require 'spec_helper' describe Mongoid::History do before :all do class Post include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Mongoid::History::Trackable field :title field :body field :rating field :views, type: Integer embeds_many :comments, store_as: :coms embeds_one :section, store_as: :sec embeds_many :tags, cascade_callbacks: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :tags, allow_destroy: true track_history on: [:title, :body], track_destroy: true end class Comment include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Mongoid::History::Trackable field :t, as: :title field :body embedded_in :commentable, polymorphic: true track_history on: [:title, :body], scope: :post, track_create: true, track_destroy: true end class Section include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Mongoid::History::Trackable field :t, as: :title embedded_in :post track_history on: [:title], scope: :post, track_create: true, track_destroy: true end class User include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Mongoid::History::Trackable field :n, as: :name field :em, as: :email field :phone field :address field :city field :country field :aliases, type: Array track_history except: [:email, :updated_at] end class Tag include Mongoid::Document # include Mongoid::Timestamps (see: include Mongoid::History::Trackable belongs_to :updated_by, class_name: "User" field :title track_history on: [:title], scope: :post, track_create: true, track_destroy: true, modifier_field: :updated_by end class Foo < Comment end @persisted_history_options = Mongoid::History.trackable_class_options end before(:each) { Mongoid::History.trackable_class_options = @persisted_history_options } let(:user) { User.create(name: "Aaron", email: "", aliases: ['bob'], country: 'Canada', city: 'Toronto', address: '21 Jump Street') } let(:another_user) { User.create(name: "Another Guy", email: "") } let(:post) { Post.create(title: "Test", body: "Post", modifier: user, views: 100) } let(:comment) { post.comments.create(title: "test", body: "comment", modifier: user) } let(:tag) { Tag.create(title: "test") } describe "track" do describe "on creation" do it "should have one history track in comment" do comment.history_tracks.count.should == 1 end it "should assign title and body on modified" do comment.history_tracks.first.modified.should == { 't' => "test", 'body' => "comment" } end it "should not assign title and body on original" do comment.history_tracks.first.original.should == {} end it "should assign modifier" do comment.history_tracks.first.modifier.should == user end it "should assign version" do comment.history_tracks.first.version.should == 1 end it "should assign scope" do comment.history_tracks.first.scope.should == "post" end it "should assign method" do comment.history_tracks.first.action.should == "create" end it "should assign association_chain" do expected = [ { 'id' =>, 'name' => "Post" }, { 'id' =>, 'name' => "coms" } ] comment.history_tracks.first.association_chain.should == expected end end describe "on destruction" do it "should have two history track records in post" do lambda { post.destroy }.should change(Tracker, :count).by(1) end it "should assign destroy on track record" do post.destroy post.history_tracks.last.action.should == "destroy" end it "should return affected attributes from track record" do post.destroy post.history_tracks.last.affected["title"].should == "Test" end end describe "on update non-embedded" do it "should create a history track if changed attributes match tracked attributes" do lambda { post.update_attributes(title: "Another Test") }.should change(Tracker, :count).by(1) end it "should not create a history track if changed attributes do not match tracked attributes" do lambda { post.update_attributes(rating: "untracked") }.should change(Tracker, :count).by(0) end it "should assign modified fields" do post.update_attributes(title: "Another Test") post.history_tracks.last.modified.should == { "title" => "Another Test" } end it "should assign method field" do post.update_attributes(title: "Another Test") post.history_tracks.last.action.should == "update" end it "should assign original fields" do post.update_attributes(title: "Another Test") post.history_tracks.last.original.should == { "title" => "Test" } end it "should assign modifier" do post.update_attributes(title: "Another Test") post.history_tracks.first.modifier.should == user end it "should assign version on history tracks" do post.update_attributes(title: "Another Test") post.history_tracks.first.version.should == 1 end it "should assign version on post" do post.update_attributes(title: "Another Test") post.version.should == 1 end it "should assign scope" do post.update_attributes(title: "Another Test") post.history_tracks.first.scope.should == "post" end it "should assign association_chain" do post.update_attributes(title: "Another Test") post.history_tracks.last.association_chain.should == [{ 'id' =>, 'name' => "Post" }] end it "should exclude defined options" do name = user.update_attributes(name: "Aaron2", email: "") user.history_tracks.first.original.keys.should == ["n"] user.history_tracks.first.original["n"].should == name user.history_tracks.first.modified.keys.should == ["n"] user.history_tracks.first.modified["n"].should == end it "should undo field changes" do name = user.update_attributes(name: "Aaron2", email: "") user.history_tracks.first.undo! nil == name end it "should undo non-existing field changes" do post = Post.create(modifier: user, views: 100) post.reload.title.should be_nil post.update_attributes(title: "Aaron2") post.reload.title.should == "Aaron2" post.history_tracks.first.undo! nil post.reload.title.should be_nil end it "should track array changes" do aliases = user.aliases user.update_attributes(aliases: ['bob', 'joe']) user.history_tracks.first.original["aliases"].should == aliases user.history_tracks.first.modified["aliases"].should == user.aliases end it "should undo array changes" do aliases = user.aliases user.update_attributes(aliases: ['bob', 'joe']) user.history_tracks.first.undo! nil user.reload.aliases.should == aliases end end describe "#tracked_changes" do context "create action" do subject { tag.history_tracks.first.tracked_changes } it "consider all fields values as :to" do subject[:title].should == { to: "test" }.with_indifferent_access end end context "destroy action" do subject { tag.destroy tag.history_tracks.last.tracked_changes } it "consider all fields values as :from" do subject[:title].should == { from: "test" }.with_indifferent_access end end context "update action" do subject { user.history_tracks.first.tracked_changes } before do user.update_attributes(name: "Aaron2", email: nil, country: '', city: nil, phone: '867-5309', aliases: ['', 'bill', 'james']) end it { should be_a HashWithIndifferentAccess } it "should track changed field" do subject[:n].should == { from: "Aaron", to: "Aaron2" }.with_indifferent_access end it "should track added field" do subject[:phone].should == { to: "867-5309" }.with_indifferent_access end it "should track removed field" do subject[:city].should == { from: "Toronto" }.with_indifferent_access end it "should not consider blank as removed" do subject[:country].should == { from: "Canada", to: '' }.with_indifferent_access end it "should track changed array field" do subject[:aliases].should == { from: ["bob"], to: ["", "bill", "james"] }.with_indifferent_access end it "should not track unmodified field" do subject[:address].should be_nil end it "should not track untracked fields" do subject[:email].should be_nil end end end describe "#tracked_edits" do context "create action" do subject { tag.history_tracks.first.tracked_edits } it "consider all edits as ;add" do subject[:add].should == { title: "test" }.with_indifferent_access end end context "destroy action" do subject { tag.destroy tag.history_tracks.last.tracked_edits } it "consider all edits as ;remove" do subject[:remove].should == { title: "test" }.with_indifferent_access end end context "update action" do subject { user.history_tracks.first.tracked_edits } before do user.update_attributes(name: "Aaron2", email: nil, country: '', city: nil, phone: '867-5309', aliases: ['', 'bill', 'james']) end it { should be_a HashWithIndifferentAccess } it "should track changed field" do subject[:modify].should == { n: { from: "Aaron", to: "Aaron2" } }.with_indifferent_access end it "should track added field" do subject[:add].should == { phone: "867-5309" }.with_indifferent_access end it "should track removed field and consider blank as removed" do subject[:remove].should == { city: "Toronto", country: "Canada" }.with_indifferent_access end it "should track changed array field" do subject[:array].should == { aliases: { remove: ["bob"], add: ["", "bill", "james"] } }.with_indifferent_access end it "should not track unmodified field" do %w(add modify remove array).each do |edit| subject[edit][:address].should be_nil end end it "should not track untracked fields" do %w(add modify remove array).each do |edit| subject[edit][:email].should be_nil end end end context "with empty values" do subject { } it "should skip empty values" do subject.stub(:tracked_changes) { { name: { to: '', from: [] }, city: { to: 'Toronto', from: '' } } } subject.tracked_edits.should == { add: { city: "Toronto" } }.with_indifferent_access end end end describe "on update non-embedded twice" do it "should assign version on post" do post.update_attributes(title: "Test2") post.update_attributes(title: "Test3") post.version.should == 2 end it "should create a history track if changed attributes match tracked attributes" do lambda { post.update_attributes(title: "Test2") post.update_attributes(title: "Test3") }.should change(Tracker, :count).by(2) end it "should create a history track of version 2" do post.update_attributes(title: "Test2") post.update_attributes(title: "Test3") post.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.should_not be_nil end it "should assign modified fields" do post.update_attributes(title: "Test2") post.update_attributes(title: "Test3") post.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.modified.should == { "title" => "Test3" } end it "should assign original fields" do post.update_attributes(title: "Test2") post.update_attributes(title: "Test3") post.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.original.should == { "title" => "Test2" } end it "should assign modifier" do post.update_attributes(title: "Another Test", modifier: another_user) post.history_tracks.last.modifier.should == another_user end end describe "on update embedded 1..N (embeds_many)" do it "should assign version on comment" do comment.update_attributes(title: "Test2") comment.version.should == 2 # first track generated on creation end it "should create a history track of version 2" do comment.update_attributes(title: "Test2") comment.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.should_not be_nil end it "should assign modified fields" do comment.update_attributes(t: "Test2") comment.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.modified.should == { "t" => "Test2" } end it "should assign original fields" do comment.update_attributes(title: "Test2") comment.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.original.should == { "t" => "test" } end it "should be possible to undo from parent" do comment.update_attributes(title: "Test 2") user post.history_tracks.last.undo!(user) comment.reload comment.title.should == "test" end it "should assign modifier" do post.update_attributes(title: "Another Test", modifier: another_user) post.history_tracks.last.modifier.should == another_user end end describe "on update embedded 1..1 (embeds_one)" do let(:section) { 'Technology') } before(:each) do post.section = section! post.reload post.section end it "should assign version on create section" do section.version.should == 1 end it "should assign version on section" do section.update_attributes(title: 'Technology 2') section.version.should == 2 # first track generated on creation end it "should create a history track of version 2" do section.update_attributes(title: 'Technology 2') section.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.should_not be_nil end it "should assign modified fields" do section.update_attributes(title: 'Technology 2') section.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.modified.should == { "t" => "Technology 2" } end it "should assign original fields" do section.update_attributes(title: 'Technology 2') section.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.original.should == { "t" => "Technology" } end it "should be possible to undo from parent" do section.update_attributes(title: 'Technology 2') post.history_tracks.last.undo!(user) section.reload section.title.should == "Technology" end it "should assign modifier" do section.update_attributes(title: "Business", modifier: another_user) post.history_tracks.last.modifier.should == another_user end end describe "on destroy embedded" do it "should be possible to re-create destroyed embedded" do comment.destroy comment.history_tracks.last.undo!(user) post.reload post.comments.first.title.should == "test" end it "should be possible to re-create destroyed embedded from parent" do comment.destroy post.history_tracks.last.undo!(user) post.reload post.comments.first.title.should == "test" end it "should be possible to destroy after re-create embedded from parent" do comment.destroy post.history_tracks.last.undo!(user) post.history_tracks.last.undo!(user) post.reload post.comments.count.should == 0 end it "should be possible to create with redo after undo create embedded from parent" do comment # initialize post.comments.create!(title: "The second one") track = post.history_tracks.last track.undo!(user) track.redo!(user) post.reload post.comments.count.should == 2 end end describe "embedded with cascading callbacks" do let(:tag_foo) { post.tags.create(title: "foo", updated_by: user) } let(:tag_bar) { post.tags.create(title: "bar") } # it "should have cascaded the creation callbacks and set timestamps" do # tag_foo; tag_bar # initialize # tag_foo.created_at.should_not be_nil # tag_foo.updated_at.should_not be_nil # end it "should allow an update through the parent model" do update_hash = { "post" => { "tags_attributes" => { "1234" => { "id" =>, "title" => "baz" } } } } post.update_attributes(update_hash["post"]) post.tags.last.title.should == "baz" end it "should be possible to destroy through parent model using canoncial _destroy macro" do tag_foo tag_bar # initialize post.tags.count.should == 2 update_hash = { "post" => { "tags_attributes" => { "1234" => { "id" =>, "title" => "baz", "_destroy" => "true" } } } } post.update_attributes(update_hash["post"]) post.tags.count.should == 1 post.history_tracks.to_a.last.action.should == "destroy" end it "should write relationship name for association_chain hiearchy instead of class name when using _destroy macro" do update_hash = { "tags_attributes" => { "1234" => { "id" =>, "_destroy" => "1" } } } post.update_attributes(update_hash) # historically this would have evaluated to 'Tags' and an error would be thrown # on any call that walked up the association_chain, e.g. 'trackable' tag_foo.history_tracks.last.association_chain.last["name"].should == "tags" lambda { tag_foo.history_tracks.last.trackable }.should_not raise_error end end describe "non-embedded" do it "should undo changes" do post.update_attributes(title: "Test2") post.history_tracks.where(version: 1).last.undo!(user) post.reload post.title.should == "Test" end it "should undo destruction" do post.destroy post.history_tracks.where(version: 1).last.undo!(user) Post.find( == "Test" end it "should create a new history track after undo" do comment # initialize post.update_attributes(title: "Test2") post.history_tracks.last.undo!(user) post.reload post.history_tracks.count.should == 3 end it "should assign user as the modifier of the newly created history track" do post.update_attributes(title: "Test2") post.history_tracks.where(version: 1).last.undo!(user) post.reload post.history_tracks.where(version: 2).last.modifier.should == user end it "should stay the same after undo and redo" do post.update_attributes(title: "Test2") track = post.history_tracks.last track.undo!(user) track.redo!(user) post2 = Post.where(_id: post.title.should == post2.title end it "should be destroyed after undo and redo" do post.destroy track = post.history_tracks.where(version: 1).last track.undo!(user) track.redo!(user) Post.where(_id: be_nil end end describe "embedded" do it "should undo changes" do comment.update_attributes(title: "Test2") comment.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.undo!(user) comment.reload comment.title.should == "test" end it "should create a new history track after undo" do comment.update_attributes(title: "Test2") comment.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.undo!(user) comment.reload comment.history_tracks.count.should == 3 end it "should assign user as the modifier of the newly created history track" do comment.update_attributes(title: "Test2") comment.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first.undo!(user) comment.reload comment.history_tracks.where(version: 3).first.modifier.should == user end it "should stay the same after undo and redo" do comment.update_attributes(title: "Test2") track = comment.history_tracks.where(version: 2).first track.undo!(user) track.redo!(user) comment.reload comment.title.should == "Test2" end end describe "trackables" do before :each do comment.update_attributes!(title: "Test2") # version == 2 comment.update_attributes!(title: "Test3") # version == 3 comment.update_attributes!(title: "Test4") # version == 4 end describe "undo" do [nil, :reload].each do |method| context "#{method || 'instance'}" do it "should recognize :from, :to options" do comment.undo! user, from: 4, to: 2 comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "test" end it "should recognize parameter as version number" do comment.undo! user, 3 comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "Test2" end it "should undo last version when no parameter is specified" do comment.undo! user comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "Test3" end it "should recognize :last options" do comment.undo! user, last: 2 comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "Test2" end if Mongoid::History.mongoid3? context "protected attributes" do before :each do Comment.attr_accessible(nil) end after :each do Comment.attr_protected(nil) end it "should undo last version when no parameter is specified on protected attributes" do comment.undo! user comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "Test3" end it "should recognize :last options on model with protected attributes" do comment.undo! user, last: 2 comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "Test2" end end end end end end describe "redo" do [nil, :reload].each do |method| context "#{method || 'instance'}" do before :each do comment.update_attributes(title: "Test5") end it "should recognize :from, :to options" do comment.redo! user, from: 2, to: 4 comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "Test4" end it "should recognize parameter as version number" do comment.redo! user, 2 comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "Test2" end it "should redo last version when no parameter is specified" do comment.redo! user comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "Test5" end it "should recognize :last options" do comment.redo! user, last: 1 comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "Test5" end if Mongoid::History.mongoid3? context "protected attributes" do before :each do Comment.attr_accessible(nil) end after :each do Comment.attr_protected(nil) end it "should recognize parameter as version number" do comment.redo! user, 2 comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "Test2" end it "should recognize :from, :to options" do comment.redo! user, from: 2, to: 4 comment.send(method) if method comment.title.should == "Test4" end end end end end end end describe "localized fields" do before :each do class Sausage include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::History::Trackable field :flavour, localize: true track_history on: [:flavour], track_destroy: true end end it "should correctly undo and redo" do if Sausage.respond_to?(:localized_fields) sausage = Sausage.create(flavour_translations: { 'en' => "Apple", 'nl' => 'Appel' }) sausage.update_attributes(flavour: "Guinness") track = sausage.history_tracks.last track.undo! user sausage.reload.flavour.should == "Apple" track.redo! user sausage.reload.flavour.should == "Guinness" sausage.destroy sausage.history_tracks.last.action.should == "destroy" sausage.history_tracks.last.undo! user sausage.reload.flavour.should == "Guinness" end end end describe "embedded with a polymorphic trackable" do let(:foo) { 'a title', body: 'a body') } before :each do post.comments << foo end it "should assign interface name in association chain" do foo.update_attribute(:body, 'a changed body') expected_root = { "name" => "Post", "id" => } expected_node = { "name" => "coms", "id" => } foo.history_tracks.first.association_chain.should == [expected_root, expected_node] end end describe "#trackable_parent_class" do context "a non-embedded model" do it "should return the trackable parent class" do tag.history_tracks.first.trackable_parent_class.should == Tag end it "should return the parent class even if the trackable is deleted" do tracker = tag.history_tracks.first tag.destroy tracker.trackable_parent_class.should == Tag end end context "an embedded model" do it "should return the trackable parent class" do comment.update_attributes(title: "Foo") comment.history_tracks.first.trackable_parent_class.should == Post end it "should return the parent class even if the trackable is deleted" do tracker = comment.history_tracks.first comment.destroy tracker.trackable_parent_class.should == Post end end end describe "when default scope is present" do before do class Post default_scope -> { where(title: nil) } end class Comment default_scope -> { where(title: nil) } end class User default_scope -> { where(name: nil) } end class Tag default_scope -> { where(title: nil) } end end describe "post" do it "should correctly undo and redo" do post.update_attributes(title: 'a new title') track = post.history_tracks.last track.undo! user post.reload.title.should == 'Test' track.redo! user post.reload.title.should == 'a new title' end it "should stay the same after undo and redo" do post.update_attributes(title: 'testing') track = post.history_tracks.last track.undo! user track.redo! user post.reload.title.should == 'testing' end end describe "comment" do it "should correctly undo and redo" do comment.update_attributes(title: 'a new title') track = comment.history_tracks.last track.undo! user comment.reload.title.should == 'test' track.redo! user comment.reload.title.should == 'a new title' end it "should stay the same after undo and redo" do comment.update_attributes(title: 'testing') track = comment.history_tracks.last track.undo! user track.redo! user comment.reload.title.should == 'testing' end end describe "user" do it "should correctly undo and redo" do user.update_attributes(name: 'a new name') track = user.history_tracks.last track.undo! user == 'Aaron' track.redo! user == 'a new name' end it "should stay the same after undo and redo" do user.update_attributes(name: 'testing') track = user.history_tracks.last track.undo! user track.redo! user == 'testing' end end describe "tag" do it "should correctly undo and redo" do tag.update_attributes(title: 'a new title') track = tag.history_tracks.last track.undo! user tag.reload.title.should == 'test' track.redo! user tag.reload.title.should == 'a new title' end it "should stay the same after undo and redo" do tag.update_attributes(title: 'testing') track = tag.history_tracks.last track.undo! user track.redo! user tag.reload.title.should == 'testing' end end end end end