# Change log ## (2022-02-27) * Backport change from `1.0.14`: Add global option `config.ensure_authorize_called` (defaults to `true` to be compatible with previous versions) ## 1.0.17 (2020-01-17) * Add global option `config.ensure_authorize_called` (defaults to `true` to be compatible with previous versions) ## 1.0.16 (2019-10-07) * Add option `allow_id` to `nest_model_op` in order to allow passing IDs to sub-operations. Set to `false` by default to mimic current behavior. ## 1.0.15 (2019-09-23) * Fix bug introduced in 1.0.14 where the controller mixin failed with an exception ## 1.0.14 (2019-09-23) * Ensure compatibility with Rails 3.2. ## 1.0.13 (2019-08-27) * Set the name of nested params to the modelname, not to the fieldname. This is a follow up from 1.0.11. ## 1.0.12 (2019-08-20) * {RailsOps::Context#spawn} now dynamically inferrs current class name in order to spawn a new context. This allows you to subclass the context class and have it spawned with the correct class. ## 1.0.11 (2019-07-29) * It is now possible to have nested model ops on belongs_to relations with explicit class_name. ## 1.0.10 (2019-07-23) * Fix `defined?` calls in controller mixin so that the mixin can be used without defining `current_user` or `current_ability`. ## 1.0.9 (2019-05-29) * Changes to development setup ## 1.0.8 (2019-05-29) * Fix #14 Policy chain `after_perform` is never called. ## 1.0.7 (2019-04-25) * It is now possible to add a policy in front of the policy chain instead of the end. It is however not guaranteed to be the first policy to be run since multiple policies can be prepended to the chain. A prepended policy can't access the operation model, since it is not set yet. See PR#12. ## 1.0.6 (2019-04-10) * Fix automatic controller mixin introduced in 1.0.4. Including the mixin into `ApplicationController` lead to random user-defined helpers not being loaded anymore. The mixin is now included into `ActionController::Base` instead. ## 1.0.5 (2019-04-09) * Add missing controller mixin automatically so that no (undocumented) manual include is necessary. ## 1.0.4 (2019-04-03) * Add global option `config.trigger_hookups_without_authorization` (defaults to `true` to be compatible with previous versions) ## 1.0.3 (2019-03-18) * Add missing imports of required third-party gems * Add policy chain `before_model_save` for model operations * Add policy chain `before_nested_model_ops` for model operations * If existing, use `ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter` over `ActionDispatch::Http::ParameterFilter` which is deprecated in Rails 6 * Fix error catching of nested model operations * Fix error handling of sub operations * Add `view` to operation contexts that contains the `view_context`. Only use this for frontend operations that are always called from within a controller. * Expose `op_context` as a view helper method. This is useful for instantiating new (view) operations from within views and helpers. ## 1.0.2 (2019-01-29) * Fix mass assignment protection errors under Rails 3 ## 1.0.1 (2019-01-29) * Fix reliance on `ActionController::Parameters`. Now the strong parameter check is only enforced if `ActionController::Parameters` actually exists. * Fix missing `require` * Fix compatibility with ruby < `2.3.0` ## 1.0.0 (2019-01-23) * First stable release after being battle-tested over an extended period of time. ## Prior to 1.0.0 (beta releases) ### 1.0.0.beta15 (2018-12-11) * Add method `authorize_called!` to manually mark authorization as called for a specific operation. ### 1.0.0.beta14 (2018-11-29) * Fix bug with jRuby 9.2 where operation class name got mutated when inspecting it (see https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/5480). ### 1.0.0.beta13 (2018-10-15) * Explain how to setup load paths in readme ### 1.0.0.beta12 (2018-08-14) * Exclude param named `escape` from `op_params`. ### 1.0.0.beta11 (2018-07-31) * Exclude param named `_` from `op_params`. This allows to use `cache: false` with `jQuery.ajax`. ### 1.0.0.beta10 (2018-07-18) * Allow model name override for all models using `RailsOps::ModelMixins`. This means you can also specify a model name for models not inheriting from `RailsOps::VirtualModel`, i.e.: ```ruby model User, 'ModelNameOverride' ``` ### 1.0.0.beta9 (2018-07-04) * Keep stack trace on exceptions rethrown by `with_rollback_on_exception`. ### 1.0.0.beta8 (2018-05-15) * Make sure that original state is always restored after calling `RailsOps.without_authorization`, even in case of an exception. ### 1.0.0.beta7 (2017-12-19) * #2 Get rid of protected attributes functionality ### 1.0.0.beta6 (2017-11-27) * Fix #6 Exceptions in profiler are not re-thrown ### 1.0.0.beta5 (2017-11-27) * Fix #5 Measure for object_id ... not finished ### 1.0.0.beta4 (2017-11-16) * Fix a bug where nested models are saved at build time in update operations in some cases. ### 1.0.0.beta3 (2017-09-20) * Fixed log subscription ### 1.0.0.beta2 (2017-09-20) * Added rubygems badge to readme * Corrected gem summary ### 1.0.0.beta1 (2017-06-19) * Initial version as extracted from project * Start of change log