# This script creates a Push subscription for a live stream from the provided # CSDL. # # NB: Most of the error handling (exception catching) has been removed for # the sake of simplicity. Nearly everything in this library may throw # exceptions, and production code should catch them. See the documentation # for full details. # # Include the shared Env class require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/env' # Display usage information, with an error message if provided. def usage(message = '', end_of_story = true) puts message + '\n' unless message.length() == 0 puts puts 'Usage: push-stream-from-csdl.rb <username> <api_key> \\' puts ' <csdl_filename> <output_type> <name> ...' puts puts 'Where: csdl_filename = a file containing the CSDL' puts ' output_type = see http://dev.datasift.com/docs/push/connectors' puts ' name = a friendly name for the subscription' puts ' key=val = output_type-specific arguments' puts puts 'Example' puts ' push-stream-from-csdl.rb csdl.txt http PushName delivery_frequency=10 \\' puts ' url=http://www.example.com/push_endpoint auth.type=none' puts exit 1 unless not end_of_story end # Create the env object. This reads the command line arguments, creates the # user object, and provides access to both along with helper functions. env = Env.new() # Check that we have enough arguments usage() if env.args.size() < 3 # Read the arguments csdl_filename = env.args.shift output_type = env.args.shift name = env.args.shift # Read the CSDL csdl = File.open(csdl_filename, 'r').read begin # Create the Definition object definition = env.user.createDefinition(csdl) # Create the Push definition pushdef = env.user.createPushDefinition() pushdef.output_type = output_type # Now add the output_type-specific args from the command line while env.args.size() > 0 k, v = env.args.shift.split('=', 2) pushdef.output_params[k] = v end # Subscribe the Push endpoint to the Definition sub = pushdef.subscribeDefinition(definition, name) # Display the details of the new subscription env.displaySubscriptionDetails(sub) puts 'Rate limit remainining: ' + String(env.user.rate_limit_remaining) rescue DataSift::DataSiftError => err puts 'ERR: [' + err.class.name + '] ' + err.message end