/* eslint-disable no-div-regex, no-useless-escape, no-param-reassign, id-length */ /* eslint max-lines: ["error", {"max": 350, "skipBlankLines": true}] */ /** * A plain Javascript component that handles the form filter. * @class * @augments Component */ import delayed from "src/decidim/delayed" import CheckBoxesTree from "src/decidim/check_boxes_tree" import { registerCallback, unregisterCallback, pushState, replaceState, state } from "src/decidim/history" import DataPicker from "src/decidim/data_picker" export default class FormFilterComponent { constructor($form) { this.$form = $form; this.id = this.$form.attr("id") || this._getUID(); this.mounted = false; this.changeEvents = true; this.theCheckBoxesTree = new CheckBoxesTree(); this.theDataPicker = window.theDataPicker || new DataPicker($(".data-picker")); this._updateInitialState(); this._onFormChange = delayed(this, this._onFormChange.bind(this)); this._onFormSubmit = delayed(this, this._onFormSubmit.bind(this)); this._onPopState = this._onPopState.bind(this); if (window.Decidim.PopStateHandler) { this.popStateSubmiter = false; } else { this.popStateSubmiter = true; window.Decidim.PopStateHandler = this.id; } } /** * Handles the logic for unmounting the component * @public * @returns {Void} - Returns nothing */ unmountComponent() { if (this.mounted) { this.mounted = false; this.$form.off("change", "input, select", this._onFormChange); this.$form.off("submit", this._onFormSubmit); unregisterCallback(`filters-${this.id}`) } } /** * Handles the logic for mounting the component * @public * @returns {Void} - Returns nothing */ mountComponent() { if (this.$form.length > 0 && !this.mounted) { this.mounted = true; let queue = 0; let contentContainer = $(this.$form.closest(".filters").parent().find(".skip").attr("href")); if (contentContainer.length === 0 && this.$form.data("remoteFill")) { contentContainer = this.$form.data("remoteFill"); } this.$form.on("change", "input:not([data-disable-dynamic-change]), select:not([data-disable-dynamic-change])", this._onFormChange); this.$form.on("submit", this._onFormSubmit); this.currentFormRequest = null; this.$form.on("ajax:beforeSend", (e) => { if (this.currentFormRequest) { this.currentFormRequest.abort(); } this.currentFormRequest = e.originalEvent.detail[0]; queue += 1; if (queue > 0 && contentContainer.length > 0 && !contentContainer.hasClass("spinner-container")) { contentContainer.addClass("spinner-container"); } }); this.$form.on("ajax:success", () => { queue -= 1; if (queue <= 0 && contentContainer.length > 0) { contentContainer.removeClass("spinner-container"); } }); this.$form.on("ajax:error", () => { queue -= 1; if (queue <= 0 && contentContainer.length > 0) { contentContainer.removeClass("spinner-container"); } this.$form.find(".spinner-container").addClass("hide"); }); this.theCheckBoxesTree.setContainerForm(this.$form); registerCallback(`filters-${this.id}`, (currentState) => { this._onPopState(currentState); }); } } /** * Sets path in the browser history with the initial filters state, to allow to restoring it when using browser history. * @private * @returns {Void} - Returns nothing. */ _updateInitialState() { const [initialPath, initialState] = this._currentStateAndPath(); initialState._path = initialPath replaceState(null, initialState); } /** * Finds the current location. * @param {boolean} withHost - include the host part in the returned location * @private * @returns {String} - Returns the current location. */ _getLocation(withHost = true) { const currentState = state(); let path = ""; if (currentState && currentState._path) { path = currentState._path; } else { path = window.location.pathname + window.location.search + window.location.hash; } if (withHost) { return window.location.origin + path; } return path; } /** * Parse current location and get filter values. * @private * @returns {Object} - An object where a key correspond to a filter field * and the value is the current value for the filter. */ _parseLocationFilterValues() { // Every location param is constructed like this: filter[key]=value let regexpResult = decodeURIComponent(this._getLocation()).match(/filter\[([^\]]*)\](?:\[\])?=([^&]*)/g); // The RegExp g flag returns null or an array of coincidences. It doesn't return the match groups if (regexpResult) { const filterParams = regexpResult.reduce((acc, result) => { const [, key, array, value] = result.match(/filter\[([^\]]*)\](\[\])?=([^&]*)/); if (array) { if (!acc[key]) { acc[key] = []; } acc[key].push(value); } else { acc[key] = value; } return acc; }, {}); return filterParams; } return null; } /** * Parse current location and get the current order. * @private * @returns {string} - The current order */ _parseLocationOrderValue() { const url = this._getLocation(); const match = url.match(/order=([^&]*)/); const $orderMenu = this.$form.find(".order-by .menu"); let order = $orderMenu.find(".menu a:first").data("order"); if (match) { order = match[1]; } return order; } /** * Clears the form to start with a clean state. * @private * @returns {Void} - Returns nothing. */ _clearForm() { this.$form.find("input[type=checkbox]").each((index, element) => { element.checked = element.indeterminate = false; }); this.$form.find("input[type=radio]").attr("checked", false); this.$form.find(".data-picker").each((_index, picker) => { this.theDataPicker.clear(picker); }); // This ensure the form is reset in a valid state where a fieldset of // radio buttons has the first selected. this.$form.find("fieldset input[type=radio]:first").each(function () { // I need the this to iterate a jQuery collection $(this)[0].checked = true; // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this }); } /** * Handles the logic when going back to a previous state in the filter form. * @private * @param {Object} currentState - state stored along with location URL * @returns {Void} - Returns nothing. */ _onPopState(currentState) { this.changeEvents = false; this._clearForm(); const filterParams = this._parseLocationFilterValues(); const currentOrder = this._parseLocationOrderValue(); this.$form.find("input.order_filter").val(currentOrder); if (filterParams) { const fieldIds = Object.keys(filterParams); // Iterate the filter params and set the correct form values fieldIds.forEach((fieldName) => { let value = filterParams[fieldName]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { let checkboxes = this.$form.find(`input[type=checkbox][name="filter[${fieldName}][]"]`); this.theCheckBoxesTree.updateChecked(checkboxes, value); } else { this.$form.find(`*[name="filter[${fieldName}]"]`).each((index, element) => { switch (element.type) { case "hidden": break; case "radio": case "checkbox": element.checked = value === element.value; break; default: element.value = value; } }); } }); } // Retrieves picker information for selected values (value, text and link) from the state object $(".data-picker", this.$form).each((_index, picker) => { let pickerState = currentState[picker.id]; if (pickerState) { this.theDataPicker.load(picker, pickerState); } }) // Only one instance should submit the form on browser history navigation if (this.popStateSubmiter) { Rails.fire(this.$form[0], "submit", { from: "pop" }); } this.changeEvents = true; } /** * Handles the logic to decide whether the form should be submitted or not * after a form change event. The form is only submitted when changes have * occurred. * @private * @returns {Void} - Returns nothing. */ _onFormChange() { if (!this.changeEvents) { return; } const [newPath] = this._currentStateAndPath(); const path = this._getLocation(false); if (newPath === path) { return; } Rails.fire(this.$form[0], "submit"); } /** * Saves the current state of the search on form submit to update the search * parameters to the URL and store the picker states. * @private * @param {jQuery.Event} ev The event that caused the form to submit. * @returns {Void} - Returns nothing. */ _onFormSubmit(ev) { const eventDetail = ev.originalEvent.detail; if (eventDetail && eventDetail.from === "pop") { return; } const [newPath, newState] = this._currentStateAndPath(); pushState(newPath, newState); this._saveFilters(newPath); } /** * Calculates the path and the state associated to the filters inputs. * @private * @returns {Array} - Returns an array with the path and the state for the current filters state. */ _currentStateAndPath() { const formAction = this.$form.attr("action"); const params = this.$form.find(":not(.ignore-filters)").find("select:not(.ignore-filter), input:not(.ignore-filter)").serialize(); let path = ""; let currentState = {}; if (formAction.indexOf("?") < 0) { path = `${formAction}?${params}`; } else { path = `${formAction}&${params}`; } // Stores picker information for selected values (value, text and link) in the currentState object $(".data-picker", this.$form).each((_index, picker) => { currentState[picker.id] = this.theDataPicker.save(picker); }) return [path, currentState]; } /** * Generates a unique identifier for the form. * @private * @returns {String} - Returns a unique identifier */ _getUID() { return `filter-form-${new Date().getUTCMilliseconds()}-${Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000)}`; } /** * Saves the changed filters on sessionStorage API. * @private * @param {string} pathWithQueryStrings - path with all the query strings for filter. To be used with backToListLink(). * @returns {Void} - Returns nothing. */ _saveFilters(pathWithQueryStrings) { if (!window.sessionStorage) { return; } const pathName = this.$form.attr("action"); sessionStorage.setItem("filteredParams", JSON.stringify({[pathName]: pathWithQueryStrings})); } }