<%# Available publicly %>
- <%= link_to 'Actors', federails.client_actors_url %>
- <%= link_to 'Activities', federails.client_activities_url %>
<%# Available when user has an associated actor %>
<% if Federails::Client::ActivityPolicy.new(user, nil).feed? %>
- <%= link_to 'Feed', federails.client_feed_url %>
<%end %>
<%# Available when user has an associated actor. The actor must exist to create the link %>
<% if Federails.actor_entity?(user) && user.actor.present? %>
- <%= link_to "You (#{user.actor.username})", federails.client_actor_path(user.actor) %>
<% end %>
<%# Debug information%>
<% if !Federails::actor_entity?(user) %>
<%= user.class.name %> is not configured to have an associated actor; you won't be allowed to follow or be followed
<% elsif !user.actor.present? %>
Your account does not have an associated actor; you won't be allowed to follow or be followed
<% end %>