module AccessbankPdfHelpers def pdf_to_a(pdf) lines = [] pdf.pages.each do |page| remove_line_spacing(page.text).each do |line| lines << line.strip.split(/\s\s+/) end end return lines end def get_details(pdf_array) details = details[:bank_name] = 'Access Bank' details[:account_number] = get_account_number(pdf_array) details[:account_name] = get_account_name(pdf_array) date_range = get_date_range(pdf_array) details[:from_date] = string_with_slash_to_date(date_range[:from]) details[:to_date] = string_with_slash_to_date(date_range[:to]) details[:transactions] = get_transactions(pdf_array) return details end def has_valid_details?(pdf_array) return (get_account_number(pdf_array) and get_account_name(pdf_array) and get_date_range(pdf_array)) end def get_account_name(pdf_array) pdf_array.each do |row| row.each_with_index do |cell, index| if cell == 'Account Name' return row[index + 1] end end end return nil end def get_account_number(pdf_array) pdf_array.each do |row| row.each do |cell| if cell =~ /[0-9]{10}/ return cell end end end return nil end def get_date_range(pdf_array) pdf_array.each_with_index do |row, index| if row.count == 1 if row.first =~ /([0-3][0-9])[\/]([0-1][0-9])[\/]([0-9]{4})/ and pdf_array[index + 1].first =~ /([0-3][0-9])[\/]([0-1][0-9])[\/]([0-9]{4})/ return { from: row.first, to: pdf_array[index + 1].first } end end end return nil end def get_transactions(pdf_array) start_index = get_first_line_of_transactions(pdf_array) transactions = [] opening_balance = pdf_array[1][1] pdf_array[start_index..-1].each do |transaction| if valid_transaction?(transaction) transaction_hash= transaction_hash[:date] = string_with_dash_to_date(transaction[0]) transaction_hash[:remarks] = transaction[2] if transaction.count == 6 # ref code present transaction_hash[:ref] = transaction[3] transaction_hash[:amount] = amount_to_f(transaction[4]) transaction_hash[:balance] = amount_to_f(transaction[5]) transaction_hash[:type] = transaction_type(transaction_hash[:balance], opening_balance) else #no ref code transaction_hash[:ref] = '' transaction_hash[:amount] = amount_to_f(transaction[3]) transaction_hash[:balance] = amount_to_f(transaction[4]) transaction_hash[:type] = transaction_type(transaction_hash[:balance], opening_balance) end opening_balance = transaction_hash[:balance] transactions << transaction_hash end end return transactions end def error(msg) { status: 400, message: msg } end def success(data) { status: 200, data: data } end private def remove_line_spacing(str) str.gsub(/^$\n/, '').lines end def transaction_type(current_balance, former_balance) former_balance = amount_to_f(former_balance) if former_balance.is_a?(String) current_balance - former_balance > 1 ? 'credit' : 'debit' end def amount_to_f(amount) amount.gsub(/[^\d\.]/, '').to_f end def get_first_line_of_transactions(pdf_array) start = -1 pdf_array.each_with_index do |row, index| start = index + 1 if row[0] == 'Date' end return start end def valid_transaction?(line) line[0] =~ /([0-3][0-9])[\-]([a-zA-Z]+)[\-](1[0-9])/ #first column matches access bank transaction date pattern end def string_with_dash_to_date(date_str) Date.strptime(date_str, '%d-%b-%y') end def string_with_slash_to_date(date_str) Date.strptime(date_str, '%d/%m/%Y') end end