(function(app, ko) { "use strict"; var OverlayControl, Overlay; OverlayControl = function OverlayControl() { var that = this; this.providers = {}; this.existingOverlays = {}; this.registerProvider = function registerProvider(name, createCallback) { that.providers[name] = createCallback; }; this.createOverlay = function createOverlay(name, ctx, ctxExtension, overlayOptions) { var overlay; if (DEBUG) { console.assert(that.providers[name], "%s is not an available overlay provider", name); } if (that.existingOverlays[name]) { overlay = that.existingOverlays[name]; overlay.update(ctx, ctxExtension); } else { overlay = that.providers[name](ctx, ctxExtension, overlayOptions); that.existingOverlays[name] = overlay; } return overlay; }; }; Overlay = function Overlay(name, veil) { var that = this; this.name = name; this.veil = veil; this.updateCallback = function noop() {}; this.destroyCallback = function noop() {}; this.callbacks = { 'beforeShow' : [], 'beforeClose': [] }; this.runCallbacks = function runCallbacks(name) { that.callbacks[name].forEach(function(callback) { callback.apply(that); }); }; this.on = function on(callbackName, callback) { that.callbacks[callbackName].push(callback); }; this.update = function update() { that.updateCallback.apply(that, arguments); }; this.destroy = function destroy() { that.runCallbacks('beforeClose'); that.destroyCallback.apply(that, arguments); }; this.show = function show() { that.runCallbacks('beforeShow'); that.veil.show(); }; this.hide = function hide() { // that.runCallbacks('beforeClose'); // that.veil.hide(); that.hideAndRemove(); }; this.hideAndRemove = function hideAndRemove() { that.runCallbacks('beforeClose'); that.veil.addCallback('afterHide', function() { that.veil.destroy(); }); that.veil.hide(); }; }; window.Overlay = { control: new OverlayControl(), Overlay: Overlay }; })(window.app, ko);