Module ActiveRecord::Acts::UploaderUpload::InstanceMethods
In: lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb

All the methods available to a record that has had acts_as_uploader specified.


Public Instance methods


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 192
192:         def calculate_sizes(style)
193:           if image_ratio > 1
194:             @image_width ||= width > max_dimension(style) ? max_dimension(style) : width
195:             @image_height ||= (@image_width / image_ratio).round
196:           else
197:             @image_height ||= height > max_dimension(style) ? max_dimension(style) : height
198:             @image_width ||= (@image_height * image_ratio).round
199:           end
200:           @image_size ||= "#{@image_width.to_i}x#{@image_height.to_i}"
201:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 156
156:         def can_edit?(check_user)
157:           return false if check_user.blank?
158:           check_user == self.creator
159:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 152
152:         def display_name
153:           CGI::escapeHTML(self.local_file_name)
154:         end


    # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 67
67:         def file
68:           local_file_name ? local : remote
69:         end


    # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 71
71:         def file_name
72:           remote_file_name || local_file_name
73:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 170
170:         def height(style = :default)
171:           return nil unless self[:height]
172:           return self[:height] if style == :default
173:           calculate_sizes(style.to_sym)
174:           return @image_height.to_i
175:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 134
134:         def icon
135:           if self.is_pdf?
136:             '/images/file_icons/file_pdf.gif'
137:           elsif self.is_word?
138:             '/images/file_icons/file_doc.gif'
139:           elsif self.is_image?
140:             self.file.url(:icon)
141:           elsif self.is_mp3?
142:             '/images/file_icons/file_mp3.gif'
143:           elsif self.is_excel?
144:             '/images/file_icons/file_xls.gif'
145:           elsif self.is_text?
146:             '/images/file_icons/file_txt.gif'
147:           else
148:             '/images/file_icons/file_raw.gif'
149:           end
150:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 188
188:         def image_ratio
189:           @image_ratio ||= width.to_f / height.to_f
190:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 100
100:         def is_excel?
101:           Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::EXCEL_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type)
102:         end


    # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 92
92:         def is_image?
93:           Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::IMAGE_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type)
94:         end


    # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 96
96:         def is_mp3?
97:           Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::MP3_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type)
98:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 104
104:         def is_pdf?
105:           Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::PDF_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type)
106:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 112
112:         def is_text?
113:           Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::TEXT_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type)
114:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 108
108:         def is_word?
109:           Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::WORD_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type)
110:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 184
184:         def max_dimension(style)
185:           @max_dimension ||= Paperclip::Geometry.parse(self.local.styles[style][:geometry]).width.to_f
186:         end


    # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 75
75:         def send_to_remote
76:           if local_file_name
77:             self.remote = local.to_file
78:             if and remote.original_filename and remote.exists?
79:               self.local = nil
81:             else
82:               false
83:             end
84:           end
85:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 177
177:         def size(style = :default)
178:           return nil unless width || height
179:           return "#{width}x#{height}" if style == :default
180:           calculate_sizes(style.to_sym)
181:           return @image_size
182:         end


    # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 87
87:         def swfupload_local=(filedata)
88:           filedata.content_type = MIME::Types.type_for(filedata.original_filename)[0].to_s
89:           self.local = filedata
90:         end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 116
116:         def upload_type
117:           if self.is_pdf?
118:             'Adobe pdf file'
119:           elsif self.is_word?
120:             'Word document'
121:           elsif self.is_image?
122:             'photo'
123:           elsif self.is_mp3?
124:             'mp3'
125:           elsif self.is_excel?
126:             'Excel document'
127:           elsif self.is_text?
128:             'text file'
129:           else
130:             'file'
131:           end
132:         end

Image dimension calculations


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 163
163:         def width(style = :default)
164:           return nil unless self[:width]
165:           return self[:width] if style == :default
166:           calculate_sizes(style.to_sym)
167:           return @image_width.to_i
168:         end

Protected Instance methods


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 223
223:           def add_width_and_height
224:             return unless self.is_image?
225:             if self.local.to_file
226:               geometry = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file self.local.to_file
227:               self[:width] = geometry.width.to_i
228:               self[:height] = geometry.height.to_i
229:             end
230:           end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 210
210:           def transliterate(str)
211:             # Lifted from permalink_fu by Rick Olsen
212:             # Escape str by transliterating to UTF-8 with Iconv,
213:             # downcasing, then removing illegal characters and replacing them with ’-’
214:             s = Iconv.iconv('ascii//ignore//translit', 'utf-8', str).to_s
215:             s.downcase!
216:             s.gsub!(/\'/, '')
217:             s.gsub!(/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/, ' ')
218:             s.strip!
219:             s.gsub!(/\ +/, '-') # set single or multiple spaces to a single dash
220:             return s
221:           end


     # File lib/active_record/acts/uploader_upload.rb, line 204
204:           def transliterate_file_name
205:             extension = File.extname(local_file_name).gsub(/^\.+/, '')
206:             filename = local_file_name.gsub(/\.#{extension}$/, '')
207:             self.local.instance_write(:file_name, "#{transliterate(filename)}.#{transliterate(extension)}")
208:           end
