require File.expand_path("../engine", File.dirname(__FILE__)) namespace :test do namespace :katello do desc "Run the Katello plugin spec test suite." task :spec => ['db:test:prepare'] do spec_task ='katello_spec_task') do |t| t.libs << ["test", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test", "spec", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/spec"] t.test_files = [ "#{Katello::Engine.root}/spec/**/*_spec.rb" ] t.verbose = true t.warning = false end Rake::Task[].invoke end namespace :spec do desc "Run the Katello plugin spec test suite." task :routing => ['db:test:prepare'] do spec_task ='katello_spec_task') do |t| t.libs << ["test", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test", "spec", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/spec"] t.test_files = [ "#{Katello::Engine.root}/spec/routing/**/*_spec.rb" ] t.verbose = true t.warning = false end Rake::Task[].invoke end end desc "Run the Katello plugin unit test suite." task :test => ['db:test:prepare'] do test_task ='katello_test_task') do |t| t.libs << ["test", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test"] t.test_files = [ "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test/models/**/*_test.rb", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test/controllers/**/*_test.rb", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test/**/*_test.rb" ] t.verbose = true t.warning = false end Rake::Task[].invoke end namespace :test do desc "Run the Katello plugin unit models test suite." task :models => ['db:test:prepare'] do test_task ='katello_models_test_task') do |t| t.libs << ["test", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test"] t.test_files = [ "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test/models/**/*_test.rb" ] t.verbose = true t.warning = false end Rake::Task[].invoke end desc "Run the Katello plugin unit actions test suite." task :actions => ['db:test:prepare'] do test_task ='katello_actions_test_task') do |t| t.libs << ["test", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test"] t.test_files = [ "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test/actions/**/*_test.rb" ] t.verbose = true t.warning = false end Rake::Task[].invoke end desc "Run the Katello plugin unit controllers test suite." task :controllers => ['db:test:prepare'] do test_task ='katello_controllers_test_task') do |t| t.libs << ["test", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test"] t.test_files = [ "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test/controllers/**/*_test.rb" ] t.verbose = true t.warning = false end Rake::Task[].invoke end desc "Run the Katello plugin unit glue test suite." task :glue => ['db:test:prepare'] do test_task ='katello_glue_test_task') do |t| t.libs << ["test", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test"] t.test_files = [ "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test/glue/**/*_test.rb" ] t.verbose = true t.warning = false end Rake::Task[].invoke end desc "Run the Katello plugin unit lib test suite." task :lib => ['db:test:prepare'] do test_task ='katello_lib_test_task') do |t| t.libs << ["test", "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test"] t.test_files = [ "#{Katello::Engine.root}/test/lib/**/*_test.rb" ] t.verbose = true t.warning = false end Rake::Task[].invoke end end end desc "Run the entire Katello plugin test suite" task :katello do Rake::Task['test:katello:spec'].invoke Rake::Task['test:katello:test'].invoke end end Rake::Task[:test].enhance do Rake::Task['test:katello'].invoke end