require 'tempfile' require_relative '../../../tools/yaml_ext.rb' module Locomotive::Wagon module AssetsConcern REGEX = /(https?:\/\/\S+)?\/sites\/[0-9a-f]{24}\/(assets|pages|theme|content_entry[0-9a-f]{24})\/(([^;.]+)\/)*([a-zA-Z_\-0-9.]+)\.([A-Za-z]{2,})(\?\w+)?/ # The content assets on the remote engine follows the format: /sites//assets// # This method replaces these urls by their local representation. / # # @param [ String ] content The text where the assets will be replaced. # def replace_asset_urls(content) return '' if content.blank? content.force_encoding('utf-8').gsub(REGEX) do |url| filename = "#{$5}.#{$6}" folder = case $2 when 'assets', 'pages' then File.join('samples', $2) when 'theme' then $4 when /\Acontent_entry/ then File.join('samples', 'content_entries') end if filepath = write_asset(url, File.join(path, 'public', folder, filename)) File.join('', folder, File.basename(filepath)).to_s else '' end end end def replace_asset_urls_in_hash(hash) Locomotive::Wagon::YamlExt.transform(hash) do |value| replace_asset_urls(value) end end private def find_unique_filepath(filepath, binary_file, index = 1) if File.exists?(filepath) # required because we need to make sure we use the content of file from its start binary_file.rewind return filepath if FileUtils.compare_stream(binary_file, folder, ext = File.dirname(filepath), File.extname(filepath) basename = File.basename(filepath, ext) find_unique_filepath(File.join(folder, "#{basename}-#{index}#{ext}"), binary_file, index + 1) else filepath end end def get_asset_binary(url) unless url =~ /\Ahttp:\/\// base = api_client.uri.dup.tap { |u| u.path = '' }.to_s url = URI.join(base, url).to_s end binary = Faraday.get(url).body rescue nil end def write_asset(url, filepath) if binary = get_asset_binary(url) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(filepath)) (binary_file = find_unique_filepath(filepath, binary_file).tap do |filepath|, 'wb') { |f| f.write(binary) } end else instrument :missing_asset, url: url nil end end end end