## [0.5.2] - [#14](https://github.com/coorasse/passkit/pull/14): Send correct headers with previews so it auto-adds on iOS ## [0.5.1] - [#13](https://github.com/coorasse/passkit/pull/13): Added sharingProhibited - [#13](https://github.com/coorasse/passkit/pull/13): Added maxDistance - [#13](https://github.com/coorasse/passkit/pull/13): Allow custom files with add_other_files ## [0.5.0] - Allow configuring labelColor - Allow receiving the same push otken with different device identifiers - Make the last_update more flexible ## [0.4.2] - Fix the unregister endpoint. ## [0.4.1] - Allow the registration of two passes on the same device. ## [0.4.0] - Allow to use the dashboard also in production. - Allow to protect the dashboard using different strategies. Basic auth is default. - Breaking: now your Passkit dashboard is mounted under `/passkit/dashboard` instead of just `/passkit`. ## [0.3.3] - Fix previews page. ## [0.3.2] ## [0.3.1] ## [0.3.0] ## [0.2.0] ## [0.1.0] - Initial release.