/* * jQuery Custom Forms Plugin 1.0 * www.ZURB.com * Copyright 2010, ZURB * Free to use under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { function appendCustomMarkup(type) { $('form.custom input:' + type).each(function () { var $this = $(this).hide(), $span = $this.next('span.custom.' + type); if ($span.length === 0) { $span = $('').insertAfter($this); } $span.toggleClass('checked', $this.is(':checked')); $span.toggleClass('disabled', $this.is(':disabled')); }); } appendCustomMarkup('checkbox'); appendCustomMarkup('radio'); function appendCustomSelect(sel) { var $this = $(sel), $customSelect = $this.next('div.custom.dropdown'), $options = $this.find('option'), maxWidth = 0, $li; if ($customSelect.length === 0) { $customSelect = $('"'); $options.each(function () { $li = $('
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