module Spree::BaseHelper # this should be cart_path since it returns path only # didn't wan't to change until we know what breaks so # I named new helpers differently below - WN def cart_link return new_order_url if session[:order_id].blank? return edit_order_url(Order.find_or_create_by_id(session[:order_id])) end def cart_path cart_link end def link_to_cart(text=t('cart')) path = cart_path order = Order.find_or_create_by_id(session[:order_id]) unless session[:order_id].blank? css_class = '' unless order.nil? item_count = order.line_items.inject(0) { |kount, line_item| kount + line_item.quantity } return "" if current_page?(path) text = "#{text}: (#{item_count}) #{order_price(order)}" css_class = 'full' if item_count > 0 end link_to text, path, :class => css_class end def order_price(order, options={}) options.assert_valid_keys(:format_as_currency, :show_vat_text, :show_price_inc_vat) options.reverse_merge! :format_as_currency => true, :show_vat_text => true # overwrite show_vat_text if show_price_inc_vat is false options[:show_vat_text] = Spree::Tax::Config[:show_price_inc_vat] amount = order.item_total amount += Spree::VatCalculator.calculate_tax(order) if Spree::Tax::Config[:show_price_inc_vat] options.delete(:format_as_currency) ? number_to_currency(amount) : amount end def add_product_link(text, product) link_to_remote text, {:url => {:controller => "cart", :action => "add", :id => product}}, {:title => "Add to Cart", :href => url_for( :controller => "cart", :action => "add", :id => product)} end def remove_product_link(text, product) link_to_remote text, {:url => {:controller => "cart", :action => "remove", :id => product}}, {:title => "Remove item", :href => url_for( :controller => "cart", :action => "remove", :id => product)} end def todays_short_date utc_to_local( end def yesterdays_short_date utc_to_local( end # human readable list of variant options def variant_options(v, allow_back_orders = Spree::Config[:allow_backorders], include_style = true) list = { |ov| "#{ov.option_type.presentation}: #{ov.presentation}" }.to_sentence({:words_connector => ", ", :two_words_connector => ", "}) list = include_style ? "(" + t("out_of_stock") + ") #{list}" : "#{t("out_of_stock")} #{list}" unless (v.in_stock or allow_back_orders) list end def mini_image(product) if product.images.empty? image_tag "noimage/mini.jpg" else image_tag product.images.first.attachment.url(:mini) end end def small_image(product) if product.images.empty? image_tag "noimage/small.jpg" else image_tag product.images.first.attachment.url(:small) end end def product_image(product) if product.images.empty? image_tag "noimage/product.jpg" else image_tag product.images.first.attachment.url(:product) end end def meta_data_tags return unless self.respond_to?(:object) && object "".tap do |tags| if object.respond_to?(:meta_keywords) and object.meta_keywords.present? tags << tag('meta', :name => 'keywords', :content => object.meta_keywords) + "\n" end if object.respond_to?(:meta_description) and object.meta_description.present? tags << tag('meta', :name => 'description', :content => object.meta_description) + "\n" end end end end