// $Id: forms.css,v 1.2 2009/02/17 05:43:08 johnalbin Exp $ // @file Form Styling // Wrapper for a form element (or group of form elements) and its label .form-item, .form-checkboxes, .form-radios :margin 1em 0 // Highlight the form elements that caused a form submission error .form-item input,textarea,select .error :border 2px solid #c00 // The label for a form element label :display block :font-weight bold // The label for a radio button or checkbox &.option :display inline :font-weight normal // The part of the label that indicates a required field .form-required :color #c00 // The descriptive help text (separate from the label) .form-item .description :font-size 0.85em // Pack groups of checkboxes and radio buttons closer together .form-checkboxes, .form-radios .form-item :margin 0.4em 0 // The submit button .form-submit // Inline labels and form divs .container-inline div, .container-inline label :display inline // Tips for Drupal's input formats .tips // Search (search-theme-form.tpl.php) // Wrapper for the search form #search-box // Label that says "Search this site:" #edit-search-theme-form-1-wrapper label :display none // Search (search-block-form.tpl.php) // Wrapper for the search form #search-block-form // Label that says "Search this site:" #edit-search-block-form-1-wrapper label :display none // Drupal's default login form block #user-login-form :text-align left // OpenID The default styling for the OpenID login link seems to assume Garland's styling of list items. // OpenID creates a new ul above the login form's links. #user-login-form ul // Position OpenID's ul next to the rest of the links. :margin-bottom 0 // The "Log in using OpenID" links. #user-login-form li.openid-link, #user-login li.openid-link :margin-top 1em // Un-do some of the padding on the ul list. :margin-left -20px :padding-left 20px :background-position left center // The "Cancel OpenID login" links. #user-login-form li.user-link, #user-login li.user-link :margin-top 1em :list-style-type disc :list-style-position outside // The OpenID links on the /user form. #user-login li.openid-link, li.user-link // Un-do all of the padding on the ul list. :margin-left -2em // Drupal admin tables We overrode these styles in html-elements.css, but restore them for the admin section of the site. form tbody :border-top 1px solid #ccc th :border-bottom 1px solid #ccc th :text-align left :padding-right 1em :border-bottom 3px solid #ccc thead th :text-align left :padding-right 1em :border-bottom 3px solid #ccc