Feature: admins manage users As an admin I want to manage users Background: Given there exists a menu element "Users" linking to "/admin/users" for menu "Admin Navigation: Secondary" Given I login as a new "scitent admin" @javascript Scenario: admin edits user Given there exists learner "aaa@test.local" named "bbb" Given user "aaa@test.local" has school "Madison School" When I follow "Users" When I fill in "search" with "bbb" And I press "Search" Then I should see "bbb" When I follow "Edit" When I fill in "user[profile_attributes][last_name]" with "zzz" When I fill in "user[profile_attributes][first_name]" with "zzz" Then I should see "Madison School" And I press "Update" When I follow "Users" Then I should see "zzz, zzz" And I should not see "bbb, bbb"