module Yapper::Document module Persistence extend MotionSupport::Concern included do attr_accessor :attributes attr_accessor :changes attr_accessor :previous_changes attr_reader :destroyed class_attribute :fields self.fields = {}.with_indifferent_access end module ClassMethods def create(*args) new(*args).tap { |doc| } end def field(name, options={}) name = name.to_sym self.fields[name] = options define_method(name) do |*args, &block| self.attributes[name] end define_method("#{name}=".to_sym) do |*args, &block| self.set_attribute(name, args[0]) end end def index(*args) db.index(self, args) end def indexes db.indexes[self._type] end end def initialize(attrs={}, options={}) super @new_record = options[:new].nil? ? true : options[:new] @changes = {} @queued_saves = [] assign_attributes({:id => generate_id}, options) if @new_record assign_attributes(attrs, options) set_defaults self end def update_attributes(attrs, options={}) self.assign_attributes(attrs, options) end def assign_attributes(attrs, options={}) self.attributes ||= {} if options[:pristine] self.attributes = {} end attrs.each do |k,v| if respond_to?("#{k}=") __send__("#{k}=", v) unless v.nil? else Log.warn "#{k} not defined on #{self.class}" end end if options[:pristine] self.changes = {} end end alias_method :attributes=, :assign_attributes def set_attribute(name, value) if self.class.fields[name][:type] == Time value = Time.parse(value) unless value.is_a?(Time) end # XXX This should not be set if the object was created from a # selection @changes[name.to_s] = value self.attributes[name] = value end def reload reloaded = self.class.find( self.assign_attributes(reloaded.attributes, :pristine => true) self end def new_record? @new_record end def was_new? @was_new end def destroyed? !!@destroyed end def persisted? !new_record? && !destroyed? end def save(options={}) db.execute("#{self.model_name}:save" => self) do |txn| @queued_saves.each { |queued, queued_options| } run_callbacks 'save' do txn.setObject(stringify_keys(attributes), forKey:, inCollection: _type) @was_new = @new_record @new_record = false @queued_saves = [] self.previous_changes = self.changes self.changes = {} end unless options[:embedded] # XXX Use middleware pattern instead of this ugliness sync_changes if defined? sync_changes end end true end def destroy(options={}) db.execute { |txn| txn.removeObjectForKey(, inCollection: _type) } @destroyed = true end private def generate_id BSON::ObjectId.generate end def set_defaults self.fields.each do |field, field_options| if __send__(field).nil? default = field_options[:default].respond_to?(:call) ? field_options[:default].call : field_options[:default] set_attribute(field, default) end end end end private # TODO Use deep_stringify_keys once is merged upstream def stringify_keys(hash) result = {} hash.each do |key, value| result[key.to_s] = if value.is_a?(Hash) stringify_keys(value) elsif value.is_a?(Array) { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) ? stringify_keys(v) : v } else value end end result end end