/* Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef UV_WIN_WINSOCK_H_ #define UV_WIN_WINSOCK_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include "winapi.h" /* * MinGW is missing these too */ #ifndef SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT # define SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT 0x7010 #endif #ifndef TCP_KEEPALIVE # define TCP_KEEPALIVE 3 #endif #ifndef IPV6_V6ONLY # define IPV6_V6ONLY 27 #endif #ifndef IPV6_HOPLIMIT # define IPV6_HOPLIMIT 21 #endif #ifndef SIO_BASE_HANDLE # define SIO_BASE_HANDLE 0x48000022 #endif /* * TDI defines that are only in the DDK. * We only need receive flags so far. */ #ifndef TDI_RECEIVE_NORMAL #define TDI_RECEIVE_BROADCAST 0x00000004 #define TDI_RECEIVE_MULTICAST 0x00000008 #define TDI_RECEIVE_PARTIAL 0x00000010 #define TDI_RECEIVE_NORMAL 0x00000020 #define TDI_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED 0x00000040 #define TDI_RECEIVE_PEEK 0x00000080 #define TDI_RECEIVE_NO_RESPONSE_EXP 0x00000100 #define TDI_RECEIVE_COPY_LOOKAHEAD 0x00000200 #define TDI_RECEIVE_ENTIRE_MESSAGE 0x00000400 #define TDI_RECEIVE_AT_DISPATCH_LEVEL 0x00000800 #define TDI_RECEIVE_CONTROL_INFO 0x00001000 #define TDI_RECEIVE_FORCE_INDICATION 0x00002000 #define TDI_RECEIVE_NO_PUSH 0x00004000 #endif /* * The "Auxiliary Function Driver" is the windows kernel-mode driver that does * TCP, UDP etc. Winsock is just a layer that dispatches requests to it. * Having these definitions allows us to bypass winsock and make an AFD kernel * call directly, avoiding a bug in winsock's recvfrom implementation. */ #define AFD_NO_FAST_IO 0x00000001 #define AFD_OVERLAPPED 0x00000002 #define AFD_IMMEDIATE 0x00000004 #define AFD_POLL_RECEIVE_BIT 0 #define AFD_POLL_RECEIVE (1 << AFD_POLL_RECEIVE_BIT) #define AFD_POLL_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED_BIT 1 #define AFD_POLL_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED (1 << AFD_POLL_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED_BIT) #define AFD_POLL_SEND_BIT 2 #define AFD_POLL_SEND (1 << AFD_POLL_SEND_BIT) #define AFD_POLL_DISCONNECT_BIT 3 #define AFD_POLL_DISCONNECT (1 << AFD_POLL_DISCONNECT_BIT) #define AFD_POLL_ABORT_BIT 4 #define AFD_POLL_ABORT (1 << AFD_POLL_ABORT_BIT) #define AFD_POLL_LOCAL_CLOSE_BIT 5 #define AFD_POLL_LOCAL_CLOSE (1 << AFD_POLL_LOCAL_CLOSE_BIT) #define AFD_POLL_CONNECT_BIT 6 #define AFD_POLL_CONNECT (1 << AFD_POLL_CONNECT_BIT) #define AFD_POLL_ACCEPT_BIT 7 #define AFD_POLL_ACCEPT (1 << AFD_POLL_ACCEPT_BIT) #define AFD_POLL_CONNECT_FAIL_BIT 8 #define AFD_POLL_CONNECT_FAIL (1 << AFD_POLL_CONNECT_FAIL_BIT) #define AFD_POLL_QOS_BIT 9 #define AFD_POLL_QOS (1 << AFD_POLL_QOS_BIT) #define AFD_POLL_GROUP_QOS_BIT 10 #define AFD_POLL_GROUP_QOS (1 << AFD_POLL_GROUP_QOS_BIT) #define AFD_NUM_POLL_EVENTS 11 #define AFD_POLL_ALL ((1 << AFD_NUM_POLL_EVENTS) - 1) typedef struct _AFD_RECV_DATAGRAM_INFO { LPWSABUF BufferArray; ULONG BufferCount; ULONG AfdFlags; ULONG TdiFlags; struct sockaddr* Address; int* AddressLength; } AFD_RECV_DATAGRAM_INFO, *PAFD_RECV_DATAGRAM_INFO; typedef struct _AFD_RECV_INFO { LPWSABUF BufferArray; ULONG BufferCount; ULONG AfdFlags; ULONG TdiFlags; } AFD_RECV_INFO, *PAFD_RECV_INFO; #define _AFD_CONTROL_CODE(operation, method) \ ((FSCTL_AFD_BASE) << 12 | (operation << 2) | method) #define FSCTL_AFD_BASE FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK #define AFD_RECEIVE 5 #define AFD_RECEIVE_DATAGRAM 6 #define AFD_POLL 9 #define IOCTL_AFD_RECEIVE \ _AFD_CONTROL_CODE(AFD_RECEIVE, METHOD_NEITHER) #define IOCTL_AFD_RECEIVE_DATAGRAM \ _AFD_CONTROL_CODE(AFD_RECEIVE_DATAGRAM, METHOD_NEITHER) #define IOCTL_AFD_POLL \ _AFD_CONTROL_CODE(AFD_POLL, METHOD_BUFFERED) #if defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR) typedef struct _IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_XP { /* FIXME: __C89_NAMELESS was removed */ /* __C89_NAMELESS */ union { ULONGLONG Alignment; /* __C89_NAMELESS */ struct { ULONG Length; DWORD Flags; }; }; struct _IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_XP *Next; SOCKET_ADDRESS Address; IP_PREFIX_ORIGIN PrefixOrigin; IP_SUFFIX_ORIGIN SuffixOrigin; IP_DAD_STATE DadState; ULONG ValidLifetime; ULONG PreferredLifetime; ULONG LeaseLifetime; } IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_XP,*PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_XP; #endif #endif /* UV_WIN_WINSOCK_H_ */