# frozen_string_literal: true class Serega module SeregaPlugins module If # # Validator for attribute :if option # class CheckOptIf class << self # # Checks attribute :if option that must be [nil, Symbol, Proc, #call] # # @param opts [Hash] Attribute options # # @raise [SeregaError] Attribute validation error # # @return [void] # def call(opts) return unless opts.key?(:if) check_type(opts[:if]) end private def check_type(value) return if value.is_a?(Symbol) raise SeregaError, must_be_callable unless value.respond_to?(:call) if value.is_a?(Proc) check_block(value) else check_callable(value) end end def check_block(block) return if valid_parameters?(block, accepted_count: 0..2) raise SeregaError, block_parameters_error end def check_callable(callable) return if valid_parameters?(callable.method(:call), accepted_count: 2..2) raise SeregaError, callable_parameters_error end def valid_parameters?(data, accepted_count:) params = data.parameters accepted_count.include?(params.count) && valid_parameters_types?(params) end def valid_parameters_types?(params) params.all? do |param| type = param[0] (type == :req) || (type == :opt) end end def block_parameters_error "Invalid attribute option :if. When it is a Proc it can have maximum two regular parameters (object, context)" end def callable_parameters_error "Invalid attribute option :if. When it is a callable object it must have two regular parameters (object, context)" end def must_be_callable "Invalid attribute option :if. It must be a Symbol, a Proc or respond to :call" end end end end end end