# coding: utf-8 module Knj::Php def is_numeric(n) Float n rescue false end def call_user_func(*paras) if paras[0].is_a?(String) send_paras = [paras[0].to_sym] send_paras << paras[1] if paras[1] send(*send_paras) elsif paras[0].is_a?(Array) send_paras = [paras[0][1].to_sym] send_paras << paras[1] if paras[1] paras[0][0].send(*send_paras) else raise "Unknown user-func: '#{paras[0].class.name}'." end end def method_exists(obj, method_name) return obj.respond_to?(method_name.to_s) end def is_a(obj, classname) classname = classname.to_s classname = "#{classname[0..0].upcase}#{classname[1..999]}" if obj.is_a?(classname) return true end return false end def print_r(argument, ret = false, count = 1) retstr = "" cstr = argument.class.to_s supercl = argument.class.superclass superstr = supercl.to_s if supercl if (Knj.const_defined?(:Datarow_custom) and argument.is_a?(Knj::Datarow_custom)) or argument.is_a?(Hash) or supercl.is_a?(Hash) or cstr == "Knj::Hash_methods" or cstr == "Knjappserver::Session_accessor" or cstr == "SQLite3::ResultSet::HashWithTypes" or cstr == "CGI" or cstr == "Knj::Db_row" or cstr == "Knj::Datarow" or cstr == "Apache::Table" or superstr == "Knj::Db_row" or superstr == "Knj::Datarow" or superstr == "Knj::Datarow_custom" or argument.respond_to?(:to_hash) if argument.respond_to?(:to_hash) argument_use = argument.to_hash else argument_use = argument end retstr << argument.class.to_s + "{\n" argument_use.each do |pair| i = 0 while(i < count) retstr << " " i += 1 end if pair[0].is_a?(Symbol) keystr = ":#{pair[0].to_s}" else keystr = pair[0].to_s end retstr << "[#{keystr}] => " retstr << print_r(pair[1], true, count + 1).to_s end i = 0 while(i < count - 1) retstr << " " i += 1 end retstr << "}\n" elsif cstr == "Dictionary" retstr << argument.class.to_s + "{\n" argument.each do |key, val| i = 0 while(i < count) retstr << " " i += 1 end if key.is_a?(Symbol) keystr = ":#{key.to_s}" else keystr = key.to_s end retstr << "[#{keystr}] => " retstr << Knj::Php.print_r(val, true, count + 1).to_s end i = 0 while(i < count - 1) retstr << " " i += 1 end retstr << "}\n" elsif argument.is_a?(MatchData) or argument.is_a?(Array) or cstr == "Array" or supercl.is_a?(Array) retstr << argument.class.to_s + "{\n" arr_count = 0 argument.to_a.each do |i| i_spaces = 0 while(i_spaces < count) retstr << " " i_spaces += 1 end retstr << "[" + arr_count.to_s + "] => " retstr << print_r(i, true, count + 1).to_s arr_count += 1 end i_spaces = 0 while(i_spaces < count - 1) retstr << " " i_spaces += 1 end retstr << "}\n" elsif cstr == "WEBrick::HTTPUtils::FormData" retstr << "{#{argument.class.to_s}}" elsif argument.is_a?(String) or argument.is_a?(Integer) or argument.is_a?(Fixnum) or argument.is_a?(Float) retstr << argument.to_s + "\n" elsif argument.is_a?(Symbol) retstr << ":#{argument.to_s}\n" elsif argument.is_a?(Exception) retstr << "#\{#{argument.class.to_s}: #{argument.message}}\n" elsif cstr == "Knj::Unix_proc" retstr << "#{argument.class.to_s}::data - " retstr << print_r(argument.data, true, count).to_s elsif cstr == "Thread" retstr << "#{argument.class.to_s} - " hash = {} argument.keys.each do |key| hash[key] = argument[key] end retstr << print_r(hash, true, count).to_s elsif cstr == "Class" retstr << "#{argument.class.to_s} - " hash = {"name" => argument.name} retstr << print_r(hash, true, count).to_s elsif cstr == "URI::Generic" retstr << "#{argument.class.to_s}{\n" methods = [:host, :port, :scheme, :path] count += 1 methods.each do |method| i_spaces = 0 while(i_spaces < count - 1) retstr << " " i_spaces += 1 end retstr << "#{method}: #{argument.send(method)}\n" end count -= 1 i = 0 while(i < count - 1) retstr << " " i += 1 end retstr << "}\n" elsif cstr == "Time" retstr << "Time::#{argument.year}-#{argument.month}-#{argument.day} #{argument.hour}:#{argument.min}:#{argument.sec}\n" else #print argument.to_s, "\n" retstr << "Unknown class: '#{cstr}' with superclass '#{supercl}'.\n" end if ret.is_a?(TrueClass) return retstr else print retstr end end def gtext(string) return GetText._(string) end def gettext(string) return GetText._(string) end #Returns the number as a formatted string. def number_format(number, precision = 2, seperator = ".", delimiter = ",") number = number.to_f if !number.is_a?(Float) precision = precision.to_i return sprintf("%.#{precision.to_s}f", number).gsub(".", seperator) if number < 1 and number > -1 number = sprintf("%.#{precision.to_s}f", number).split(".") str = "" number[0].reverse.scan(/(.{1,3})/) do |match| if match[0] == "-" #This happens if the number is a negative number and we have reaches the minus-sign. str << match[0] else str << delimiter if str.length > 0 str << match[0] end end str = str.reverse if precision > 0 str << "#{seperator}#{number[1]}" end return str end def ucwords(string) return string.to_s.split(" ").select {|w| w.capitalize! || w }.join(" ") end def strtoupper(str) return str.to_s.upcase end def strtolower(str) return str.to_s.downcase end def htmlspecialchars(string) return Knj::Web.html(string) end def http_build_query(obj) return self.http_build_query_rec("", obj) end def http_build_query_rec(orig_key, obj, first = true) url = "" first_ele = true if obj.is_a?(Array) ele_count = 0 obj.each do |val| orig_key_str = "#{orig_key}[#{ele_count}]" val = "#" if val.respond_to?("is_knj?") if val.is_a?(Hash) or val.is_a?(Array) url << self.http_build_query_rec(orig_key_str, val, false) else url << "&" if !first or !first_ele url << "#{Knj::Web.urlenc(orig_key_str)}=#{Knj::Web.urlenc(val)}" end first_ele = false if first_ele ele_count += 1 end elsif obj.is_a?(Hash) obj.each do |key, val| if first orig_key_str = key else orig_key_str = "#{orig_key}[#{key}]" end val = "#" if val.respond_to?("is_knj?") if val.is_a?(Hash) or val.is_a?(Array) url << self.http_build_query_rec(orig_key_str, val, false) else url << "&" if !first or !first_ele url << "#{Knj::Web.urlenc(orig_key_str)}=#{Knj::Web.urlenc(val)}" end first_ele = false if first_ele end else raise "Unknown class: '#{obj.class.name}'." end return url end def isset(var) return false if var == nil or var == false return true end def strpos(haystack, needle) return false if !haystack return false if !haystack.to_s.include?(needle) return haystack.index(needle) end def substr(string, from, to = nil) if to == nil to = string.length end string = "#{string[from.to_i, to.to_i]}" if !string.valid_encoding? and Knj::Php.class_exists("Iconv") string = Iconv.conv("UTF-8//IGNORE", "UTF-8", "#{string} ")[0..-2] end return string end def md5(string) require "digest" return Digest::MD5.hexdigest(string.to_s) end def header(headerstr) match = headerstr.to_s.match(/(.*): (.*)/) if match key = match[1] value = match[2] else #HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found match_status = headerstr.to_s.match(/^HTTP\/[0-9\.]+ ([0-9]+) (.+)$/) if match_status key = "Status" value = match_status[1] + " " + match_status[2] else raise "Couldnt parse header." end end sent = false if Knj::Php.class_exists("Apache") Apache.request.headers_out[key] = value sent = true end begin _kas.header(key, value) #This is for knjAppServer - knj. sent = true rescue NameError => e if $knj_eruby $knj_eruby.header(key, value) sent = true elsif $cgi.class.name == "CGI" sent = true $cgi.header(key => value) elsif $_CGI.class.name == "CGI" sent = true $_CGI.header(key => value) end end return sent end def nl2br(string) return string.to_s.gsub("\n", "
\n") end def urldecode(string) return Knj::Web.urldec(string) end def urlencode(string) return Knj::Web.urlenc(string) end def parse_str(str, hash) res = Knj::Web.parse_urlquery(str, {:urldecode => true}) res.each do |key, val| hash[key] = val end end def file_put_contents(filepath, content) File.open(filepath.untaint, "w") do |file| file.write(content) end end def file_get_contents(filepath) filepath = filepath.to_s if http_match = filepath.match(/^http(s|):\/\/([A-z_\d\.]+)(|:(\d+))(\/(.+))$/) if http_match[4].to_s.length > 0 port = http_match[4].to_i end args = { "host" => http_match[2] } if http_match[1] == "s" args["ssl"] = true args["validate"] = false if !port port = 443 end end args["port"] = port if port http = Knj::Http.new(args) data = http.get(http_match[5]) return data["data"] end return File.read(filepath.untaint) end def is_file(filepath) begin if File.file?(filepath) return true end rescue Exception return false end return false end def is_dir(filepath) begin if File.directory?(filepath) return true end rescue Exception return false end return false end def unlink(filepath) FileUtils.rm(filepath) end def file_exists(filepath) return true if File.exists?(filepath.to_s.untaint) return false end def strtotime(date_string, cur = nil) if !cur cur = Time.new else cur = Time.at(cur) end date_string = date_string.to_s.downcase if date_string.match(/[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+/i) begin return Time.local(*ParseDate.parsedate(date_string)).to_i rescue return 0 end end date_string.scan(/((\+|-)([0-9]+) (\S+))/) do |match| timestr = match[3] number = match[2].to_i mathval = match[1] add = nil if timestr == "years" or timestr == "year" add = ((number.to_i * 3600) * 24) * 365 elsif timestr == "months" or timestr == "month" add = ((number.to_i * 3600) * 24) * 30 elsif timestr == "weeks" or timestr == "week" add = (number.to_i * 3600) * 24 * 7 elsif timestr == "days" or timestr == "day" add = (number.to_i * 3600) * 24 elsif timestr == "hours" or timestr == "hour" add = number.to_i * 3600 elsif timestr == "minutes" or timestr == "minute" or timestr == "min" or timestr == "mints" add = number.to_i * 60 elsif timestr == "seconds" or timestr == "second" or timestr == "sec" or timestr == "secs" add = number.to_i end if mathval == "+" cur += add elsif mathval == "-" cur -= add end end return cur.to_i end def class_exists(classname) begin Kernel.const_get(classname) return true rescue Exception return false end end def html_entity_decode(string) string = Knj::Web.html(string) string = string.gsub("ø", "ø").gsub("æ", "æ").gsub("å", "å").gsub("€", "€").gsub("#39;", "'").gsub("&", "&").gsub(">", ">").gsub("<", "<").gsub(""", '"').gsub("'", "'") return string end def strip_tags(htmlstr) htmlstr.scan(/(<([\/A-z]+).*?>)/) do |match| htmlstr = htmlstr.gsub(match[0], "") end return htmlstr.gsub(" ", " ") end def die(msg) print msg exit end def opendir(dirpath) res = {:files => [], :index => 0} Dir.foreach(dirpath) do |file| res[:files] << file end return res end def readdir(res) ret = res[:files][res[:index]] if res[:files].index(res[:index]) != nil return false if !ret res[:index] += 1 return ret end def fopen(filename, mode) begin return File.open(filename, mode) rescue Exception return false end end def fwrite(fp, str) begin fp.print str rescue Exception return false end return true end def fputs(fp, str) begin fp.print str rescue Exception return false end return true end def fread(fp, length = 4096) return fp.read(length) end def fgets(fp, length = 4096) return fp.read(length) end def fclose(fp) fp.close end def move_uploaded_file(tmp_path, new_path) FileUtils.mv(tmp_path.untaint, new_path.untaint) end def utf8_encode(str) str = str.to_s if str.respond_to?("to_s") if str.respond_to?("encode") begin return str.encode("iso-8859-1", "utf-8") rescue Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError #ignore - try iconv end end require "iconv" begin return Iconv.conv("iso-8859-1", "utf-8", str.to_s) rescue return Iconv.conv("iso-8859-1//ignore", "utf-8", "#{str} ").slice(0..-2) end end def utf8_decode(str) str = str.to_s if str.respond_to?(:to_s) require "iconv" if RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" #This fixes a bug in JRuby where Iconv otherwise would not be detected. if str.respond_to?(:encode) begin return str.encode("utf-8", "iso-8859-1") rescue Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError #ignore - try iconv end end require "iconv" begin return Iconv.conv("utf-8", "iso-8859-1", str.to_s) rescue return Iconv.conv("utf-8//ignore", "iso-8859-1", str.to_s) end end def setcookie(cname, cvalue, expire = nil, domain = nil) args = { "name" => cname, "value" => cvalue, "path" => "/" } args["expires"] = Time.at(expire) if expire args["domain"] = domain if domain begin _kas.cookie(args) rescue NameError cookie = CGI::Cookie.new(args) status = Knj::Php.header("Set-Cookie: #{cookie.to_s}") $_COOKIE[cname] = cvalue if $_COOKIE end return status end #This method is only here for convertion support - it doesnt do anything. def session_start end def explode(expl, strexp) return strexp.to_s.split(expl) end def dirname(filename) File.dirname(filename) end def chdir(dirname) Dir.chdir(dirname) end def include_once(filename) require filename end def require_once(filename) require filename end def echo(string) print string end def msgbox(title, msg, type) Knj::Gtk2.msgbox(msg, type, title) end def count(array) return array.length end def json_encode(obj) if Knj::Php.class_exists("Rho") return Rho::JSON.generate(obj) elsif Knj::Php.class_exists("JSON") return JSON.generate(obj) else raise "Could not figure out which JSON lib to use." end end def json_decode(data, as_array = false) #FIXME: Should be able to return as object, which will break all projects using it without second argument... raise "String was not given to 'Knj::Php.json_decode'." if !data.is_a?(String) if Knj::Php.class_exists("Rho") return Rho::JSON.parse(data) elsif Knj::Php.class_exists("JSON") return JSON.parse(data) else raise "Could not figure out which JSON lib to use." end end def time return Time.now.to_i end def microtime(get_as_float = false) microtime = Time.now.to_f return microtime if get_as_float splitted = microtime.to_s.split(",") return "#{splitted[0]} #{splitted[1]}" end def mktime(hour = nil, min = nil, sec = nil, date = nil, month = nil, year = nil, is_dst = -1) cur_time = Time.new hour = cur_time.hour if hour == nil min = cur_time.min if min == nil sec = cur_time.sec if sec == nil date = cur_time.date if date == nil month = cur_time.month if month == nil year = cur_time.year if year == nil new_time = Knj::Datet.in("#{year.to_s}-#{month.to_s}-#{date.to_s} #{hour.to_s}:#{min.to_s}:#{sec.to_s}") return new_time.to_i end def date(date_format, date_input = nil) if date_input == nil date_object = Time.now elsif Knj::Php.is_numeric(date_input) date_object = Time.at(date_input.to_i) elsif date_input.is_a?(Knj::Datet) date_object = date_input.time elsif date_input.is_a?(Time) date_object = date_input else raise "Unknown date given: '#{date_input}', '#{date_input.class.name}'." end date_format = date_format.gsub("Y", "%Y").gsub("y", "%y").gsub("m", "%m").gsub("d", "%d").gsub("H", "%H").gsub("i", "%M").gsub("s", "%S") return date_object.strftime(date_format) end def basename(filepath) splitted = filepath.to_s.split("/").last return false if !splitted ret = splitted.split(".") ret.delete(ret.last) return ret.join(".") end def base64_encode(str) return Base64.encode64(str.to_s) end def base64_decode(str) return Base64.decode64(str.to_s) end def pathinfo(filepath) filepath = filepath.to_s dirname = File.dirname(filepath) dirname = "" if dirname == "." return { "dirname" => dirname, "basename" => self.basename(filepath), "extension" => filepath.split(".").last, "filename" => filepath.split("/").last } end def realpath(pname) require "pathname" begin return Pathname.new(pname.to_s).realpath.to_s rescue => e return false end end # Returns the scripts current memory usage. def memory_get_usage # FIXME: This only works on Linux at the moment, since we are doing this by command line - knj. memory_usage = `ps -o rss= -p #{Process.pid}`.to_i * 1024 return memory_usage end # Should return the peak usage of the running script, but I have found no way to detect this... Instead returns the currently memory usage. def memory_get_peak_usage return self.memory_get_usage end def ip2long(ip) return IPAddr.new(ip).to_i end # Execute an external program and display raw output. def passthru(cmd) if RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" IO.popen4(cmd) do |pid, stdin, stdout, stderr| tout = Thread.new do begin stdout.sync = true stdout.each do |str| $stdout.print str end rescue Exception => e $stdout.print Knj::Errors.error_str(e) end end terr = Thread.new do begin stderr.sync = true stderr.each do |str| $stderr.print str end rescue Exception => e $stderr.print Knj::Errors.error_str(e) end end tout.join terr.join end else Open3.popen3(cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr| tout = Thread.new do begin stdout.sync = true stdout.each do |str| $stdout.print str end rescue Exception => e $stdout.print Knj::Errors.error_str(e) end end terr = Thread.new do begin stderr.sync = true stderr.each do |str| $stderr.print str end rescue Exception => e $stderr.print Knj::Errors.error_str(e) end end tout.join terr.join end end return nil end # Thanks to this link for the following functions: http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/4509 def long2ip(long) ip = [] 4.times do |i| ip.push(long.to_i & 255) long = long.to_i >> 8 end ip.reverse.join(".") end def gzcompress(str, level = 3) require "zlib" zstream = Zlib::Deflate.new gzip_str = zstream.deflate(str.to_s, Zlib::FINISH) zstream.close return gzip_str end def gzuncompress(str, length = 0) require "zlib" zstream = Zlib::Inflate.new plain_str = zstream.inflate(str.to_s) zstream.finish zstream.close return plain_str.to_s end #Sort methods. def ksort(hash) nhash = hash.sort do |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] end newhash = {} nhash.each do |val| newhash[val[0]] = val[1][0] end return newhash end #Foreach emulator. def foreach(element, &block) raise "No or unsupported block given." if !block.respond_to?(:call) or !block.respond_to?(:arity) arity = block.arity if element.is_a?(Array) element.each_index do |key| if arity == 2 block.call(key, element[key]) elsif arity == 1 block.call(element[key]) else raise "Unknown arity: '#{arity}'." end end elsif element.is_a?(Hash) element.each do |key, val| if arity == 2 block.call(key, val) elsif arity == 1 block.call(val) else raise "Unknown arity: '#{arity}'." end end else raise "Unknown element: '#{element.class.name}'." end end #Array-function emulator. def array(*ele) return {} if ele.length <= 0 if ele.length == 1 and ele.first.is_a?(Hash) return ele.first end return ele end def array_key_exists(key, arr) if arr.is_a?(Hash) return arr.key?(key) elsif arr.is_a?(Array) return true if arr.index(key) != nil return false else raise "Unknown type of argument: '#{arr.class.name}'." end end def empty(obj) if obj.respond_to?("empty?") return obj.empty? else raise "Dont know how to handle object on 'empty': '#{obj.class.name}'." end end def trim(argument) return argument.to_s.strip end def serialize(argument) require "php_serialize" #gem: php-serialize return PHP.serialize(argument) end def unserialize(argument) require "php_serialize" #gem: php-serialize return PHP.unserialize(argument.to_s) end @methods = instance_methods def self.php_list_defined_methods return @methods end module_function(*instance_methods) end