package import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException import import{CreateInvalidationRequest, CreateInvalidationResult, TooManyInvalidationsInProgressException} import import import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils._ import import import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer import org.mockito.{ArgumentCaptor, Matchers, Mockito} import org.specs2.mutable.{BeforeAfter, Specification} import org.specs2.specification.Scope import import{CliArgs} import import import import import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Random class S3WebsiteSpec extends Specification { "gzip: true" should { "update a gzipped S3 object if the contents has changed" in new BasicSetup { config = "gzip: true" setLocalFileWithContent(("styles.css", "<h1>hi again</h1>")) setS3Files(S3File("styles.css", "1c5117e5839ad8fc00ce3c41296255a1" /* md5 of the gzip of the file contents */)) push sentPutObjectRequest.getKey must equalTo("styles.css") } "not update a gzipped S3 object if the contents has not changed" in new BasicSetup { config = "gzip: true" setLocalFileWithContent(("styles.css", "<h1>hi</h1>")) setS3Files(S3File("styles.css", "1c5117e5839ad8fc00ce3c41296255a1" /* md5 of the gzip of the file contents */)) push noUploadsOccurred must beTrue } } """ gzip: - .xml """ should { "update a gzipped S3 object if the contents has changed" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |gzip: | - .xml """.stripMargin setLocalFileWithContent(("file.xml", "<h1>hi again</h1>")) setS3Files(S3File("file.xml", "1c5117e5839ad8fc00ce3c41296255a1" /* md5 of the gzip of the file contents */)) push sentPutObjectRequest.getKey must equalTo("file.xml") } } "push" should { "not upload a file if it has not changed" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFileWithContent(("index.html", "<div>hello</div>")) setS3Files(S3File("index.html", md5Hex("<div>hello</div>"))) push noUploadsOccurred must beTrue } "update a file if it has changed" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFileWithContent(("index.html", "<h1>old text</h1>")) setS3Files(S3File("index.html", md5Hex("<h1>new text</h1>"))) push sentPutObjectRequest.getKey must equalTo("index.html") } "create a file if does not exist on S3" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFile("index.html") push sentPutObjectRequest.getKey must equalTo("index.html") } "delete files that are on S3 but not on local file system" in new BasicSetup { setS3Files(S3File("old.html", md5Hex("<h1>old text</h1>"))) push sentDelete must equalTo("old.html") } "try again if the upload fails" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFile("index.html") uploadFailsAndThenSucceeds(howManyFailures = 5) push verify(amazonS3Client, times(6)).putObject(Matchers.any(classOf[PutObjectRequest])) } "not try again if the upload fails on because of invalid credentials" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFile("index.html") when(amazonS3Client.putObject(Matchers.any(classOf[PutObjectRequest]))).thenThrow { val e = new AmazonServiceException("your credentials are incorrect") e.setStatusCode(403) e } push verify(amazonS3Client, times(1)).putObject(Matchers.any(classOf[PutObjectRequest])) } "try again if the request times out" in new BasicSetup { var attempt = 0 when(amazonS3Client putObject Matchers.any(classOf[PutObjectRequest])) thenAnswer new Answer[PutObjectResult] { def answer(invocation: InvocationOnMock) = { attempt += 1 if (attempt < 2) { val e = new AmazonServiceException("Too long a request") e.setStatusCode(400) e.setErrorCode("RequestTimeout") throw e } else { new PutObjectResult } } } setLocalFile("index.html") val exitStatus = push verify(amazonS3Client, times(2)).putObject(Matchers.any(classOf[PutObjectRequest])) } "try again if the delete fails" in new BasicSetup { setS3Files(S3File("old.html", md5Hex("<h1>old text</h1>"))) deleteFailsAndThenSucceeds(howManyFailures = 5) push verify(amazonS3Client, times(6)).deleteObject(Matchers.anyString(), Matchers.anyString()) } "try again if the object listing fails" in new BasicSetup { setS3Files(S3File("old.html", md5Hex("<h1>old text</h1>"))) objectListingFailsAndThenSucceeds(howManyFailures = 5) push verify(amazonS3Client, times(6)).listObjects(Matchers.any(classOf[ListObjectsRequest])) } } "push with CloudFront" should { "invalidate the updated CloudFront items" in new BasicSetup { config = "cloudfront_distribution_id: EGM1J2JJX9Z" setLocalFiles("css/test.css", "articles/index.html") setOutdatedS3Keys("css/test.css", "articles/index.html") push sentInvalidationRequest.getInvalidationBatch.getPaths.getItems.toSeq.sorted must equalTo(("/css/test.css" :: "/articles/index.html" :: Nil).sorted) } "not send CloudFront invalidation requests on new objects" in new BasicSetup { config = "cloudfront_distribution_id: EGM1J2JJX9Z" setLocalFile("newfile.js") push noInvalidationsOccurred must beTrue } "not send CloudFront invalidation requests on redirect objects" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |cloudfront_distribution_id: EGM1J2JJX9Z |redirects: | /index.php: index.html """.stripMargin push noInvalidationsOccurred must beTrue } "retry CloudFront responds with TooManyInvalidationsInProgressException" in new BasicSetup { setTooManyInvalidationsInProgress(4) config = "cloudfront_distribution_id: EGM1J2JJX9Z" setLocalFile("test.css") setOutdatedS3Keys("test.css") push must equalTo(0) // The retries should finally result in a success sentInvalidationRequests.length must equalTo(4) } "retry if CloudFront is temporarily unreachable" in new BasicSetup { invalidationsFailAndThenSucceed(5) config = "cloudfront_distribution_id: EGM1J2JJX9Z" setLocalFile("test.css") setOutdatedS3Keys("test.css") push sentInvalidationRequests.length must equalTo(6) } "encode unsafe characters in the keys" in new BasicSetup { config = "cloudfront_distribution_id: EGM1J2JJX9Z" setLocalFile("articles/arnold's file.html") setOutdatedS3Keys("articles/arnold's file.html") push sentInvalidationRequest.getInvalidationBatch.getPaths.getItems.toSeq.sorted must equalTo(("/articles/arnold's%20file.html" :: Nil).sorted) } "invalidate the root object '/' if a top-level object is updated or deleted" in new BasicSetup { config = "cloudfront_distribution_id: EGM1J2JJX9Z" setLocalFile("maybe-index.html") setOutdatedS3Keys("maybe-index.html") push sentInvalidationRequest.getInvalidationBatch.getPaths.getItems.toSeq.sorted must equalTo(("/" :: "/maybe-index.html" :: Nil).sorted) } } "cloudfront_invalidate_root: true" should { "convert CloudFront invalidation paths with the '/index.html' suffix into '/'" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |cloudfront_distribution_id: EGM1J2JJX9Z |cloudfront_invalidate_root: true """.stripMargin setLocalFile("articles/index.html") setOutdatedS3Keys("articles/index.html") push sentInvalidationRequest.getInvalidationBatch.getPaths.getItems.toSeq.sorted must equalTo(("/articles/" :: Nil).sorted) } } "a site with over 1000 items" should { "split the CloudFront invalidation requests into batches of 1000 items" in new BasicSetup { val files = (1 to 1002).map { i => s"lots-of-files/file-$i"} config = "cloudfront_distribution_id: EGM1J2JJX9Z" setLocalFiles(files:_*) setOutdatedS3Keys(files:_*) push sentInvalidationRequests.length must equalTo(2) sentInvalidationRequests(0).getInvalidationBatch.getPaths.getItems.length must equalTo(1000) sentInvalidationRequests(1).getInvalidationBatch.getPaths.getItems.length must equalTo(2) } } "push exit status" should { "be 0 all uploads succeed" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFiles("file.txt") push must equalTo(0) } "be 1 if any of the uploads fails" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFiles("file.txt") when(amazonS3Client.putObject(Matchers.any(classOf[PutObjectRequest]))).thenThrow(new AmazonServiceException("AWS failed")) push must equalTo(1) } "be 1 if any of the redirects fails" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |redirects: | index.php: /index.html """.stripMargin when(amazonS3Client.putObject(Matchers.any(classOf[PutObjectRequest]))).thenThrow(new AmazonServiceException("AWS failed")) push must equalTo(1) } "be 0 if CloudFront invalidations and uploads succeed"in new BasicSetup { config = "cloudfront_distribution_id: EGM1J2JJX9Z" setLocalFile("test.css") setOutdatedS3Keys("test.css") push must equalTo(0) } "be 1 if CloudFront is unreachable or broken"in new BasicSetup { setCloudFrontAsInternallyBroken() config = "cloudfront_distribution_id: EGM1J2JJX9Z" setLocalFile("test.css") setOutdatedS3Keys("test.css") push must equalTo(1) } "be 0 if upload retry succeeds" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFile("index.html") uploadFailsAndThenSucceeds(howManyFailures = 1) push must equalTo(0) } "be 1 if delete retry fails" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFile("index.html") uploadFailsAndThenSucceeds(howManyFailures = 6) push must equalTo(1) } "be 1 if an object listing fails" in new BasicSetup { setS3Files(S3File("old.html", md5Hex("<h1>old text</h1>"))) objectListingFailsAndThenSucceeds(howManyFailures = 6) push must equalTo(1) } } "s3_website.yml file" should { "never be uploaded" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFile("s3_website.yml") push noUploadsOccurred must beTrue } } ".env file" should { // The .env file is the file "never be uploaded" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFile(".env") push noUploadsOccurred must beTrue } } "exclude_from_upload: string" should { "result in matching files not being uploaded" in new BasicSetup { config = "exclude_from_upload: .DS_.*?" setLocalFile(".DS_Store") push noUploadsOccurred must beTrue } } """ exclude_from_upload: - regex - another_exclusion """ should { "result in matching files not being uploaded" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |exclude_from_upload: | - .DS_.*? | - logs """.stripMargin setLocalFiles(".DS_Store", "logs/test.log") push noUploadsOccurred must beTrue } } "ignore_on_server: value" should { "not delete the S3 objects that match the ignore value" in new BasicSetup { config = "ignore_on_server: logs" setS3Files(S3File("logs/log.txt", "")) push noDeletesOccurred must beTrue } "support non-US-ASCII files" in new BasicSetup { setS3Files(S3File("tags/笔记/test.html", "")) config = "ignore_on_server: tags/笔记/test.html" push noDeletesOccurred must beTrue } } """ ignore_on_server: - regex - another_ignore """ should { "not delete the S3 objects that match the ignore value" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |ignore_on_server: | - .*txt """.stripMargin setS3Files(S3File("logs/log.txt", "")) push noDeletesOccurred must beTrue } "support non-US-ASCII files" in new BasicSetup { setS3Files(S3File("tags/笔记/test.html", "")) config = """ |ignore_on_server: | - tags/笔记/test.html """.stripMargin push noDeletesOccurred must beTrue } } "site in config" should { "let the user deploy a site from a custom location" in new CustomSiteDirectory with EmptySite with MockAWS with DefaultRunMode { config = s"site: $siteDirectory" setLocalFile(".vimrc") new File(siteDirectory, ".vimrc").exists() must beTrue // Sanity check siteDirectory must not equalTo workingDirectory // Sanity check push sentPutObjectRequest.getKey must equalTo(".vimrc") } "not override the --site command-line switch" in new BasicSetup { config = s"site: dir-that-does-not-exist" setLocalFile(".vimrc") // This creates a file in the directory into which the --site CLI arg points push sentPutObjectRequest.getKey must equalTo(".vimrc") } automaticallySupportedSiteGenerators foreach { siteGenerator => "override an automatically detected site" in new CustomSiteDirectory with EmptySite with MockAWS with DefaultRunMode { addContentToAutomaticallyDetectedSite(workingDirectory) config = s"site: $siteDirectory" setLocalFile(".vimrc") // Add content to the custom site directory push sentPutObjectRequest.getKey must equalTo(".vimrc") } def addContentToAutomaticallyDetectedSite(workingDirectory: File) { val automaticallyDetectedSiteDir = new File(workingDirectory, siteGenerator.outputDirectory) automaticallyDetectedSiteDir.mkdirs() write(new File(automaticallyDetectedSiteDir, ".bashrc"), "echo hello") } } } "max-age in config" can { "be applied to all files" in new BasicSetup { config = "max_age: 60" setLocalFile("index.html") push sentPutObjectRequest.getMetadata.getCacheControl must equalTo("max-age=60") } "be applied to files that match the glob" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |max_age: | "*.html": 90 """.stripMargin setLocalFile("index.html") push sentPutObjectRequest.getMetadata.getCacheControl must equalTo("max-age=90") } "be applied to directories that match the glob" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |max_age: | "assets/**/*.js": 90 """.stripMargin setLocalFile("assets/lib/jquery.js") push sentPutObjectRequest.getMetadata.getCacheControl must equalTo("max-age=90") } "not be applied if the glob doesn't match" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |max_age: | "*.js": 90 """.stripMargin setLocalFile("index.html") push sentPutObjectRequest.getMetadata.getCacheControl must beNull } "be used to disable caching" in new BasicSetup { config = "max_age: 0" setLocalFile("index.html") push sentPutObjectRequest.getMetadata.getCacheControl must equalTo("no-cache; max-age=0") } "support non-US-ASCII directory names" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |max_age: | "*": 21600 """.stripMargin setLocalFile("tags/笔记/index.html") push must equalTo(0) } } "max-age in config" should { "respect the more specific glob" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |max_age: | "assets/*": 150 | "assets/*.gif": 86400 """.stripMargin setLocalFiles("assets/jquery.js", "assets/picture.gif") push sentPutObjectRequests.find(_.getKey == "assets/jquery.js").get.getMetadata.getCacheControl must equalTo("max-age=150") sentPutObjectRequests.find(_.getKey == "assets/picture.gif").get.getMetadata.getCacheControl must equalTo("max-age=86400") } } "s3_reduced_redundancy: true in config" should { "result in uploads being marked with reduced redundancy" in new BasicSetup { config = "s3_reduced_redundancy: true" setLocalFile("file.exe") push sentPutObjectRequest.getStorageClass must equalTo("REDUCED_REDUNDANCY") } } "s3_reduced_redundancy: false in config" should { "result in uploads being marked with the default storage class" in new BasicSetup { config = "s3_reduced_redundancy: false" setLocalFile("file.exe") push sentPutObjectRequest.getStorageClass must beNull } } "redirect in config" should { "result in a redirect instruction that is sent to AWS" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |redirects: | index.php: /index.html """.stripMargin push sentPutObjectRequest.getRedirectLocation must equalTo("/index.html") } "add slash to the redirect target" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |redirects: | index.php: index.html """.stripMargin push sentPutObjectRequest.getRedirectLocation must equalTo("/index.html") } "support external redirects" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |redirects: | index.php: """.stripMargin push sentPutObjectRequest.getRedirectLocation must equalTo("") } "support external redirects that point to an HTTPS target" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |redirects: | index.php: """.stripMargin push sentPutObjectRequest.getRedirectLocation must equalTo("") } "result in max-age=0 Cache-Control header on the object" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |redirects: | index.php: /index.html """.stripMargin push sentPutObjectRequest.getMetadata.getCacheControl must equalTo("max-age=0, no-cache") } } "redirect in config and an object on the S3 bucket" should { "not result in the S3 object being deleted" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |redirects: | index.php: /index.html """.stripMargin setLocalFile("index.php") setS3Files(S3File("index.php", "md5")) push noDeletesOccurred must beTrue } } "dotfiles" should { "be included in the pushed files" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFile(".vimrc") push sentPutObjectRequest.getKey must equalTo(".vimrc") } } "content type inference" should { "add charset=utf-8 to all html documents" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFile("index.html") push sentPutObjectRequest.getMetadata.getContentType must equalTo("text/html; charset=utf-8") } "add charset=utf-8 to all text documents" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFile("index.txt") push sentPutObjectRequest.getMetadata.getContentType must equalTo("text/plain; charset=utf-8") } "add charset=utf-8 to all json documents" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFile("data.json") push sentPutObjectRequest.getMetadata.getContentType must equalTo("application/json; charset=utf-8") } "resolve the content type from file contents" in new BasicSetup { setLocalFileWithContent(("index", "<html><body><h1>hi</h1></body></html>")) push sentPutObjectRequest.getMetadata.getContentType must equalTo("text/html; charset=utf-8") } } "ERB in config file" should { "be evaluated" in new BasicSetup { config = """ |redirects: |<%= ('a'..'f') do |t| ' '+t+ ': /'+t+'.html' end.join('\n')%> """.stripMargin push sentPutObjectRequests.length must equalTo(6) sentPutObjectRequests.forall(_.getRedirectLocation != null) must beTrue } } "dry run" should { "not push updates" in new SiteLocationFromCliArg with EmptySite with MockAWS with DryRunMode { setLocalFileWithContent(("index.html", "<div>new</div>")) setS3Files(S3File("index.html", md5Hex("<div>old</div>"))) push noUploadsOccurred must beTrue } "not push redirects" in new SiteLocationFromCliArg with EmptySite with MockAWS with DryRunMode { config = """ |redirects: | index.php: /index.html """.stripMargin push noUploadsOccurred must beTrue } "not push deletes" in new SiteLocationFromCliArg with EmptySite with MockAWS with DryRunMode { setS3Files(S3File("index.html", md5Hex("<div>old</div>"))) push noUploadsOccurred must beTrue } "not push new files" in new SiteLocationFromCliArg with EmptySite with MockAWS with DryRunMode { setLocalFile("index.html") push noUploadsOccurred must beTrue } "not invalidate files" in new SiteLocationFromCliArg with EmptySite with MockAWS with DryRunMode { config = "cloudfront_invalidation_id: AABBCC" setS3Files(S3File("index.html", md5Hex("<div>old</div>"))) push noInvalidationsOccurred must beTrue } } "Jekyll site" should { "be detected automatically" in new JekyllSite with EmptySite with MockAWS with DefaultRunMode { setLocalFile("index.html") push sentPutObjectRequests.length must equalTo(1) } } "Nanoc site" should { "be detected automatically" in new NanocSite with EmptySite with MockAWS with DefaultRunMode { setLocalFile("index.html") push sentPutObjectRequests.length must equalTo(1) } } trait BasicSetup extends SiteLocationFromCliArg with EmptySite with MockAWS with DefaultRunMode trait DefaultRunMode { implicit def pushMode: PushMode = new PushMode { def dryRun = false } } trait DryRunMode { implicit def pushMode: PushMode = new PushMode { def dryRun = true } } trait MockAWS extends MockS3 with MockCloudFront with Scope trait MockCloudFront extends MockAWSHelper { val amazonCloudFrontClient = mock(classOf[AmazonCloudFront]) implicit val cfSettings: CloudFrontSetting = CloudFrontSetting( cfClient = _ => amazonCloudFrontClient, retryTimeUnit = MICROSECONDS ) def sentInvalidationRequests: Seq[CreateInvalidationRequest] = { val createInvalidationReq = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(classOf[CreateInvalidationRequest]) verify(amazonCloudFrontClient, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).createInvalidation(createInvalidationReq.capture()) createInvalidationReq.getAllValues } def sentInvalidationRequest = sentInvalidationRequests.ensuring(_.length == 1).head def noInvalidationsOccurred = { verify(amazonCloudFrontClient, Mockito.never()).createInvalidation(Matchers.any(classOf[CreateInvalidationRequest])) true // Mockito is based on exceptions } def invalidationsFailAndThenSucceed(implicit howManyFailures: Int, callCount: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)) { doAnswer(temporaryFailure(classOf[CreateInvalidationResult])) .when(amazonCloudFrontClient) .createInvalidation(Matchers.anyObject()) } def setTooManyInvalidationsInProgress(attemptWhenInvalidationSucceeds: Int) { var callCount = 0 doAnswer(new Answer[CreateInvalidationResult] { override def answer(invocation: InvocationOnMock): CreateInvalidationResult = { callCount += 1 if (callCount < attemptWhenInvalidationSucceeds) throw new TooManyInvalidationsInProgressException("just too many, man") else mock(classOf[CreateInvalidationResult]) } }).when(amazonCloudFrontClient).createInvalidation(Matchers.anyObject()) } def setCloudFrontAsInternallyBroken() { when(amazonCloudFrontClient.createInvalidation(Matchers.anyObject())).thenThrow(new AmazonServiceException("CloudFront is down")) } } trait MockS3 extends MockAWSHelper { val amazonS3Client = mock(classOf[AmazonS3]) implicit val s3Settings: S3Setting = S3Setting( s3Client = _ => amazonS3Client, retryTimeUnit = MICROSECONDS ) val s3ObjectListing = new ObjectListing when(amazonS3Client.listObjects(Matchers.any(classOf[ListObjectsRequest]))).thenReturn(s3ObjectListing) def setOutdatedS3Keys(s3Keys: String*) { s3Keys .map(key => S3File(key, md5Hex(Random.nextLong().toString)) // Simulate the situation where the file on S3 is outdated (as compared to the local file) ) .foreach (setS3Files(_)) } def setS3Files(s3Files: S3File*) { s3Files.foreach { s3File => s3ObjectListing.getObjectSummaries.add({ val summary = new S3ObjectSummary summary.setETag(s3File.md5) summary.setKey(s3File.s3Key) summary }) } } def removeAllFilesFromS3() { setS3Files(Nil: _*) // This corresponds to the situation where the S3 bucket is empty } def uploadFailsAndThenSucceeds(implicit howManyFailures: Int, callCount: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)) { doAnswer(temporaryFailure(classOf[PutObjectResult])) .when(amazonS3Client) .putObject(Matchers.anyObject()) } def deleteFailsAndThenSucceeds(implicit howManyFailures: Int, callCount: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)) { doAnswer(temporaryFailure(classOf[DeleteObjectRequest])) .when(amazonS3Client) .deleteObject(Matchers.anyString(), Matchers.anyString()) } def objectListingFailsAndThenSucceeds(implicit howManyFailures: Int, callCount: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)) { doAnswer(temporaryFailure(classOf[ObjectListing])) .when(amazonS3Client) .listObjects(Matchers.any(classOf[ListObjectsRequest])) } def sentPutObjectRequests: Seq[PutObjectRequest] = { val req = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(classOf[PutObjectRequest]) verify(amazonS3Client, Mockito.atLeast(1)).putObject(req.capture()) req.getAllValues } def sentPutObjectRequest = sentPutObjectRequests.ensuring(_.length == 1).head def sentDeletes: Seq[S3Key] = { val deleteKey = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(classOf[S3Key]) verify(amazonS3Client).deleteObject(Matchers.anyString(), deleteKey.capture()) deleteKey.getAllValues } def sentDelete = sentDeletes.ensuring(_.length == 1).head def noDeletesOccurred = { verify(amazonS3Client, never()).deleteObject(Matchers.anyString(), Matchers.anyString()) true // Mockito is based on exceptions } def noUploadsOccurred = { verify(amazonS3Client, never()).putObject(Matchers.any(classOf[PutObjectRequest])) true // Mockito is based on exceptions } type S3Key = String } trait MockAWSHelper { def temporaryFailure[T](clazz: Class[T])(implicit callCount: AtomicInteger, howManyFailures: Int) = new Answer[T] { def answer(invocation: InvocationOnMock) = { callCount.incrementAndGet() if (callCount.get() <= howManyFailures) throw new AmazonServiceException("AWS is temporarily down") else mock(clazz) } } } trait Directories extends BeforeAfter { def randomDir() = new File(FileUtils.getTempDirectory, "s3_website_dir" + Random.nextLong()) implicit final val workingDirectory: File = randomDir() implicit def yamlConfig: S3_website_yml = S3_website_yml(new File(workingDirectory, "s3_website.yml")) val siteDirectory: File val configDirectory: File = workingDirectory // Represents the --config-dir=X option def before { workingDirectory :: siteDirectory :: configDirectory :: Nil foreach forceMkdir } def after { (workingDirectory :: siteDirectory :: configDirectory :: Nil) foreach { dir => if (dir.exists) forceDelete(dir) } } } trait SiteLocationFromCliArg extends Directories { val siteDirectory = workingDirectory val siteDirFromCLIArg = true } trait JekyllSite extends Directories { val siteDirectory = new File(workingDirectory, "_site") val siteDirFromCLIArg = false } trait NanocSite extends Directories { val siteDirectory = new File(workingDirectory, "public/output") val siteDirFromCLIArg = false } trait CustomSiteDirectory extends Directories { val siteDirectory = randomDir() val siteDirFromCLIArg = false } trait EmptySite extends Directories { val siteDirFromCLIArg: Boolean type LocalFileWithContent = (String, String) def setLocalFile(fileName: String) = setLocalFileWithContent((fileName, "")) def setLocalFiles(fileNames: String*) = fileNames foreach setLocalFile def setLocalFilesWithContent(fileNamesAndContent: LocalFileWithContent*) = fileNamesAndContent foreach setLocalFileWithContent def setLocalFileWithContent(fileNameAndContent: LocalFileWithContent) = { val file = new File(siteDirectory, fileNameAndContent._1) forceMkdir(file.getParentFile) file.createNewFile() write(file, fileNameAndContent._2) } var config = "" val baseConfig = """ |s3_id: foo |s3_secret: bar |s3_bucket: bucket """.stripMargin implicit def configString: ConfigString = ConfigString( s""" |$baseConfig |$config """.stripMargin ) def pushMode: PushMode // Represents the --dry-run switch implicit def cliArgs: CliArgs = new CliArgs { def verbose = true def dryRun = pushMode.dryRun def site = if (siteDirFromCLIArg) siteDirectory.getAbsolutePath else null def configDir = configDirectory.getAbsolutePath } } def push(implicit emptyYamlConfig: S3_website_yml, configString: ConfigString, cliArgs: CliArgs, s3Settings: S3Setting, cloudFrontSettings: CloudFrontSetting, workingDirectory: File) = { write(emptyYamlConfig.file, configString.yaml) // Write the yaml config lazily, so that the tests can override the default yaml config Push.push } case class ConfigString(yaml: String) }