import_name: 'ArkanaKeys' # Optional. Name of the framework to be imported. Defaults to ArkanaKeys.
namespace: 'ArkanaKeys' # Optional. Namespace used to access the secrets in the codebase. Defaults to ArkanaKeys.
pod_name: 'ArkanaKeys' # Optional. Name of the pod to be declared in your Podfile. Defaults to ArkanaKeys.
result_path: 'dependencies' # Optional. Destination path of the generated code, related to the path of this config file. Defaults to ArkanaKeys.
swift_declaration_strategy: let # Optional. One of: lazy var, var, let. Defaults to let.
package_manager: cocoapods # Optional. One of: spm, cocoapods. If you use both, declare cocoapods. Defaults to spm.
global_secrets: []