ buildChildEngineInstance(name, options = {}) { let Engine = this.lookup(`engine:${name}`); if (!Engine) { throw new EmberError( `You attempted to mount the engine '${name}', but it is not registered with its parent.` ); } let engineInstance = Engine.buildInstance(options); setEngineParent(engineInstance, this); return engineInstance; }, /** Clone dependencies shared between an engine instance and its parent. @private @method cloneParentDependencies */ cloneParentDependencies() { let parent = getEngineParent(this); let registrations = ['route:basic', 'service:-routing', 'service:-glimmer-environment']; registrations.forEach(key => this.register(key, parent.resolveRegistration(key))); let env = parent.lookup('-environment:main'); this.register('-environment:main', env, { instantiate: false }); let singletons = [ 'router:main', P`-bucket-cache:main`, '-view-registry:main', `renderer:-${env.isInteractive ? 'dom' : 'inert'}`, 'service:-document', P`template-compiler:main`, ]; if (env.isInteractive) { singletons.push('event_dispatcher:main'); } singletons.forEach(key => this.register(key, parent.lookup(key), { instantiate: false })); this.inject('view', '_environment', '-environment:main'); this.inject('route', '_environment', '-environment:main'); }, }); EngineInstance.reopenClass({ /** @private @method setupRegistry @param {Registry} registry @param {BootOptions} options */ setupRegistry(registry, options) { // when no options/environment is present, do nothing if (!options) { return; } registry.injection('view', '_environment', '-environment:main'); registry.injection('route', '_environment', '-environment:main'); if (options.isInteractive) { registry.injection('view', 'renderer', 'renderer:-dom'); registry.injection('component', 'renderer', 'renderer:-dom'); } else { registry.injection('view', 'renderer', 'renderer:-inert'); registry.injection('component', 'renderer', 'renderer:-inert'); } }, }); export default EngineInstance;