# This file begins the loading sequence.
# Quick Overview:
# * Requires fastthread, support libs, and base.
# * Sets the application root and environment for compatibility with frameworks
# such as Rails or Merb.
# * Checks for the database.yml and loads it if it exists.
# * Sets up the database using the config from the Yaml file or from the
# environment.
require 'date'
require 'pathname'
require 'rubygems'
require 'set'
require 'time'
require 'yaml'
gem 'addressable', '~>2.0.2'
require 'addressable/uri'
gem 'extlib', '~>0.9.11'
require 'extlib'
require 'extlib/inflection'
gem 'fastthread', '~>1.0.4'
require 'fastthread'
rescue LoadError
# fastthread not installed
dir = Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.expand_path / 'dm-core'
require dir / 'support'
require dir / 'resource'
require dir / 'model'
require dir / 'dependency_queue'
require dir / 'type'
require dir / 'type_map'
require dir / 'types'
require dir / 'hook'
require dir / 'associations'
require dir / 'auto_migrations'
require dir / 'identity_map'
require dir / 'logger'
require dir / 'migrator'
require dir / 'naming_conventions'
require dir / 'property_set'
require dir / 'query'
require dir / 'transaction'
require dir / 'repository'
require dir / 'scope'
require dir / 'property'
require dir / 'adapters'
require dir / 'collection'
require dir / 'is'
# == Setup and Configuration
# DataMapper uses URIs or a connection hash to connect to your data-store.
# URI connections takes the form of:
# DataMapper.setup(:default, 'protocol://username:password@localhost:port/path/to/repo')
# Breaking this down, the first argument is the name you wish to give this
# connection. If you do not specify one, it will be assigned :default. If you
# would like to connect to more than one data-store, simply issue this command
# again, but with a different name specified.
# In order to issue ORM commands without specifying the repository context, you
# must define the :default database. Otherwise, you'll need to wrap your ORM
# calls in repository(:name) { }.
# Second, the URI breaks down into the access protocol, the username, the
# server, the password, and whatever path information is needed to properly
# address the data-store on the server.
# Here's some examples
# DataMapper.setup(:default, "sqlite3://path/to/your/project/db/development.db")
# DataMapper.setup(:default, "mysql://localhost/dm_core_test")
# # no auth-info
# DataMapper.setup(:default, "postgres://root:supahsekret@")
# # with auth-info
# Alternatively, you can supply a hash as the second parameter, which would
# take the form:
# DataMapper.setup(:default, {
# :adapter => 'adapter_name_here',
# :database => "path/to/repo",
# :username => 'username',
# :password => 'password',
# :host => 'hostname'
# })
# === Logging
# To turn on error logging to STDOUT, issue:
# DataMapper::Logger.new(STDOUT, 0)
# You can pass a file location ("/path/to/log/file.log") in place of STDOUT.
# see DataMapper::Logger for more information.
module DataMapper
extend Assertions
def self.root
@root ||= Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.parent.expand_path
# Setups up a connection to a data-store
# @param Symbol name a name for the context, defaults to :default
# @param [Hash{Symbol => String}, Addressable::URI, String] uri_or_options
# connection information
# @return Repository the resulting setup repository
# @raise ArgumentError "+name+ must be a Symbol, but was..." indicates that
# an invalid argument was passed for name[Symbol]
# @raise [ArgumentError] "+uri_or_options+ must be a Hash, URI or String,
# but was..." indicates that connection information could not be gleaned
# from the given uri_or_options
# -
# @api public
def self.setup(name, uri_or_options)
assert_kind_of 'name', name, Symbol
assert_kind_of 'uri_or_options', uri_or_options, Addressable::URI, Hash, String
case uri_or_options
when Hash
adapter_name = uri_or_options[:adapter].to_s
when String, DataObjects::URI, Addressable::URI
uri_or_options = DataObjects::URI.parse(uri_or_options) if uri_or_options.kind_of?(String)
adapter_name = uri_or_options.scheme
class_name = Extlib::Inflection.classify(adapter_name) + 'Adapter'
unless Adapters::const_defined?(class_name)
lib_name = "#{Extlib::Inflection.underscore(adapter_name)}_adapter"
require root / 'lib' / 'dm-core' / 'adapters' / lib_name
rescue LoadError => e
require lib_name
rescue Exception
# library not found, raise the original error
raise e
Repository.adapters[name] = Adapters::const_get(class_name).new(name, uri_or_options)
# Block Syntax
# Pushes the named repository onto the context-stack,
# yields a new session, and pops the context-stack.
# Non-Block Syntax
# Returns the current session, or if there is none,
# a new Session.
# @param [Symbol] args the name of a repository to act within or return, :default is default
# @yield [Proc] (optional) block to execute within the context of the named repository
# @demo spec/integration/repository_spec.rb
def self.repository(name = nil) # :yields: current_context
current_repository = if name
raise ArgumentError, "First optional argument must be a Symbol, but was #{name.inspect}" unless name.is_a?(Symbol)
Repository.context.detect { |r| r.name == name } || Repository.new(name)
Repository.context.last || Repository.new(Repository.default_name)
if block_given?
current_repository.scope { |*block_args| yield(*block_args) }
# A logger should always be present. Lets be consistent with DO
Logger.new(nil, :off)
# destructively migrates the repository upwards to match model definitions
# @param [Symbol] name repository to act on, :default is the default
def self.migrate!(name = Repository.default_name)
# drops and recreates the repository upwards to match model definitions
# @param [Symbol] name repository to act on, :default is the default
def self.auto_migrate!(repository_name = nil)
def self.auto_upgrade!(repository_name = nil)
def self.prepare(*args, &blk)
yield repository(*args)
def self.dependency_queue
@dependency_queue ||= DependencyQueue.new