module Dap module Filter MATCH_FQDN = /^([a-z0-9\_\-]+\.)+[a-z0-9\-]+\.?$/ VALID_FQDNS_FILE = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "..", "data", "tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt")) class FilterExtractHostname include BaseDecoder def initialize(*args) @valid_fqdns = IO.readlines(VALID_FQDNS_FILE).map(&:rstrip).map(&:downcase) super(*args) end def decode(data) data = data.strip.gsub(/.*\@/, '').gsub(/^\*+/, '').gsub(/^\.+/, '').gsub(/\.+$/, '').downcase return unless data =~ MATCH_FQDN return unless @valid_fqdns.include?(data.split('.').last) { 'hostname' => data } end end class FilterSplitDomains include Base def process(doc) lines = [ ] self.opts.each_pair do |k,v| if doc.has_key?(k) expand(doc[k]).each do |line| lines << doc.merge({ "#{k}.domain" => line }) end end end lines.length == 0 ? [ doc ] : [ lines ] end def expand(data) names = [] bits = data.split('.') while (bits.length > 1) names << bits.join('.') bits.shift end names end end class FilterPrependSubdomains include Base def process(doc) lines = [ ] self.opts.each_pair do |k,v| if doc.has_key?(k) expand(doc[k], v).each do |line| lines << doc.merge({ k => line }) end end end lines.length == 0 ? [ ] : [ lines ] end def expand(data, names) outp = [ data ] bits = data.split(".") subs = names.split(",") # Avoid www.www.domain.tld and mail.www.domain.tld return outp if subs.include?(bits.first) subs.each do |sub| outp << "#{sub}.#{data}" end outp end end # # Acts like SplitDomains but strips out common dynamic IP RDNS formats # # XXX - Lots of work left to do # class FilterSplitNonDynamicDomains include Base def process(doc) lines = [ ] self.opts.each_pair do |k,v| if doc.has_key?(k) expand(doc[k]).each do |line| lines << doc.merge({ "#{k}.domain" => line }) end end end lines.length == 0 ? [ doc ] : [ lines ] end def expand(data) names = [] data = data.unpack("C*").pack("C*"). gsub(/.*ip\d+\.ip\d+\.ip\d+\.ip\d+\./, ''). gsub(/.*\d+[\_\-\.x]\d+[\_\-\.x]\d+[\_\-\.x]\d+[^\.]+/, ''). gsub(/.*node-[a-z0-9]+.*pool.*dynamic\./, ''). gsub(/.*[a-z][a-z]\d+\.[a-z]as[a-z0-9]+\./, ''). # gsub(/^cl\d+.[0-9]{6,14}\./, ''). # gsub(/^n\d+.s\d+\, ''). # # gsub(/^[us]\d+.xgs[a-z0-9]+\.imtp/, 'imtp'). # gsub(/^tzbm[0-9]{6,9}\./, ''). # gsub(/.*\-\d+\-\d+\-\d+\-(net|bdcst)\./, ''). # gsub(/.*\d+\-\d+\-\d+\.dsl/, 'dsl'). gsub(/.*pool\./, ''). gsub(/.*dynamic\./, ''). gsub(/.*static\./, ''). gsub(/.*dhcp[^\.]+\./, ''). gsub(/^\d{6,100}\./, ''). gsub(/^\.+/, ''). tr('^a-z0-9.-', '') bits = data.split('.') while (bits.length > 1) names << bits.join('.') bits.shift end names end end end end