require 'spec_helper' module Spree module Admin describe CustomerReturnsController, :type => :controller do stub_authorization! describe "#index" do let(:order) { customer_return.order } let(:customer_return) { create(:customer_return) } subject do spree_get :index, { order_id: customer_return.order.to_param } end before { subject } it "loads the order" do expect(assigns(:order)).to eq order end it "loads the customer return" do expect(assigns(:customer_returns)).to include(customer_return) end end describe "#new" do let(:order) { create(:shipped_order, line_items_count: 1) } let!(:inactive_reimbursement_type) { create(:reimbursement_type, active: false) } let!(:first_active_reimbursement_type) { create(:reimbursement_type) } let!(:second_active_reimbursement_type) { create(:reimbursement_type) } subject do spree_get :new, { order_id: order.to_param } end it "loads the order" do subject expect(assigns(:order)).to eq order end it "builds a new customer return" do subject expect(assigns(:customer_return)).to_not be_persisted end context "with previous customer return" do let(:return_reason_1) { create(:return_reason) } let(:return_reason_2) { create(:return_reason) } let(:return_reason_3) { create(:return_reason) } let!(:inactive_rma_reason) { create(:return_reason, active: false) } let(:order) { create(:shipped_order, line_items_count: 4) } let(:rma) { create(:return_authorization, order: order, reason: return_reason_1) } let!(:rma_return_item) { create(:return_item, return_authorization: rma, inventory_unit: order.inventory_units.first, return_reason: return_reason_2) } let!(:customer_return_return_item) { create(:return_item, return_authorization: nil, inventory_unit: order.inventory_units.last, return_reason: return_reason_3) } context "all return items are associated with a customer return" do let!(:previous_customer_return) { create(:customer_return_without_return_items, return_items: [rma_return_item, customer_return_return_item]) } before { subject } it "loads the possible return items" do total_inventory_count = 4 rma_return_items_count = 1 customer_return_return_items_count = 1 expect(assigns(:new_return_items).length).to eq (total_inventory_count - rma_return_items_count - customer_return_return_items_count) end it "builds new return items" do expect(assigns(:new_return_items).all? { |return_item| !return_item.persisted? }).to eq true end it "does not have any rma return items" do expect(assigns(:rma_return_items)).to eq [] end it "loads the correct return authorization reasons" do expect(assigns(:reasons)).to match_array([return_reason_1, return_reason_2, return_reason_3]) end end context "there is a return item associated with an rma but not a customer return" do let!(:previous_customer_return) { create(:customer_return_without_return_items, return_items: [customer_return_return_item]) } before do subject end it "loads the possible return items" do rma_return_item_count = rma.return_items.count total_unit_count = order.inventory_units.count customer_returned_count = previous_customer_return.return_items.count expected_total = total_unit_count - customer_returned_count - rma_return_item_count expect(assigns(:new_return_items).length).to eq expected_total end it "builds new return items" do expect(assigns(:new_return_items).all? { |return_item| !return_item.persisted? }).to eq true end it "loads the persisted rma return items" do expect(assigns(:rma_return_items).all? { |return_item| return_item.persisted? }).to eq true end it "has one rma return item" do expect(assigns(:rma_return_items)).to include(rma_return_item) end it "loads the correct return authorization reasons" do expect(assigns(:reasons)).to match_array([return_reason_1, return_reason_2, return_reason_3]) end end end end describe "#edit" do let(:order) { customer_return.order } let(:customer_return) { create(:customer_return, line_items_count: 3) } let!(:inactive_rma_reason) { create(:return_reason, active: false) } let!(:accepted_return_item) { customer_return.return_items.order('id').first.tap(&:accept!) } let!(:rejected_return_item) { customer_return.return_items.order('id').second.tap(&:reject!)} let!(:manual_intervention_return_item) { customer_return.return_items.order('id').third.tap(&:require_manual_intervention!) } subject do spree_get :edit, { order_id: order.to_param, id: customer_return.to_param } end it "loads the order" do subject expect(assigns(:order)).to eq order end it "loads the customer return" do subject expect(assigns(:customer_return)).to eq customer_return end it "loads the accepted return items" do subject expect(assigns(:accepted_return_items)).to eq [accepted_return_item] end it "loads the rejected return items" do subject expect(assigns(:rejected_return_items)).to eq [rejected_return_item] end it "loads the return items that require manual intervention" do subject expect(assigns(:manual_intervention_return_items)).to eq [manual_intervention_return_item] end it "loads the return items that are still pending" do subject expect(assigns(:pending_return_items)).to eq [] end it "loads the reimbursements that are still pending" do subject expect(assigns(:pending_reimbursements)).to eq [] end it "loads the correct return authorization reasons" do subject expect(assigns(:reasons)).to match( end context "a return item has an inactive return authorization reason" do before(:each) do accepted_return_item.update_attributes(return_reason_id: end it "includes the inactive return authorization reason" do subject expect(assigns(:reasons)).to match( + [inactive_rma_reason]) end end end describe "#create" do let(:order) { create(:shipped_order, line_items_count: 1) } let(:reception_status_event) { 'receive' } let(:stock_location_id) { } let(:customer_return_params) do { order_id: order.to_param, customer_return: { stock_location_id: stock_location_id, return_items_attributes: { "0" => { returned: "1", "pre_tax_amount"=>"15.99", inventory_unit_id:, reception_status_event: reception_status_event } } } } end subject { spree_post :create, customer_return_params } it { expect { subject }.to change { Spree::CustomerReturn.count }.by(1) } it do subject expect(response).to redirect_to spree.edit_admin_order_customer_return_path(order, id: end it 'executes the reception status event on the return items' do subject customer_return = Spree::CustomerReturn.last expect( eq ['received'] end context "missing stock location" do let(:stock_location_id) { '' } it { expect{ subject }.to_not change { Spree::CustomerReturn.count } } it { subject; expect(response).to render_template(:new) } end context "missing reception status event" do let(:reception_status_event) { '' } it { expect{ subject }.to_not change { Spree::CustomerReturn.count } } it { subject; expect(response).to redirect_to spree.new_admin_order_customer_return_path(order) } end end end end end