describe('RailsResource.snapshots', function () { 'use strict'; var Book, $httpBackend, railsResourceFactory, railsSerializer; beforeEach(function () { module('rails') }); beforeEach(inject(function (_$httpBackend_, _railsResourceFactory_, _railsSerializer_) { $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; railsResourceFactory = _railsResourceFactory_; railsSerializer = _railsSerializer_; Book = railsResourceFactory({ url: '/books', name: 'book', extensions: ['snapshots'] }); })); afterEach(function() { $httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingExpectation(); $httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingRequest(); }); it('should store all keys', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); expect(book.snapshot()).toBe(0); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(1); expect(book.$snapshots[0].$snapshots).toBeUndefined(); expect(book).toEqualData(data); expect(book.$snapshots[0].$key).toBe('1234'); expect(book.$snapshots[0]).toEqualData(data); }); it('should store deep copy', function () { var book, data = { id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter', author: { id: 1, name: 'George R. R. Martin' } }; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); expect(book.$snapshots[0].author).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots[0]; expect(book.$snapshots[0]).toEqualData(data); }); it('should store multiple snapshots', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); expect(book.snapshot()).toBe(0); book.$key = '1235'; expect(book.snapshot()).toBe(1); book.$key = '1236'; expect(book.snapshot()).toBe(2); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(3); expect(book.$snapshots[0].$key).toBe('1234'); expect(book.$snapshots[1].$key).toBe('1235'); expect(book.$snapshots[2].$key).toBe('1236'); }); it('should rollback single version', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1236'; book.rollback(); expect(book.$key).toBe('1235'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(1); }); it('should rollback deep copy', function () { var book, data = { id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter', author: { id: 1, name: 'George R. R. Martin' } }; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); = {id: 2, name: 'Hugh Howey'}; book.rollback(); expect(; expect(book).toEqualData(data); book.snapshot(); = 'Hugh Howey'; book.rollback(); expect(; expect(book).toEqualData(data); }); it('should not modify source nested object on rollback', function () { var book, hughHoweyAuthor = {id: 2, name: 'Hugh Howey'}, data = { id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter', author: { id: 1, name: 'George R. R. Martin' } }; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); = hughHoweyAuthor; book.rollback(); expect(hughHoweyAuthor).toEqualData({id: 2, name: 'Hugh Howey'}); }); it('should allow multiple rollbacks', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1236'; book.rollback(); expect(book.$key).toBe('1235'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(1); book.rollback(); expect(book.$key).toBe('1234'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(0); }); it('should rollback specified number of versions', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1236'; book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1237'; book.rollback(2); expect(book.$key).toBe('1235'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(1); }); it('should not change resource on rollback if no snapshots saved', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.$key = '1235'; book.rollback(); expect(book.$key).toBe('1235'); }); it('should roll back to the first snapshot for -1', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1236'; book.snapshot(); book.rollback(-1); expect(book.$key).toBe('1234'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(0); }); it('should roll back to the first snapshot when versions exceeds available snapshots', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1236'; book.snapshot(); book.rollback(1000); expect(book.$key).toBe('1234'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(0); }); it('should roll back to version in middle', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1236'; book.snapshot(); book.rollbackTo(1); expect(book.$key).toBe('1235'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(1); }); it('should roll back to first version', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1236'; book.snapshot(); book.rollbackTo(0); expect(book.$key).toBe('1234'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(0); }); it('should roll back to last version when version exceeds available versions', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1236'; book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1237'; book.rollbackTo(100); expect(book.$key).toBe('1236'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(2); }); it('should reset snapshots on create', function () { var book, data = {$key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; $httpBackend.expectPOST('/books').respond(200, {book: {id: 1}});; $httpBackend.flush(); expect(book.$key).toBe('1235'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(0); }); it('should be able to save after rollback', function () { var book, data = {$key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; book.rollback(); $httpBackend.expectPOST('/books').respond(200, {book: {id: 1}});; $httpBackend.flush(); expect(book.$key).toBe('1234'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(0); }); it('should reset snapshots on update', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; $httpBackend.expectPUT('/books/1').respond(200, {book: {id: 1}});; $httpBackend.flush(); expect(book.$key).toBe('1235'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(0); }); it('should reset snapshots on delete', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; $httpBackend.expectDELETE('/books/1').respond(200, {book: {id: 1}}); book.delete(); $httpBackend.flush(); expect(book.$key).toBe('1235'); expect(book.$snapshots).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots.length).toBe(0); }); it('should call rollback callback on rollback', function () { var book, callbackCalled = false, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(function () { callbackCalled = true; }); book.rollback(); expect(callbackCalled).toBe(true); }); it('should call correct rollback callback on each rollback', function () { var book, firstCallbackCalled = false, secondCallbackCalled = false, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter'}; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(function () { firstCallbackCalled = true; }); book.$key = '1235'; book.snapshot(function () { secondCallbackCalled = true; }); book.$key = '1236'; book.rollback(); expect(book.$key).toBe('1235'); expect(firstCallbackCalled).toBe(false); expect(secondCallbackCalled).toBe(true); book.rollback(); expect(book.$key).toBe('1234'); expect(firstCallbackCalled).toBe(true); expect(secondCallbackCalled).toBe(true); }); it('should detect unsnapped changes', function () { var book, data = {id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter', theAuthor: 'George R.R. Martin'}; book = new Book(data); expect(book.unsnappedChanges()).toBe(true); book.snapshot(); expect(book.unsnappedChanges()).toBe(false); = 'Harry Potter'; expect(book.unsnappedChanges()).toBe(true); book.snapshot(); expect(book.unsnappedChanges()).toBe(false); book.theAuthor = 'J.K. Rowling'; expect(book.unsnappedChanges()).toBe(true); book.snapshot(); expect(book.unsnappedChanges()).toBe(false); // angular.equals ignores $-prefixed properties book.$key = '1235' expect(book.unsnappedChanges()).toBe(false); }); describe('serializer', function () { beforeEach(function () { Book.configure({ serializer: railsSerializer(function () { this.exclude('author'); }) }); }); it('should exclude author from snapshot and rollback', function () { var book, data = { id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter', author: { id: 1, name: 'George R. R. Martin' } }; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); = 'George Orwell'; expect(book.$snapshots[0].author).not.toBeDefined(); expect({id: 1, name: 'George Orwell'}); book.rollback(); // should still be George Orwell since it wasn't snapshotted expect({id: 1, name: 'George Orwell'}); }); }); describe('snapshotSerializer', function () { beforeEach(function () { Book.configure({ serializer: railsSerializer(function () { this.exclude('author'); }), snapshotSerializer: railsSerializer(function () { this.exclude('$key'); }) }); }); it('should include author and exclude $key from snapshot and rollback', function () { var book, data = { id: 1, $key: '1234', name: 'The Winds of Winter', author: { id: 1, name: 'George R. R. Martin' } }; book = new Book(data); book.snapshot(); book.$key = '1235'; = 'George Orwell'; expect(book.$snapshots[0].author).toBeDefined(); expect(book.$snapshots[0].$key).not.toBeDefined(); expect(book.$key).toBe('1235'); expect({id: 1, name: 'George Orwell'}); book.rollback(); // should be 1235 since it wasn't snapshotted expect(book.$key).toBe('1235'); // should be George R. R. Martin since it was snapshotted expect({id: 1, name: 'George R. R. Martin'}); }); }); });