When(/^I select the First check box$/) do @page.check_cb_id end Then(/^the First check box should be selected$/) do expect(@page.cb_id_checked?).to be true end When(/^I unselect the First check box$/) do @page.uncheck_cb_id end Then(/^the First check box should not be selected$/) do expect(@page.cb_id_checked?).to be false end When(/^I locate the check box by "(.*?)"$/) do |how| @how = how end Then(/^I should be able to check the check box$/) do @page.send "check_cb_#{@how}".to_sym end When(/^I retrieve a check box element$/) do @element = @page.cb_id_checkbox end When(/^I search for the check box by "(.*?)" and "(.*?)"$/) do |param1, param2| @how = "#{param1}_#{param2}" end