Last Updated: 10-03-2013 This project is intended to facilitate automated testing on iOS devices using cucumber, appium and the Page Object pattern. PREREQUISITES -------------------------- -Ruby -Homebrew -Bundler In order to use appium you'll first need to install node and npm. Perform the following steps in the terminal to retrieve the necessary items: >brew install node >curl | sh >export NODE_PATH="/usr/local/lib/node" >export PATH="/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH >npm install -g appium >npm install wd QUICK START GUIDE ------------------------------ - gem install rufus - require 'rufus' in your Gemfile - Create a config.yml in project directory (the one with .xcodeproj in it) with the following information: ````YAML browser: iOS platform: Mac version: 7.0 app:$HOME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<UNIQUE>/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ use_physical: true #run on physical device? sim_app_path: $HOME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<UNIQUE>/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ device: iPhoneSimulator ```` - Start appium server in new terminal window >appium -U DEVICE_UDID --app --native-instruments-lib #omit -U option for simulator - Deploy to iOS device or simulator using XCode or libimobiledevice. Libimobiledevice repo located at: - Run tests >bundle exec cucumber USING THE RUFUS IRB DRIVER -------------------------- After installing the gem and starting the appium server, open an irb session from the same directory as your config.yml. ````ruby require 'rufus/driver' driver = driver.start (starts the app) ```` DEFINING A BUTTON SEQUENCE -------------------------- Rufus doesn't mind the mindless work of pushing buttons in sequence. The following command will push the goodButton, badButton and sortaOkayButton in sequence 10 times in a row if such a sequence is possible. In this example, the goodButton must be available to be pressed after pushing the sortaOkayButton in order for the loop to continue. ````ruby driver.sequence 'goodButton', 'badButton', 'sortaOkayButton', '10' ```` OTHER DRIVER USE CASES ---------------------- Push a button by name ````ruby driver.push_button 'buttonName' ```` Get a list of all the button names ````ruby driver.buttons (example return: ['go', 'yesButton','noButton']) ```` Enter 'Hello' into text field ````ruby driver.type 'hello' 'textFieldName' ```` DEPLOYING TO DEVICE WITHOUT USING XCODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I found the most consistent method to be through libimobiledevice. That project also is included as a submodule to this one. The original repository is Look at the libimobiledevice Readme in order to configure the environment variables your system needs to use this deployment mechanism. The only gotcha I ran into was generating the .ipa archive that libimobiledevice uses. Take the following steps to generate the .ipa archive. 1. Build the app for deployment to device 2. Navigate to the .app file that should be found in the ../Debug-iphoneos/ directory 3. Create a folder in that directory named 'Payload'. It must be named Payload. 4. Put a copy of the .app file in the Payload directory 5. Compress the directory into a .zip archive 6. Change the .zip extension to .ipa 7. Issue the command ideviceinstaller -i YourApp.ipa (This installs the app)