# Unidom Common 常用领域模型引擎 [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green.svg)](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/unidom-common.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/unidom-common) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/badges/github.com/topbitdu/unidom-common.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/github.com/topbitdu/unidom-common) Unidom (UNIfied Domain Object Model) is a series of domain model engines. The Common domain model engine includes the common models. Unidom (统一领域对象模型)是一系列的领域模型引擎。常用领域模型引擎包括一些常用的模型。 ## Recent Update Check out the [Road Map](ROADMAP.md) to find out what's the next. Check out the [Change Log](CHANGELOG.md) to find out what's new. ## Usage in Gemfile ```ruby gem 'unidom-common' ``` ## Run the Database Migration ```shell rake db:migrate ``` The migration versions starts with 200001. The migration enabled the PostgreSQL uuid-ossp extension. ## Include Concern in Models ```ruby include Unidom::Common::Concerns::ModelExtension ``` ## Model Extension concern ```ruby class Project < ActiveRecord::Base include Unidom::Common::Concerns::ModelExtension validates :name, presence: true, length: { in: 2..200 } validates :audition_state, presence: true, length: { is: 1 } belongs_to :customer belongs_to :team belongs_to :place code :process, Process # Process is a enum type per ProgneTapera, # the typical values are: waterfall, agile, lean, scrum, extreme_programming, and etc. # other fields: code, description def kick_off(in: nil) assert_present! :in, in # An argument error is raised if in is blank. self.place = in end end Project.coded_as('JIRA').valid_at(Time.now).alive(true) # Same as Project.coded_as('JIRA').valid_at.alive team.projects.valid_during('2015-01-01'..'2015-12-31').dead Project.included_by([ id_1, id_2 ]).excluded_by id_3 Project.created_after('2015-01-01 00:00:00') Project.created_not_after('2015-01-01 00:00:00') Project.created_before('2015-01-01 00:00:00') Project.created_not_before('2015-01-01 00:00:00') Project.audition_transited_to('A').transited_to('C') ``` ## No-SQL Columns ```ruby class Project < ActiveRecord::Base include Unidom::Common::Concerns::ModelExtension notation_column :creator_comment, :last_updater_comment notation_boolean_column :enabled validates :creator_comment, allow_blank: true, length: { in: 2..200 } validates :last_updater_comment, allow_blank: true, length: { in: 2..200 } end project = Project.new project.creator_comment = 'My first project.' # Stored in project.notation['columns']['creator_comment'] project.valid? # true Project.notation_column_where(:creator_comment, :like, 'first') # Fuzzy search the creator_comment column Project.notation_column_where(:creator_comment, '=', 'My first project.') project.enabled = true project.enabled? # true Project.notation_boolean_column_where(:enabled, true) # All enabled projects ``` ## Exact Columns ```ruby # db/migrate/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_create_people.rb class CreatePeople < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def change create_table :people, id: :uuid do |t| t.string :name, null: false, default: '', limit: 200 t.string :passport_number, null: false, default: nil, limit: 200 t.binary :identification_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80 t.binary :passport_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80 t.column :state, 'char(1)', null: false, default: 'C' t.datetime :opened_at, null: false, default: Time.utc(1970) t.datetime :closed_at, null: false, default: Time.utc(3000) t.boolean :defunct, null: false, default: false t.jsonb :notation, null: false, default: {} t.timestamps null: false end add_index :people, :identification_number_exact_signature, unique: true add_index :people, :passport_number_exact_signature, unique: true end end # app/models/person.rb class Person < ApplicationRecord include Unidom::Common::Concerns::ModelExtension attr_accessor :identification_number # The identification number is not stored. Only the exact signature is stored like password. exact_column :identification_number, :passport_number # The passport number is stored in the clear text format. end # in any controller or rails console: person = Person.new name: 'Tim', identification_number: '11010119901231001X', passport_number: 'E00000000' person.save! Person.identification_number_is('11010119901231001X').first==person # true Person.passport_number_is('E00000000').first==person # true ``` ## Secure Column ```ruby # db/migrate/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_create_orderings.rb class CreateOrderings < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def change create_table :orderings, id: :uuid do |t| t.string :placer_name, null: false, default: nil, limit: 200 t.string :taker_name, null: false, default: nil, limit: 200 t.string :receiver_name, null: false, default: nil, limit: 200 t.jsonb :placer t.jsonb :taker t.jsonb :receiver t.binary :placer_identification_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80 t.binary :placer_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80 t.binary :taker_identification_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80 t.binary :taker_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80 t.binary :receiver_identification_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80 t.binary :receiver_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80 t.column :state, 'char(1)', null: false, default: 'C' t.datetime :opened_at, null: false, default: Time.utc(1970) t.datetime :closed_at, null: false, default: Time.utc(3000) t.boolean :defunct, null: false, default: false t.jsonb :notation, null: false, default: {} t.timestamps end add_index :orderings, :placer_identification_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_placer_identification_number add_index :orderings, :placer_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_placer_mobile_phone_number add_index :orderings, :taker_identification_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_taker_identification_number add_index :orderings, :taker_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_taker_mobile_phone_number add_index :orderings, :receiver_identification_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_receiver_identification_number add_index :orderings, :receiver_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_receiver_mobile_phone_number end end # app/models/orderings.rb class Ordering < ApplicationRecord include Unidom::Common::Concerns::ModelExtension validates :placer_name, presence: true, length: { in: 2..columns_hash['placer_name'].limit } validates :taker_name, presence: true, length: { in: 2..columns_hash['taker_name'].limit } validates :receiver_name, presence: true, length: { in: 2..columns_hash['receiver_name'].limit } validates :placer_address, presence: true, length: { in: 2..200 } validates :taker_address, presence: true, length: { in: 2..200 } validates :receiver_address, presence: true, length: { in: 2..200 } validates :placer_identification_number, presence: true, length: { is: 18 }, format: Unidom::Certificate::China::IdentityCard::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX validates :taker_identification_number, presence: true, length: { is: 18 }, format: Unidom::Certificate::China::IdentityCard::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX validates :receiver_identification_number, presence: true, length: { is: 18 }, format: Unidom::Certificate::China::IdentityCard::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX validates :placer_mobile_phone_number, presence: true, length: { is: 11 }, numericality: { integer_only: true }, format: Unidom::Contact::China::MobilePhoneNumber::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX validates :taker_mobile_phone_number, presence: true, length: { is: 11 }, numericality: { integer_only: true }, format: Unidom::Contact::China::MobilePhoneNumber::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX validates :receiver_mobile_phone_number, presence: true, length: { is: 11 }, numericality: { integer_only: true }, format: Unidom::Contact::China::MobilePhoneNumber::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX exact_column :placer_identification_number, :placer_mobile_phone_number exact_column :taker_identification_number, :taker_mobile_phone_number exact_column :receiver_identification_number, :receiver_mobile_phone_number secure_column :placer, fields: [ :placer_name, :placer_address, :placer_identification_number, :placer_mobile_phone_number ] secure_column :taker, fields: [ :taker_name, :taker_address, :taker_identification_number, :taker_mobile_phone_number ] secure_column :receiver, fields: [ :receiver_name, :receiver_address, :receiver_identification_number, :receiver_mobile_phone_number ] end # in any controller or rails console: @placer_name = 'Tim' @taker_name = 'Bob' @receiver_name = 'Roy' @placer_identification_number = '11022119801231999X' @taker_identification_number = '350105199006184567' @receiver_identification_number = '532307200001010003' @placer_mobile_phone_number = '13987654321' @taker_mobile_phone_number = '18812345678' @receiver_mobile_phone_number = '17101020304' @placer_address = 'Beijing' @taker_address = 'Jiangsu' @receiver_address = 'Guizhou' @ordering = Ordering.new opened_at: Time.now, placer_name: @placer_name, taker_name: @taker_name, receiver_name: @receiver_name, placer_address: @placer_address, taker_address: @taker_address, receiver_address: @receiver_address, placer_identification_number: @placer_identification_number, taker_identification_number: @taker_identification_number, receiver_identification_number: @receiver_identification_number, placer_mobile_phone_number: @placer_mobile_phone_number, taker_mobile_phone_number: @taker_mobile_phone_number, receiver_mobile_phone_number: @receiver_mobile_phone_number @ordering.save! ordering_1 = Ordering.placer_identification_number_is(@placer_identification_number).valid_at.alive.first ordering_2 = Ordering.taker_identification_number_is(@taker_identification_number).valid_at.alive.first ordering_3 = Ordering.receiver_identification_number_is(@receiver_identification_number).valid_at.alive.first ordering_4 = Ordering.placer_mobile_phone_number_is(@placer_mobile_phone_number).valid_at.alive.first ordering_5 = Ordering.taker_mobile_phone_number_is(@taker_mobile_phone_number).valid_at.alive.first ordering_6 = Ordering.receiver_mobile_phone_number_is(@receiver_mobile_phone_number).valid_at.alive.first # @ordering should be identical to any of ordering_1, ordering_2, ordering_3, ordering_4, ordering_5, or ordering_6 ``` ## Numeration ```ruby binary = 'some string' hex = Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex binary # "736f6d6520737472696e67" # convert a binary (usually a string) to it's hex string text = Unidom::Common::Numeration.rev_hex hex # "some string" # convert a hex string to its text value ``` ## AES 256 Cryptor ```ruby class IdentityCard include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Aes256Cryptor attr_accessor :identification_number, :encrypted_identification_number def initialize(identification_number) self.identification_number = identification_number @aes_256_key = OpenSSL::Cipher::AES.new(256, 'CBC').random_key end def encrypt_identification_number encrypt identification_number, key: @aes_256_key end def decrypt_identification_number decrypt encrypted_identification_number, key: @aes_256_key end def cryption_padding 8 end # If the #cryption_padding method is missed, the default padding 9 is used instead end identification_number = '9527' identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527' encrypted = identity_card.encrypt_identification_number decrypted = identity_card.decrypt_identification_number # The decrypted should equal to identification_number # The AES 256 Cryptor also has the #hex_encrypt and the #hex_decrypt methods ``` ## MD 5 Digester ```ruby class IdentityCard include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Md5Digester attr_accessor :identification_number def initialize(identification_number) self.identification_number = identification_number end def digest_identification_number digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end def hex_digest_identification_number hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end end identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527' digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true ``` ## SHA 256 Digester ```ruby class IdentityCard include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Sha256Digester attr_accessor :identification_number def initialize(identification_number) self.identification_number = identification_number end def digest_identification_number digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end def hex_digest_identification_number hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end end identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527' digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true ``` ## SHA 384 Digester ```ruby class IdentityCard include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Sha384Digester attr_accessor :identification_number def initialize(identification_number) self.identification_number = identification_number end def digest_identification_number digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end def hex_digest_identification_number hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end end identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527' digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true ``` ## SHA 512 Digester ```ruby class IdentityCard include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Sha512Digester attr_accessor :identification_number def initialize(identification_number) self.identification_number = identification_number end def digest_identification_number digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end def hex_digest_identification_number hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end end identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527' digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true ``` ## SHA 1 Digester ```ruby class IdentityCard include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Sha1Digester attr_accessor :identification_number def initialize(identification_number) self.identification_number = identification_number end def digest_identification_number digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end def hex_digest_identification_number hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end end identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527' digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true ``` ## SHA 2 Digester ```ruby class IdentityCard include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Sha1Digester attr_accessor :identification_number def initialize(identification_number) self.identification_number = identification_number end def digest_identification_number digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end def hex_digest_identification_number hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name end end identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527' digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true ``` ## Engine Extension concern ```ruby module EngineName class Engine < ::Rails::Engine include Unidom::Common::EngineExtension enable_initializer enum_enabled: true, migration_enabled: true end end ``` ## ActiveRecord Migration Naming Convention ### Domain Models (200YMMDDHHMMSS)
Ruby Gem Migration Model Description
unidom-common 200001DDHHMMSS - The Common domain model engine includes the common models. 常用领域模型引擎包括一些常用的模型。
unidom-visitor 200002DDHHMMSS
  • Identificating
  • Authenticating
  • Recognization
  • User
  • Guest
  • Password
The Visitor domain model engine includes Identificating, Authenticating, Recognization, Visitor (User & Guest), and Password models. 访问者领域模型引擎包括身份标识、身份鉴别、身份识别、访问者(用户和游客)、密码的模型。
unidom-category 200003DDHHMMSS
  • Category
  • Categorizing
  • Category Rollup
  • Category Associating
The Category domain model engine includes Category and its relative models. 类别领域模型引擎包括类别及其相关的模型。
unidom-authorization 200004DDHHMMSS
  • Permission
  • Authorizing
The Authorization domain model engine includes the Permission and Authorizing models. 授权领域模型引擎包括权限、授权的模型。
unidom-action 200005DDHHMMSS
  • Reason
  • State Transition
  • Obsolescing
  • Acting
The Action domain model engine includes the Reason, State Transition, Obsolescing, and the Acting models. 审计领域模型引擎包括原因、状态迁移、废弃和行为日志的模型。
unidom-standard 200006DDHHMMSS
  • Standard
  • Standard Associating
The Standard domain model engine includes the Standard model and the Standard Associating model. 标准领域模型引擎包括行为标准和标准关联的模型。
unidom-party 200101DDHHMMSS
  • Person
  • Shop
  • Company
  • Government Agency
  • Party Relation
The Party domain model engine includes the Person, Shop, Company, Government Agency, and the Party Relation models. 参与者领域模型引擎包括个人、店铺、公司、政府机构、参与者关系的模型。
unidom-certificate 200102DDHHMMSS
  • Certificating
The Certificate domain model engine includes the Certificating model. 证书领域模型引擎包括证书认证的模型。
unidom-contact 200103DDHHMMSS
  • Contact Subscription
  • Email Address
The Contact domain model engine includes the Contact Subscription and Email Address models. 联系方式领域模型引擎包括联系方式订阅和电子邮箱地址的模型。
unidom-geo 200104DDHHMMSS
  • Location
  • Locating
The Geo domain model engine includes the Location and Locating models. 地理领域模型引擎包括位置和定位的模型。
unidom-article_number 200201DDHHMMSS
  • Marking
  • EAN 13 Barcode
  • EAN 8 Barcode
The Article Number domain model engine includes Marking, EAN-13, and EAN-8 models. 物品编码领域模型引擎包括打码、EAN-13和EAN-8的模型。
unidom-product 200202DDHHMMSS
  • Product
  • Product Associating
The Product domain model engine includes Product and Produt Associating models. 产品领域模型引擎包括产品和产品关联的模型。
unidom-price 200203DDHHMMSS
  • Price
The Price domain model engine includes Price and its relative models. 价格领域模型引擎包括定价及其相关的模型。
unidom-shopping 200205DDHHMMSS
  • Shopping Cart
  • Shopping Item
The Shopping domain model engine includes Shopping Cart and Shopping Item models. 购物领域模型引擎包括购物车和购物项的模型。
unidom-order 200206DDHHMMSS
  • Order
  • Order Item
  • Order Adjustment
The Order domain model engine includes Order, Order Item, and Order Adjustment models. 订单领域模型引擎包括订单、订单项和订单调整的模型。
unidom-inventory 200209DDHHMMSS
  • Serialized Inventory Item
  • Grouped Inventory Item
  • Lot
  • Inventory Item Variance
The Inventory domain model engine includes the Serialized Inventory Item, the Grouped Inventory Item, the Lot, and the Inventory Item Variance models. 库存领域模型引擎包括序列化库存项、分组库存项、批量和库存项变化的模型。
unidom-shipment 200210DDHHMMSS
  • Shipment
  • Shipment Item
  • Shipment Package
  • Shipment Package Item
  • Shipment Receipt
The Shipment domain model engine includes the Shipment, Shipment Item, Shipment Package, Shipment Package Item, and Shipment Receipt model. 装运领域模型引擎包括装运、装运项、装运包裹、装运包裹项、装运收据的模型。
unidom-position 200402DDHHMMSS
  • Occupation
  • Position
  • Post
  • Position Reporting Structure
The Position domain model engine includes the Occupation, Position, Post, and Position Reporting Structure models. 职位领域模型引擎包括职业、职位、岗位及岗位报告关系模型。
unidom-accession 200405DDHHMMSS
  • Post Fulfillment
The Accession domain model engine includes the Post Fulfillment and its relative models. 就职领域模型引擎包括岗位履行及其相关的模型。
### Country Extensions (200YMM9NNNMMSS) The YMM part should be identical to the relative part of the Domain Models. The NNN is the numeric code of [ISO 3166-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1 "codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest"). The numeric code of China is 156. * unidom-party-china: 2001019156MMSS * unidom-certificate-china: 2001029156MMSS * unidom-contact-china: 2001039156MMSS * unidom-geo-china: 2001049156MMSS