# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'dump/snapshot' describe Dump::Snapshot do def dump_path(file_name) File.join(Dump.rails_root, 'dump', file_name) end def new_dump(file_name) Dump::Snapshot.new(dump_path(file_name)) end describe 'lock' do before do @yield_receiver = double('yield_receiver') end it 'does not yield if file does not exist' do expect(@yield_receiver).not_to receive(:fire) described_class.new('hello').lock do @yield_receiver.fire end end it 'does not yield if file can not be locked' do expect(@yield_receiver).not_to receive(:fire) @file = double('file') expect(@file).to receive(:flock).with(File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB).and_return(nil) expect(@file).to receive(:flock).with(File::LOCK_UN) expect(@file).to receive(:close) expect(File).to receive(:open).and_return(@file) described_class.new('hello').lock do @yield_receiver.fire end end it 'yields if file can not be locked' do expect(@yield_receiver).to receive(:fire) @file = double('file') expect(@file).to receive(:flock).with(File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB).and_return(true) expect(@file).to receive(:flock).with(File::LOCK_UN) expect(@file).to receive(:close) expect(File).to receive(:open).and_return(@file) described_class.new('hello').lock do @yield_receiver.fire end end end describe 'new' do it 'inits with path if String sent' do expect(described_class.new('hello').path).to eq(Pathname('hello')) end it 'inits with path if Pathname sent' do expect(described_class.new(Pathname('hello')).path).to eq(Pathname('hello')) end describe 'with options' do before do @time = double('time') allow(@time).to receive(:utc).and_return(@time) allow(@time).to receive(:strftime).and_return('19650414065945') allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(@time) end it 'generates path with no options' do expect(described_class.new.path).to eq(Pathname('19650414065945.tgz')) end it 'generates with dir' do expect(described_class.new(:dir => 'dump_dir').path).to eq(Pathname('dump_dir/19650414065945.tgz')) end it 'generates path with description' do expect(described_class.new(:dir => 'dump_dir', :desc => 'hello world').path).to eq(Pathname('dump_dir/19650414065945-hello world.tgz')) end it 'generates path with tags' do expect(described_class.new(:dir => 'dump_dir', :tags => ' mirror, hello world ').path).to eq(Pathname('dump_dir/19650414065945@hello world,mirror.tgz')) end it 'generates path with description and tags' do expect(described_class.new(:dir => 'dump_dir', :desc => 'Anniversary backup', :tags => ' mirror, hello world ').path).to eq(Pathname('dump_dir/19650414065945-Anniversary backup@hello world,mirror.tgz')) end end end describe 'versions' do describe 'list' do def stub_glob paths = %w[123 345 567].map do |name| path = dump_path("#{name}.tgz") expect(File).to receive(:file?).with(path).at_least(1).and_return(true) path end allow(Dir).to receive(:[]).and_return(paths) end it 'searches for files in dump dir when asked for list' do expect(Dir).to receive(:[]).with(dump_path('*.tgz')).and_return([]) described_class.list end it 'returns instances for each found file' do stub_glob described_class.list.all?{ |dump| expect(dump).to be_a(described_class) } end it 'returns dumps with name containting :like' do stub_glob expect(described_class.list(:like => '3')).to eq(described_class.list.values_at(0, 1)) end end describe 'with tags' do before do # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 131415 16 dumps_tags = [''] + %w[a a,d a,d,o a,d,s a,d,s,o a,o a,s a,s,o d d,o d,s d,s,o o s s,o z] paths = dumps_tags.each_with_index.map do |dump_tags, i| path = dump_path("196504140659#{10 + i}@#{dump_tags}.tgz") expect(File).to receive(:file?).with(path).at_least(1).and_return(true) path end allow(Dir).to receive(:[]).and_return(paths) end it 'returns all dumps if no tags send' do expect(described_class.list(:tags => '')).to eq(described_class.list) end { 'x' => [], '+x' => [], 'z' => [16], 'a,d,s,o' => [1..15], '+a,+d,+s,+o' => [5], '-o' => [0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16], 'a,b,c,+s,-o' => [4, 7], '+a,+d' => [2, 3, 4, 5], '+d,+a' => [2, 3, 4, 5], }.each do |tags, ids| it "returns dumps filtered by #{tags}" do expect(described_class.list(:tags => tags)).to eq(described_class.list.values_at(*ids)) end end end end describe 'name' do it 'returns file name' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').name).to eq('19650414065945.tgz') end end describe 'parts' do before do @time = Time.utc(1965, 4, 14, 6, 59, 45) end def dump_name_parts(name) dump = new_dump(name) [dump.time, dump.description, dump.tags, dump.ext] end %w[tmp tgz].each do |ext| it 'returns empty results for dump with wrong name' do expect(dump_name_parts("196504140659.#{ext}")).to eq([nil, '', [], nil]) expect(dump_name_parts("196504140659-lala.#{ext}")).to eq([nil, '', [], nil]) expect(dump_name_parts("196504140659@lala.#{ext}")).to eq([nil, '', [], nil]) expect(dump_name_parts('19650414065945.ops')).to eq([nil, '', [], nil]) end it 'returns tags for dump with tags' do expect(dump_name_parts("19650414065945.#{ext}")).to eq([@time, '', [], ext]) expect(dump_name_parts("19650414065945- Hello world &&& .#{ext}")).to eq([@time, 'Hello world _', [], ext]) expect(dump_name_parts("19650414065945- Hello world &&& @ test , hello world , bad tag ~~~~.#{ext}")).to eq([@time, 'Hello world _', ['bad tag _', 'hello world', 'test'], ext]) expect(dump_name_parts("19650414065945@test, test , hello world , bad tag ~~~~.#{ext}")).to eq([@time, '', ['bad tag _', 'hello world', 'test'], ext]) expect(dump_name_parts("19650414065945-Hello world@test,super tag.#{ext}")).to eq([@time, 'Hello world', ['super tag', 'test'], ext]) end end end describe 'path' do it 'returns path' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').path).to eq(Pathname(File.join(Dump.rails_root, 'dump', '19650414065945.tgz'))) end end describe 'tgz_path' do it 'returns path if extension is already tgz' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').tgz_path).to eq(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').path) end it 'returns path with tgz extension' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tmp').tgz_path).to eq(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').path) end end describe 'tmp_path' do it 'returns path if extension is already tmp' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tmp').tmp_path).to eq(new_dump('19650414065945.tmp').path) end it 'returns path with tmp extension' do expect(new_dump('19650414065945.tgz').tmp_path).to eq(new_dump('19650414065945.tmp').path) end end describe 'clean_description' do it "shortens string to 50 chars and replace special symblos with '-'" do expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_description, 'Special Dump #12837192837 (before fixind *&^*&^ photos)')).to eq('Special Dump #12837192837 (before fixind _ photos)') expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_description, "To#{'o' * 100} long description")).to eq("T#{'o' * 49}") end it 'accepts non string' do expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_description, nil)).to eq('') end end describe 'clean_tag' do it "shortens string to 20 chars and replace special symblos with '-'" do expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_tag, 'Very special tag #12837192837 (fixind *&^*&^)')).to eq('very special tag _12') expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_tag, "To#{'o' * 100} long tag")).to eq("t#{'o' * 19}") end it "does not allow '-' or '+' to be first symbol" do expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_tag, ' Very special tag')).to eq('very special tag') expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_tag, '-Very special tag')).to eq('very special tag') expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_tag, '-----------')).to eq('') expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_tag, '+Very special tag')).to eq('_very special tag') expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_tag, '+++++++++++')).to eq('_') end it 'accepts non string' do expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_tag, nil)).to eq('') end end describe 'clean_tags' do it 'splits string and returns uniq non blank sorted tags' do expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_tags, ' perfect tag , hello,Hello,this is (*^(*&')).to eq(['hello', 'perfect tag', 'this is _']) expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_tags, "l#{'o' * 100}ng tag")).to eq(["l#{'o' * 19}"]) end it 'accepts non string' do expect(described_class.new('').send(:clean_tags, nil)).to eq([]) end end describe 'get_filter_tags' do it 'splits string and returns uniq non blank sorted tags' do expect(described_class.new('').send(:get_filter_tags, 'a,+b,+c,-d')).to eq(:simple => %w[a], :mandatory => %w[b c], :forbidden => %w[d]) expect(described_class.new('').send(:get_filter_tags, ' a , + b , + c , - d ')).to eq(:simple => %w[a], :mandatory => %w[b c], :forbidden => %w[d]) expect(described_class.new('').send(:get_filter_tags, ' a , + c , + b , - d ')).to eq(:simple => %w[a], :mandatory => %w[b c], :forbidden => %w[d]) expect(described_class.new('').send(:get_filter_tags, ' a , + b , + , - ')).to eq(:simple => %w[a], :mandatory => %w[b], :forbidden => []) expect(described_class.new('').send(:get_filter_tags, ' a , a , + b , + b , - d , - d ')).to eq(:simple => %w[a], :mandatory => %w[b], :forbidden => %w[d]) expect{ described_class.new('').send(:get_filter_tags, 'a,+a') }.not_to raise_error expect{ described_class.new('').send(:get_filter_tags, 'a,-a') }.to raise_error ArgumentError, /clashes/ expect{ described_class.new('').send(:get_filter_tags, '+a,-a') }.to raise_error ArgumentError, /clashes/ end it 'accepts non string' do expect(described_class.new('').send(:get_filter_tags, nil)).to eq(:simple => [], :mandatory => [], :forbidden => []) end end describe 'assets_root_link' do it 'creates temp dir, chdirs there, symlinks rails app root to assets, yields and unlinks assets even if something was raised' do expect(Dir).to receive(:mktmpdir).and_yield('/tmp/abc') expect(Dir).to receive(:chdir).with('/tmp/abc').and_yield expect(File).to receive(:symlink).with(Dump.rails_root, 'assets') expect(File).to receive(:unlink).with('assets') expect do described_class.new('').send(:assets_root_link) do |dir, prefix| expect(dir).to eq('/tmp/abc') expect(prefix).to eq('assets') @yielded = true fail 'just test' end end.to raise_error('just test') expect(@yielded).to eq(true) end end end