# Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Andy Maleh # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. require 'glimmer-dsl-swt' require 'fileutils' class Sample class << self def glimmer_directory File.expand_path('../../..', __FILE__) end def user_glimmer_directory File.join(File.expand_path('~'), '.glimmer-dsl-swt') end def ensure_user_glimmer_directory unless @ensured_glimmer_directory FileUtils.rm_rf(user_glimmer_directory) FileUtils.cp_r(glimmer_directory, user_glimmer_directory) @ensured_glimmer_directory = true end end end include Glimmer::DataBinding::ObservableModel UNEDITABLE = ['meta_sample.rb'] + (OS.windows? ? ['calculator.rb', 'weather.rb'] : []) # Windows StyledText does not support unicode characters found in certain samples attr_accessor :sample_directory, :file, :selected def initialize(file, sample_directory: ) self.file = file self.sample_directory = sample_directory end def name if @name.nil? @name = File.basename(file, '.rb').split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ') if @name.start_with?('Hello') name_parts = @name.split name_parts[0] = name_parts.first + ',' name_parts[-1] = name_parts.last + '!' @name = name_parts.join(' ') end end @name end def code reset_code! if @code.nil? @code end def reset_code! @code = File.read(file) notify_observers('code') end def editable !UNEDITABLE.include?(File.basename(file)) end alias editable? editable def launchable File.basename(file) != 'meta_sample.rb' end def file_relative_path file.sub(self.class.glimmer_directory, '') end def user_file File.join(self.class.user_glimmer_directory, file_relative_path) end def user_file_parent_directory File.dirname(user_file) end def directory file.sub(/\.rb/, '') end def launch(modified_code) launch_file = user_file begin raise 'Unsupported through editor!' unless editable? FileUtils.cp_r(file, user_file_parent_directory) FileUtils.cp_r(directory, user_file_parent_directory) if File.exist?(directory) File.write(user_file, modified_code) rescue => e puts 'Error writing sample modifications. Launching original sample.' puts e.full_message launch_file = file # load original file if failed to write changes end load(launch_file) end end class SampleDirectory class << self attr_accessor :selected_sample def sample_directories if @sample_directories.nil? @sample_directories = Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path('..', __FILE__), '*')). select { |file| File.directory?(file) }. map { |file| SampleDirectory.new(file) } glimmer_gems = Gem.find_latest_files("glimmer-*-*") sample_directories = glimmer_gems.map do |lib| File.dirname(File.dirname(lib)) end.select do |gem| Dir.exist?(File.join(gem, 'samples')) end.map do |gem| Dir.glob(File.join(gem, 'samples', '*')).select {|file_or_dir| Dir.exist?(file_or_dir)} end.flatten.uniq.reverse if Dir.exist?('samples') Dir.glob(File.join('samples', '*')).to_a.reverse.each do |dir| sample_directories << dir if Dir.exist?(dir) end end sample_directories = sample_directories.uniq {|dir| File.basename(dir)} @sample_directories = sample_directories.map { |file| SampleDirectory.new(file) } end @sample_directories end def all_samples @all_samples ||= sample_directories.map(&:samples).reduce(:+) end end include Glimmer # used for observe syntax attr_accessor :file, :selected_sample_name def initialize(file) self.file = file end def name File.basename(file).split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ') end def samples if @samples.nil? @samples = Dir.glob(File.join(file, '*')). select { |file| File.file?(file) }. map { |sample_file| Sample.new(sample_file, sample_directory: self) }. sort_by(&:name) @samples.each do |sample| observe(sample, :selected) do |new_selected_value| if new_selected_value self.class.all_samples.reject {|a_sample| a_sample.name == sample.name}.each do |other_sample| other_sample.selected = false end self.class.selected_sample = sample end end end end @samples end def selected_sample_name_options samples.map(&:name) end def selected_sample_name=(selected_name) @selected_sample_name = selected_name unless selected_name.nil? (self.class.sample_directories - [self]).each { |sample_dir| sample_dir.selected_sample_name = nil } self.class.selected_sample = samples.detect { |sample| sample.name == @selected_sample_name } end end end class MetaSampleApplication include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell before_body do Sample.ensure_user_glimmer_directory selected_sample_directory = SampleDirectory.sample_directories.first selected_sample = selected_sample_directory.samples.first selected_sample_directory.selected_sample_name = selected_sample.name Display.app_name = 'Glimmer Meta-Sample' end body { shell(:fill_screen) { minimum_size 640, 384 text 'Glimmer Meta-Sample (The Sample of Samples)' image File.expand_path('../../icons/scaffold_app.png', __dir__) sash_form { weights 1, 2 composite { grid_layout(1, false) { margin_width 0 margin_height 0 } expand_bar { layout_data(:fill, :fill, true, true) font height: 25 SampleDirectory.sample_directories.each { |sample_directory| expand_item { layout_data(:fill, :fill, true, true) text " #{sample_directory.name} Samples (#{sample_directory.samples.count})" radio_group { |radio_group_proxy| row_layout(:vertical) { fill true } selection <=> [sample_directory, :selected_sample_name] font height: 20 } } } } composite { fill_layout layout_data(:fill, :center, true, false) { height_hint 96 } button { text 'Launch' font height: 25 enabled <= [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.launchable'] on_widget_selected do begin SampleDirectory.selected_sample.launch(@code_text.text) rescue LoadError, StandardError, SyntaxError => launch_error error_dialog(message: launch_error.full_message).open end end } button { text 'Reset' font height: 25 enabled <= [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.editable'] on_widget_selected do SampleDirectory.selected_sample.reset_code! end } } } @code_text = code_text(lines: {width: 3}) { root { grid_layout(2, false) { horizontal_spacing 0 margin_left 0 margin_right 0 margin_top 0 margin_bottom 0 } } line_numbers { background :white } text <=> [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.code'] editable <= [SampleDirectory, 'selected_sample.editable'] left_margin 7 right_margin 7 } } } } # Method-based error_dialog custom widget def error_dialog(message:) return if message.nil? dialog(body_root) { |dialog_proxy| row_layout(:vertical) { center true } text 'Error Launching' styled_text(:border, :h_scroll, :v_scroll) { layout_data { width body_root.bounds.width*0.75 height body_root.bounds.height*0.75 } text message editable false caret nil } button { text 'Close' on_widget_selected do dialog_proxy.close end } } end end MetaSampleApplication.launch