# Copyright 2020 Pixar # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") # with the following modification; you may not use this file except in # compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: # Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: # # 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade # names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor # and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of # the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. # # You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. # # # The module module Jamf # The 'skip Setup Items' for a mobile device prestage in Jamf Pro # The ones in common with computers are in the superclass # To see the ones that should be here, remove anything that's in # computers's list from the device ones, thus: # # (Jamf::MobileDevicePrestage.all.sample[:skipSetupItems].keys - Jamf::ComputerPrestage.all.sample[:skipSetupItems].keys).sort # => [:Android, # :CloudStorage, # :ExpressLanguage, # :HomeButtonSensitivity, # :OnBoarding, # :Passcode, # :PreferredLanguage, # :RestoreCompleted, # :SIMSetup, # :ScreenSaver, # :SoftwareUpdate, # :TVHomeScreenSync, # :TVProviderSignIn, # :TVRoom, # :TapToSetup, # :TransferData, # :UpdateCompleted, # :WatchMigration, # :Welcome, # :Zoom, # :iMessageAndFaceTime] # class MobileDevicePrestageSkipSetupItems < Jamf::PrestageSkipSetupItems OBJECT_MODEL = superclass::OBJECT_MODEL.merge( # @!attribute Android # @return [Boolean] Android: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[android] }, # @!attribute CloudStorage # @return [Boolean] CloudStorage: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[cloudstorage cloud_storage] }, # @!attribute ExpressLanguage # @return [Boolean] ExpressLanguage: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[expressLanguage expresslanguage express_language] }, # @!attribute HomeButtonSensitivity # @return [Boolean] HomeButtonSensitivity: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[homeButtonSensitivity homebuttonsensitivity home_button_sensitivity] }, # @!attribute iMessageAndFaceTime # @return [Boolean] iMessageAndFaceTime: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[imessageandfacetime imessage_and_facetime] }, # @!attribute OnBoarding # @return [Boolean] OnBoarding: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[onBoarding onboarding on_boarding] }, # @!attribute Passcode # @return [Boolean] Passcode: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[passcode] }, # @!attribute PreferredLanguage # @return [Boolean] PreferredLanguage: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[preferredLanguage preferredlanguage preferred_language] }, # @!attribute RestoreCompleted # @return [Boolean] RestoreCompleted: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[restorecompleted restoreCompleted restore_completed] }, # @!attribute SIMSetup # @return [Boolean] SIMSetup: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[simsetup simSetup sim_setup] }, # @!attribute ScreenSaver # @return [Boolean] ScreenSaver: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[screenSaver screensaver screen_saver] }, # @!attribute SoftwareUpdate # @return [Boolean] SoftwareUpdate: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[oftwareUpdate softwareupdate software_update] }, # @!attribute TVHomeScreenSync # @return [Boolean] TVHomeScreenSync: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[tvHomeScreenSync tvhomescreensync tv_home_screen_sync] }, # @!attribute TVProviderSignIn # @return [Boolean] TVProviderSignIn: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[tvprovidersignin tvProviderSignIn tv_provider_sign_in] }, # @!attribute TVRoom # @return [Boolean] TVRoom: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[tvRoom tvroom tv_room] }, # @!attribute TapToSetup # @return [Boolean] TapToSetup: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[tapToSetup taptosetup tap_to_setup] }, # @!attribute TransferData # @return [Boolean] TransferData: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[transferData transferdata transfer_data] }, # @!attribute UpdateCompleted # @return [Boolean] UpdateCompleted: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[updateCompleted updatecompleted update_completed] }, # @!attribute WatchMigration # @return [Boolean] WatchMigration: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[watchMigration watchmigration watch_migration] }, # @!attribute Welcome # @return [Boolean] Welcome: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[welcome] }, # @!attribute Zoom # @return [Boolean] Zoom: { class: :boolean, aliases: %i[zoom] } ).freeze parse_object_model end # class location end # module