require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_lib 'reek/smell_detectors/data_clump' RSpec.describe Reek::SmellDetectors::DataClump do it 'reports the right values' do src = <<-RUBY class Alfa def bravo (echo, foxtrot); end def charlie(echo, foxtrot); end def delta (echo, foxtrot); end end RUBY expect(src).to reek_of(:DataClump, lines: [2, 3, 4], context: 'Alfa', message: "takes parameters ['echo', 'foxtrot'] to 3 methods", source: 'string', parameters: ['echo', 'foxtrot'], count: 3) end it 'does count all occurences' do src = <<-RUBY class Alfa def bravo (echo, foxtrot); end def charlie(echo, foxtrot); end def delta (echo, foxtrot); end def golf (juliett, kilo); end def hotel(juliett, kilo); end def india(juliett, kilo); end end RUBY expect(src). to reek_of(:DataClump, lines: [2, 3, 4], parameters: ['echo', 'foxtrot']). and reek_of(:DataClump, lines: [6, 7, 8], parameters: ['juliett', 'kilo']) end %w(class module).each do |scope| it "does not report parameter sets < 2 for #{scope}" do src = <<-RUBY #{scope} Alfa def bravo (echo); end def charlie(echo); end def delta (echo); end end RUBY expect(src).not_to reek_of(:DataClump) end it "does not report less than 3 methods for #{scope}" do src = <<-RUBY #{scope} Alfa def bravo (echo, foxtrot); end def charlie(echo, foxtrot); end end RUBY expect(src).not_to reek_of(:DataClump) end it 'does not care about the order of arguments' do src = <<-RUBY #{scope} Alfa def bravo (echo, foxtrot); end def charlie(foxtrot, echo); end # <- This is the swapped one! def delta (echo, foxtrot); end end RUBY expect(src).to reek_of(:DataClump, count: 3, parameters: ['echo', 'foxtrot']) end it 'reports arguments in alphabetical order even if they are never used that way' do src = <<-RUBY #{scope} Alfa def bravo (foxtrot, echo); end def charlie(foxtrot, echo); end def delta (foxtrot, echo); end end RUBY expect(src).to reek_of(:DataClump, count: 3, parameters: ['echo', 'foxtrot']) end it 'reports parameter sets that are > 2' do src = <<-RUBY #{scope} Alfa def bravo (echo, foxtrot, golf); end def charlie(echo, foxtrot, golf); end def delta (echo, foxtrot, golf); end end RUBY expect(src).to reek_of(:DataClump, count: 3, parameters: ['echo', 'foxtrot', 'golf']) end it 'detects clumps smaller than the total number of parameters' do src = <<-RUBY # Total number of parameters is 3 but the clump size is 2. #{scope} Alfa def bravo (echo, foxtrot, golf); end def charlie(echo, golf, foxtrot); end def delta (hotel, echo, foxtrot); end end RUBY expect(src).to reek_of(:DataClump, parameters: ['echo', 'foxtrot']) end it 'ignores anonymous parameters' do src = <<-RUBY #{scope} Alfa def bravo (echo, foxtrot, *); end def charlie(echo, foxtrot, *); end def delta (echo, foxtrot, *); end end RUBY expect(src).to reek_of(:DataClump, parameters: ['echo', 'foxtrot']) end end end